WHFIB FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 29,.1991, PAGE 9, y l, 7 Plaza propoe oot Whitby B Mike Kowilski A local businessman wants to fulill a long-held «edream.» Developer>- Bruno Greco has submitted a rezoniîng application with theo Town to pormit a <16,528 sq. ft. shopping ýplaza on the southeast corner ofý Garrard Rd. andTaunton Rd. The roper.t3'is-zndarul *which allows - for a- restaurant- and, singlo-family 1d*ellini'g now ocuyngthe site.- heproperty is designated local commercial unider' Wys officiai ýplan, and' residential under Durham Region'splan. ,Ray:-Abbott, a spoke5rnan for Grctold Town council's plan- ning and developinent:committee "ks-selcthat.Greco purchased 'thé site in ý1968..& Greco -bouglit, .the, restaurant, ýwhich e b I perates, «with the ,*çep, ço omeciay developinigthe i-n,"sid-Abbott.> By Mike Kowalsi A slumjing economy h as been baedfor reducing the size of a commercialrofflce c-omplex plan-- ned for dow ntown Whitby. 'Deveboer-Michael;Brt admnitted last, week his copany -haà ,-beenù-;biSd- toscrap plans for îaà three-storey -building-on Dunï- for -- a structure, about ono.-third 4the sizeof, the -original proposaI, known as Dundas Court-,. has -hpexi floed with the municipality - oiial poosiwas shéed beause o f theo.reces- sion a biunt Baratz t61d, a uübliè. .moëtîng .beëfore Town Ire-elected as AAHA r ecretary, Dr.- Clyton A. MacKay, hpitig director of, MacKayý Animal Clinic inWhitby, was ro-elocted, secretary ý-'f the American Animal > Hoepital Association (AAHA). MaéKaywas sworn in at the 58th AAu±&annual -meeting In Toronto in April. MacK.ay has srv the assocation since 1981 when ho was appointed an area director for the northeast region. Ho is on the animal welfare comrittee for botý,the Canadian Veterinazy Medical Associatio n and the American Vterinary. Médical Association. Hoý also serves on'the board of consultants for the Delta Society and is on the board of the Huma.n Animal Bond Association of Canada. MacKay is past president of the Collogo of Vterinarians in Ontario and the Ontario Veterinary Modical Association. In the Whitby area, MacKay serves on the board of the Pickering-Ajax-Whitby Animai Control committee, is vice prsident of the, County Town Pet Srrices, is the editor of a famlly pet colunin for the Toronto Star, and'is a veterinaiýy consultant for CBC Toroto Radio Noon 1. He was the 'recipient of the 1989 Whitby Chamber 'of Commerce Business Person: of the ' V.frinarian fthY.wara3 'Mhe restaurant use will con- tinue, but hie wants somieth4ing for the future,» said Abbott.ý «Thèe. are- childron involvod and hie wants something to. pass onftethemn.» 1 .Abbott- said the plaza .will be one storey -in height and contain 10 or il units, dépending on clientele. There wi11 also be parkingà for 83 cars, ho added. *A Garrard Rd. resident asked about. water and sewer linos to, the site, and wýhether nearby homeowners would, be required tq hooDk up te the future service. Planning, director Bob Short replied that -- with 'subdivisions planned te, the south and west, water ,and ý,se'wer, services could be inl»placeby 1993. Short said homeowners would, havetopay for- the hook-up since, this wouldincrease the value of their prôperty. But f resident s prefer te, romain on Wells,, councillor Mar- ment*commùittee. But with a amaller building; a prospective tenant is now inter- ested>ini the site, ho added.- ,A public-meeting was required for theneW, application since the, original proposal did not allow for a. reduction in thesize of the deveëlopmenit,,planningdirector - The inýitialproposal'called for a 4_6,690 sq. ft. -'ýbuilding with 69 underground - and 38 surface parkingspaces.. The..new -applicà tionprovides parldng Ir 42 vehicýes., De.spite it being smaller in .sSope Baratz said the develop- mîent;w ill beneft thé downt6wn. HoýIg said thé building's design will 'be compatible' with th Canada' Trust office immediately to the West. -_,"I believe 'it, will add'tte tho downtewn and it will keep'ono 9ood .corporate citiÉen in the downtownhappy said Baratz.ý ýAlthouùgh ho âid! not identiSr the prospective tenant, Baratzý ,said it is a bank /thnancal insti- tution. * ,Pending council approval, Baratz ,anýticip atesý'construction te beg-In by early October._ The irezoningapplication will be' crculated for -cèmment from government and pulcagencies beoecMing bacl~t commte with a recommendatin. cel Brunelle.said'Durham,]Region. hasa awell replacement'policy whhProvide or wells.,aff.eted by nearby deveëlopment.' Greco' aplication; wifl be cir- cuilated for commnient, from> public anid government agencios before loming baà ck to committee with a recommendation fro)mBtaff. ,tn.ges apugend lie@ lime for our ancui % ~mn and Shub' bonanzal Se clan out te trunK, dust..off the hiler, Ioad'Up the Nids-an had for BreoUre. haneo O Of' ea3e~ Sale Ends June-5th, 1991, whlle quantitles last. reitorhme-grown treen *nd shrubs, wid ... rends wlovf.oudcs .e wn Our 'Evergreen and, Shrub' Bonanza includes: ARNOLD RED HONEYSUCKLE: A flowefing shrub wflh beautiful pink flowers Now in flmier. Reg. Price $12.95 NOW ONLY, $8.91 FAIRY QUEEN OR BRIDAL WREATH SP1REA. Beautifulcduster f whte flowers.-Now in tloe, ushowylôranyi shrub border. Rg rc'1 5, NW NLY $.9 GOLD TP EUONYMUS: A gorgeous broadleaf evergreen wkh gold and green strped les. Reg. Price $22.95 NO W ONLY $16.95 MOUNTBATTEN JUNIPER: A beautilul uprght jun*r wth bue-gen tolUage. One of the most' pau-r$36igtJý95, 0.c Reg.,$44.95 NâOW lNLY3 5 PEATMOSS A must foray ade.Peatmoss improves aeration an maer l ingcpactUe- § throughout the season ta kop soni base, imnprave plant and flawer grWth. 4 cu. t. compressed bale. ~ Reg. Pfce $8.99 L1~NOW,- ~i'ei6.,99, PA'NSI ES>-, Frost hardy pansies.can be plantd in your;gardon or in planters now. Reg. Price>~ $1 .29 per box NW99 7 Per EBoX BEAUTIFUL' 4" FISHER'. GERANIUlMS 4varietiesi,, ONLY. 4 colours, bbooms*big,, DON'T .>MISS.OUR ýPARRO.TS.' They're rlght lnsde aur fbont doori Outslde, we've got donkeys, peaoocks, nesdng geese, swans and Felux 1h. Ilama. Ail just walting fr)wu and yarhle family. Why not tum of=h.tb, and care on down to Brouwer's?Afun place tabe, SEVEN DAYS A WEEKI JOHN BRO UWERGARDEN AND LANDSCAPING CENTREý 650 Lakeridge Road South . Ajax, Ontario Li S 4S.7 TELEPHONE: 686-1545 or 486-1680 OP EN: ,Mda&yýeFCd a8a 1OSun 9 am o5 - WHITBY CLINICI 200 Brook Street, NorthI ipleased toannounce that DRU V. RAMAKRISHNA has opened his practice of FAMILY MEDICINE and wiII be aI.so helping to service the URGENT CARE GLINIC Morl.-Fri. Sat urday Suîlday 5:00-8:00p.m 9:00-12 :0noon 10:00- 1:00 p.m.. Highway #2 Hw y.'401- 0Dý> Cr' CD i - i a a WHITBY WQNI( HRI( 200 BROOK ST. N., 666.3328 :Now*Open On Sundays Delivery Service Available 5wi*&0 à ry,, liii--- ~iL I-I o' 9