Whitby Free Press, 22 May 1991, p. 6

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PAM6, ,WHITY FREIMIWS jBDNDAXI MY 22#kZIAeeJl d1%t'nj, ,4- .e Theon>'Whitby Newspaper owned andoperate by Whitby residents.for Whîtby rsdns Published every Wednesday by 677209 Ontario"mc at 131 Brook St. N., Whitbye Ontarlo L N ýS1 Phone 668-76111'Toro*nto 'Li'ne ý427-1834' Doug 4Anderson - Publi"sher Maurice Pilier - Editor> Alxandma Marfin.- Production Manpager. 2nd-Class-Postal Registration #05351 S'teel -ýHawks find ahm Du.e.to last-miriuté .organizÉation that saw the team play al games away tram home, thie first sea .son, int he. National Lacrosse League could. not be "described, as successful for the 'Whitby Steel. Hawks. But with thie promise of six haone-dates- next year, the ,Whftby, team,,the league land the spart itself 'should benefit-- and, not, despite laims ta the contrary, at the expense af youth who pla hockey or ringette or who, are figure skaters. Lacrosse has been popular at the youth level lacally, and six home dateés next season should pravide a measuring stick as ta just how popular the sport -is at the pro level. Any'success that cornes *ta an NLL franchise in Whitby might, someday, point the -way ta a franchise here in another sport, perhaps hockey., Bthttime, 1we hope, represenïtativestfram- the, Steel'Haw'ks- and youth sports groups wili have: amicably reached "an-ý agreement an ice-time, high in demand in Whitby but not yet 50 high as ta provoke demands for another, castly ice, rink.: Can' t stand pa-t By Drummond White Durham Centre MYPP As we mfove through and beyond the present recession, y ur government cannat stand pat with the solutions of the past. This recessian has cut to the quick in terms of the vitallty of aur country's industrial heartland right here in Ontario. -Principal industries will not b. able to recover as they have in -the past, due, ta fre. trade and thè artifically high Canaian dollar and inteest rates. Many af the job lasses have been permanent. W.' have seen that with local companies that closed and factories that'are now empty. As a governiment, we need ta Ilîelp set a direction -for the kind of value-added technologies that will keep generating skilled jobs that can compete with the best in the world. Lackin9 federal leadership, aur provincial budget dedicated real dollars for investments in research and development. Thère,,will be a significant increase (50 per cent) for research and development costs on the part of large firms in Ontaria. Such firms should be encouraged to employ the best and' >brightest J9ntarians in real job-creating research and product development. Small firms will also be assisted through Innovation Ontario. There will also be'direct investment in research ta the. tune of .$131 million. Some may. scaif and say that these are merely details. I say that these are essential programs and that they demonstrate to the world how this province and your government are open to new business. We are helpinp the private sector invest in a real way in the future of our provincial econamy. In order to have a viable provincial economy, it is also- essential to aller a trained and vital workforce. We -are offoring the cammunity college systemn a new mandate in terms of Ëeshaping the skills upg rading that they aller. Massive investQnnts in retraining will occur through our colleges and universities. The Ernployee Wage Protection Fund wiIl ensur tht laid-off workers will be able to be retrained for a differenteanmy than the'one they left -- one' that requires different adofen more sophisticated skills. This is bath a social and an écnomic investment. We will have present and short-termn costs to this, but like any investment, the rewards will not came in the immediate ýerm, but rather within the next few years. Even though we may haveta wait until afterthe present recession to sae. the results, we^ k iw that we have no choice. Otherwise, we would be giving u; an the economy and the future of aur province and leaving it rudd rless. With* the exception of the United States, every vi 9e wori eonomy is founded upon co-operation between the priv e sectcir and gavernment in deterrnining the kind af industrial strat y that wlll work for that econamy. Whether the direction has co e tram right- wing or 'social dernocratic forces such asinEuroe vital economies have been a partnership in sustainable prosper y. The investments'that aur provincial» budget ,announc are an essential vaice'inhelping ta form a direction. Mr. Mulroney hýs said that w. -are "wuonaf ,stepu with the federal -government. We are proudta be so concemred about the-ravages t hatýour ecaomy ha suffered, that we'are setting a direction. We are proud ta, bé "ont of step" wthecsincatnfeeapoce. I T 20THf annual Whitby Youth and frmWAndero,-lmySretsd I Cvi*c'Administration mîock council.- ýLeo J. Ausin, high acëhools took ýpi'gt rl'., - eting was held*l"s Wednesday-at, in the session to concude anine the unicpalbuilding. Students 'Week administration cus. -vrf Bov fpot Minoritiesoeill administration. To appease minorities, has drawn up legilation tc "The --Holy Bible," <.King Version) fromýOntaria col replace it1 it-' h- variaus editions ta appease al mnrtes swea ring OE %truth Ibefare the'cc' presumne these editions wil the Karan, the Torah an Old, Testament, the Bok"and as one nefl suggested, perhaps catalogue*wouild b. aproF those - accused ai, ýsn aoffences. This appeasenr Ontarid ,caurts wil like Ontarký tgxpaygrs $1 ni! more %o have duplicate lithagr 'phed and.ulugged" icou r Ontario; Now VGoddamn i'w 'Buddah damn itý, or 'Alà'ila By Barbara Bîlack Bob Rae, like many9othlrs in high places, has become' so paranaid abot appeasing Canada's minority faction that ho h as devastated aur Ontariq government with ,inîcompetent'; inconigruaus, 'inefficient admini- stratars who are, înundating the Ontario Logislature with inade- quate paliciesthat are tearinig aur economy and aur, lifestyle into shreds. _To appease-minorities, Mr. Rae has deleted the "aoath ta the Queenn tram the police services commission, and- has appainted Susan Eng as head-ai the police services commission. Eng iast year refused'ta pledge allegiance to the Queen., Mr. Rae appainted ta 'this" .ministries, -in ,the-'Ontario Legislature more womhen ,legislators' than '-,any Ontario governiment in the' histary of 'the province. Amang themn are Zanana Akande, who is now under tire for receiving-, illegal . manies ai incame, against the legai ethios af a minister; Heath 'Minîster Evelyn ,Gigantes was expelled for expasing ..pri vate Ã" medical -information; Ministar af Educatian Marion Bayd was asked to resign over variaus-,indiscret ions inhe th ht Damned. if you do and darn'jd9dî Mr. Ria. you, don't, - and 'born' ,and, -iéd D'remove Ontarians and' Canadians, ,re! Jagmes marnnetarily and culturally damned )urts and t0oabsclurfty. sundry 'To appease ,minarities, Mr. . Rae Il those. rl -h9 police services ýths '-f' ÏmÏin.have md hrn murts. 1 minofities a mandatary poicy, Ilt Include police boards must now hire d/or t he ,o1ne-third' women and' one-third "Buddah> mi-norities. Plegse tell me hoW- a rscaster five-foot, threàçinch, 95 lb.. Woman, Sears ý.despite training >at- thé police raefor acâdemy. is going ta 1fare .When îoîfing confronted, bYthree bank robbèrs. lent, for ý, Let's'get -back-.to the basics,, As 1l y cost Whitby- Maýàr ,Rb.ert Atter*slé. illion. or sâe a yearago,,"l hire basedan! éditions qualification, not- on min 1ority ta, every status." becorme damnit.' Opnosexpre ssed,: the au-tho.. .are thospc The ,Whitby Free Press welcomes letters t0 the Editqr àn any subjéct 0f canoer to our readers., Lettéir -shôul'd be rtanda t~he on f areiy more tan '0 ôd.I;lte s et-b accorrpanied tby-menme address and jphone number' ofth~e wrîter; ,,however, on .request, y aur namne maybe withheld from pub!ic tiio if. w e. agree..mat .there is a -valid- reason., The. paper reservis-the right 'ta reject or edit ail letters. Send ta: The, Editor, ýWhitb~ Free Press, ,Box 206, -Whitby, Onta.rloL, LI N -581: or drap througi our mail slot at 131 BrockSt. N. w v e e. of p ~..* '~iq ,~~.jey!e doJ tj Vis

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