PRESIDENT"' MESSAGE, Welcome to the 1991 BrookclinSpring Fair This yé'ar we have new events to offer. Our Agricutural Tent offers a chance for the country to corne to the City. Educational events as weIl as displays will be presented during the length of the fair. A chîldren's show wilI be presented in the Arena on Sunday. Together with the new, we wiII be presenting. the old favounites from livestock shows, horsepulls, horeeracing, stepdancing and. fiddling contests, car shows, etc. A special thank you to ail the Directors and their'committees for the hard work and dedication in bringing you to the 1991 Fair. Tim O'Connor Presldent INON Les than 10 m. from Wi 13ROOKLINLess than 15 min. from Oshawa WHITBY69 Baldwin St. Brooklin 655-4201 Secret i ours MASTECTOMY SUPPLIES BY: Airway * Camnp * Amoena* Jodee ALSO FEATURING *Lingerie - Purses - Casual Wear *Accessories - Costume Jewellery CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT HELEN RAE -BUS. 655-8965 Res. 686-2062 Store Open: Thurs,, Frn., & Sat. Mastectomy: Tues. & Sat. ROBERT J. MONTPETIT Waterproofing Consultant Construction Management Box 69, Brooklin, Ontaio LOB i CO, Tel: (416) 655-3701 Fax: (416) 655-8566 TH4E HORSE SHOW wAl be held on SatuirIay Moisemn Brooklin Spring Fair 4 L-