WHITY FrEm PÊESS, WEDNES8DAY, MAY 15, 1991, PýAGE 27 Witby again .wrnscu ASTRAY parade iiîarked',the* levels, about,1,500 youth , m'akingp start -oftJe..minor basebali seagon in 94house 1leage teamW and five p Whtb. rm T-bail to junior ag teanis;>wil plaiy bail this'suinmer. Fýr.. Prom photo 'Vie,; ra2pJn whle-Jayie avsîtmg ,nkse0 up bur goals Brampton podt an 117s victory in F6xoirraors, MCm and the junior laposseseason opener'2flor.Warrirs nMay 9 at IrqosPark. Kè~Dance, and, Val McGraw each 74,t Wo-0goals ithe third period-' when rm tn s1'cored, > seven Y os.,Dan M"mb scored th o~al~frWrs rin the thirid jèri. Dance had-three goals and two assista ýon the night while Dan Teat scored twieea nd ,had.threeý assiies.'Sean Brennan, John Van Slingerlandi, Mike Rif iïand Dwayne Chiasson each scored a opene -Matt Shearer'each had, a- goal and- an assist. Mark Crouýgh alsoà scored for Warriors. For theý fifth yer in a. row, Whitby won, the Mayors Ou p challenge against Aax basebal teains. The .Mayorý's;,,Cup, which' launches the ýminor basebaîll sea-. son in .Whitby was heldo Saturday. o TheWhtbymi ta tea swept Ajaxe74 andl0-5. -Steve« Wood had five hits and two runs-batted-in, and was *oustand- ing defensively to suýpport the pitching -of Jason Rcodrigues inM the firt game and Simon Gosg- nach ini the second gamne. 'WhiM bnasdfaeAé 10-8 -and;5-'4. Adamu Thompson pitched'for Whitby- in the txrst game, Ken Calway in the second' game. Brad -Newport hit a three- run homer. Mark Sheridan was, on the' xnound for Whitby peeweepsin an. 8-6 win while Richard-Domiagia- and Lars Clay shared pitching in a 5-5tie. Whitby tukes' losot 8-2 before bouncing back for an ý18-7,win.! John Partlow took the lS-'a in the first gamie 1while R4yanVyopn i on the second game w"ith help from.n Michael Feret who had- fire hits, in sevin tripe to the pae -baîl tmoerwel ýmedAjax44-11. Junior A Whitby Warriors 1991 uchedulo* mmy 23 Tores"o t Wbtby May 24 WhtIv et ltchanu Mow 28 Whltby at PMotue May 30 amia at WhItby Juzm2 Whtbt Six Nations June 4 Whbyt Iu.ug Jurie a Kl=wt Coet htb June 9' Wltby nt Omanguvill Joue 12 Wbltbymeta-Ia Jurei 8 mlaausuma tWhItbyr Jun.20 Orngvileat Whitby Juzia 26 WMitIy ai DI.Cauiuna JUDO 27 Bey Area et Whitby .yr 1uIy 4 Wlty tDa«A JuIy 5 MmxNalmumu tby JUIY SaWhltby ai Toronto juIy il St. Cailurrinaet Whltby JuIy 12 Whltlbr ai Brampon Major/enior .Iacrosse "Brooklin Pedmen 1991 achedule rM O wm Saund et Broohltn » s. 6LeFborough t BrokHUn Juns 12 Bramptma t Dho*kil Jam s 5 Bxaaln t Perborough Juns 26 FonuaaiBoln July S30w..aun tBrmoaln JuIy 6 Br»ookn et Fugua JuIy 10 FurguaaiBhoakUn July 18 Bnoklin nt Péta ommeh J*Iyla8 BrmoUln t Brampton JuIy24 Bmup(oeatlroaklin Julyl?' Bmdgânatowuemd July3li Ptà boraugh etBnnkIU High-flying TRACY KELLY (left) concentrates, provincial ýgyxnastic9 competition before starting her bars routine, while staged by the Gemini Gymanasties Club aânothercmpetitor (aboe is sâhow at lroquois Park in Whitby over the halfway throgh a routine, in theé weekend. women's tyro B division of the - - - Plu" 'i