Whitby Free Press, 1 May 1991, p. 18

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PAGE 189 WMTBYFREK PU&'%' WEDNESDAY, MAY 1, 1991 TomEdw ards trnfr maor FROM PAGE 1 mayor'. » bwas a.sothé reason- Edwvards ran for locid- council, *ther than Durham Région, in In1988t, Edwards -was '«under beavy. pressure' . to. run against Attersley "but decided agaist-it "declinedbecause Mr. Atters- ley was in the ihiddle of'delicate negotiations, with a'number of htel chainsi" Edwards ex aned anoth er term, of office to continue these negotia- tions, éo Ideclineland ranfor. RIegion.» But since'bis retirement from CUPE, Edwards a id ho now h"~ the time necessary to fulfih thé .Jdad péerd not to di4- cuse campaign issues at tliý Urne. «We've only recently wfinisehed budth an'sb d e, «W. should oencèntrate on what we were lected to do." .Edwardsà woi d have preferred to wait until the fa il before announcing hi 3 intentions, but did wo as a cow!tesy to his council colleagues and opponents. :Wbile he haf no criticism of the way'Attersley conducts his TOM BDWFARDS office, qI see the roi. performed in a- different fashion,» said Edwards. «We're now about 60,000 popu- lation *and we will be facujg very different problems i Whitby than we have 1hi the past. "I feel my forte is in the humnanitarianý aspects of govern- ment and that is what will be Por example, Edwards said more, than 1,000 Whitby resi- dents are now collecting welfare, a situationhe deplores. "Most of these people, thevaut majority, operated under their. own steam te this point., <',iNeither -they nor their'fam- ies reqpred this kind of assis- tance, We have te, help them over the hump." Edwards also worries about a changingsociety He, noted tht incidents, of teenage gang 'swarming" with «rcilundertones» have cour- red in Pickering "We must beprepared to deal with that kind 'of problem if it cornes to Whitby.". Therefore, to ,adequately address these and othe 1r pro- blêe, Edwards said it mal bel time for Wlu h o oni ed- ding its statue as atown. «Eightyerag I led' the Opposition tWhtybcmg a ciI ýI ei iwas premature. foe hpoint it will have to take place *and' we should pre- pareoitin advance"»' Although Edwards doesflot hidue bis political colours <he ran for both 'the New Democratic * arty and its predecessor' the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation'), he feels party poli- tics- has no place. at t he munici- pal level. 1I think it would be a- hin- drance. to the proper and well1 rounded governrnent of our cern- munity." While Edwards s3aid bis party. affiliation ïwould b. advan!ta- ous in dealin it cntz5f NDP government he draws the une.- 1 i - >«I don't-think the Town would be. well served by introducing partisan pohitioe mto council." 1,-Howeve,. he welcomes-a igrea- ter role for labour in thecrn munity., «Iv. 'aiways admired- and envied mranagement-oriiented organizations like the Chamber of Commerce for their desire and determination, to, have -a- a ini the affairs of their commUhity. <'The trae_ unon movement has not played asProminent a roIe. Pve ,a dvocated that it should" Born in -England in, 1926, Edwards came to Canada in 1955.-H. and' wife June ,have four children. More educaûtion about garbage PROM PAGE 6 from -a private home or a com- mercial job. My husoband did some drYwail in our basement of the last house w. rented for'our roc room and the leftovor pioces were taken te this sae dumj, and the guy told *us we couldnt bep t Îcause it was from a construction site (it muet bave, been a emal site), so we left. We asked our brotherp if' we- could use' bis van te take it back and mee if they would lot us dump it the next day and we had no problem. What' the'heUl is going on? If the rge men,' their supervisor ad the guys at the dump sites' don't know ,ail the rules and regulations, then why do they think the public do. I, agres this is no excusefo dumpingAm the countzyside, but at least educate us o we!re able te, know what we are to, do. To Mr. Bugelli, I- would say change* your attitude and your mentalIity, and' you would get mnuch moreco-peration. For, if we alfbà d your attitude, no one would be awareof what tod oor how to, make'our towns and cities a botter place te, liv.. 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