Whitby Free Press, 1 May 1991, p. 11

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W&rIBY FRE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 1, 1991, PAGE il Misehlef charge .lodge overfalse stabing report A mani who reportod beig stabbed during a robbery has beon charged with pubic mis- chief, ns. Bill Kolebniak of Dur- ham Regional Police said a mis- chiof charge was laid following investigation of an allegedrb bery on April 16. A mani claimediie was walking through the parking lot near the A&P grocery store on Thickson Rd. S. when ho was approached by two other mon. Tho mani said ho was asked for his wallet and when ho refused to comply, ho was kicked yone man -ana stabbed with a kmfeby the other. After taking the wallet, the suspects fled the scene, said the man.' The "victim» was taken to Osh- awa General Hospital, treated and released. Further investigation revealed that no robbery ccurred and' that the 'Maxi's wounds were self- inflicted. harged is Farzad Malelcza-ý deh 19 of Whitby. Hfe WUI appear in Whitby pro-' vincial court on May 3. Ferry boat owner breaksoff negotia.tionsq- FROM PAGE 1 1970s. Two transformners on the ferry are filled with pure PCB. "A third .transfôrmer' contaixis mineraiolI with low-levei PCB contamination, slightly above the acceptable standard of 50 parts per million. A local couple plan te tow the boat te Toronto anid refurbis3h the vessel ixito a museum and res- taurant. Mary Ellen Donnelly dismissed reports published eisewhere that the sale is off. "W're stili planning te buy the boat," said Donnelly. "I don't want anything ini the paper,» she quickly added.*'ve been advised not .te speak (to She eclnedto -comment further. Neither Robinson nor his attorney were, available for com- ment. Durhan Centre MPP" Drum- moand White defended the minis- try asking Robinson te post a performance bond. «Who is responsible for bis waster» asked White. «If you have a barrel of toic waste in your garage,- are you responsible or the provin\e?» White said the requesi is not unreasonable.- -MI thirlkthe parties'involvedl should take responsibility for their actions » said White., uWe, shouidn't have to wait until there's. a massive lealcage before Mr. Robinson agrees t negotiato." White said Ontario bas «pro- bably the finest environmental legisiation in the western hemi- sphere,» but its hands are tied. Ho is hoping Robinson will resume negotiations. «The minister (Ruth Grier) is in support of the agreement. I hope the parties wilI corne back so we don't have an unxiecessary danger hanging over the com- munity.2' Enviroximent ministry spokes- mani. Christian Bode said - the established at -Whitby Hydro, we're stili working on the 1egal agreement,» said Bode. «We're at the stage where if's being prepared for the minister.»- Rode said an order-in-council 'from caëbinet is required te aprove the agreement. Hesaid Robinsons refusai to post a bond means the transfor- mers stay on the boat for now. "There's no possibility of a storage site at t harbour until the Hydro deal is worked out,» said Bode. Ontario riding MP Rene Soe- tens cannot undorsànd why -the province would insist on',a bond. "I wonder why they. would, want hinm te post a bond when it's being put on fedoral pro- porty?" asked Soetens. «We at the féeral level are not harpy- with them on the dock, bu t it's the flirst stop te getting them off the water. "We thought it was a safe niethod, a short-term move te the next stop. Fm not sure why the province would demand that.» Whitby Mayor Bob Attersley was not surprised hy, the iatest turn of events. «rPve. been hearing that for three weeks (nogotiations end- ing, said Attersley. qýothing bas como across my desk ... te bU honest, P'm hearing more from reporters than I am, from the ministry." *Attersley strossed 'that the e ntire mnatter is outside munici- pal control.".e' U"~I5 out of our banda, other than charge hlm (Robinson) with trospassing we have no jurisdic- tion?' Originally destinod for the Caribbean as a floating generat- in station, the Prince Edward Iand bas been a firustrating concern for Town council. The Town trio&to force Robin-. son >te move the bbat thiree years." _,go but was 'thwýartéd i li ts.lý elorts by thé federai. govern- mont. Town officiais were not aware the govrnmnent was collecting docking fees from Robinson. But Iast year tho municipality acquired jurisdiction of the waterfront fromý Ottawa and laid trespassing charges against Robinson. But if convicted undor the pro- vincial Trespass Act, Robinson can oniy be fined. A Justice of the peace has no- power te order the vésosei's remo- val. Therefore the Towxi is alsoý seeking a court injunction. .1 If ajludge granted the injunc-, -tion, ICobinison wouid be -in con'-' tempt of court and subjoct te. fines and/or imjrisonment if he failed toconply. ARNTS TOPSO1Lý *Ask us about our '1I" ,,"HOME IMPROVEMENT LOAM t" * UNILOCK-'For yourexedor -FOR QgU!ÇK. RELIABLÉ -SERVICE ÇALL'» *TpSu683-0887- To ol-Sand - Curbs - Rockery Stone - Gravel Firewood - Limestone - Pine Mulch - Patio Slabs - Treated Timbers

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