Whitby Free Press, 24 Apr 1991, p. 2

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PAGE 2, WHMY FREE PRES, W À più, 4ï ê Wk s ad eSe OferngTeFmousdeAsil 114 Cn at .,Sund20,aty (1)un3h181 Indudes Salad B arPim -Eg, Pn.ncke 1O-3 Pa ft i uone es, uffn o aOwt n te f or Join us- for the Sunday Hot & Cold Combination Buffet $1 1.95 Featuring: Prime Rib, Lasagna, Cabbage RoIls, Shrimp Salad, Whole Salmon, Crab, Potatoes, Alfl... Ho ,eeables, Salad BarSuâ~jAL Chiden Udr f2HllPie - Senior Citizens $2.00 Discount Regular Menu Also Available For a memorable experienoe corne to... ~11JIIIYI Open f7 days aweekJ rL45' ,Oulside catering available HIomeowners dec By Mike owalold A lack-of piogress at building a neighbourhiod Park has upset a group of Whitby homeowners. Despieasrnces 13from Town officiaIs that the Park will. be completed this summner, Teddin- ton Cres. residents are ekeptical They dlaim an agreement with a developer that t he park would be built last year was ignored by the municipality. Tue residents also say that Town officiaIs failed te respond' te, their complaint.when the mat- ter was initially raise d last year. As a result, the homeowners have filed a 120-name petition with the Town demsnding that their concerne be addressed. Spokesman Aliciai Sutherland tl)Te Fee Prose that a con- dition of the residents' purchase agreement with the developer stipulates that a Park was te have been built by last fail. The one-acre parlk is mntendod te serve homes in a partially- completed subdivision north of Rossland Rd., east of Garden St. Construction is estimated te coat $75,000, with coste te be shared by -Coscan Development Corp. and Landmark Develop- ment Corp. However, no work has been« done te, date, said Sutherland, even though residents were rro- mised that the Park woul at least be seeded by last winter. Sutherland said she received a letter from Mayor Bob Attersley in responise te the petition, stat- iiig that the Park will b. comple- ted this year. sidn.ra sons were given for the delay or why there was no reply te lier origial letter of lam «No referenceN Coscan breaking il ment, it was not letrsaid uter A ~ edntn ( for alostitreeà land fel frusti battle for a kark. «Therds n ný our concerne, pli developers are wa us.", Ini a letter acco petition, Sutherlan pal officiaIs "turne when Landmark d on the park site las «It was -20 fe covered with ra Sutherland. Althoulgh the raE were eventuallyi repeated calîs, ti littered with debr mark's a acent said Suthe1rland. «It's my own Landmark will hol they finish theii theres a hidden Sutherland. Whitby parks s directeir Larry Mo iz.d with Sutherle that the municipal duties. As Morrow expli dington site is defi park» by the Town, As sucli, a loca structed by the b~ junction with the lopmlent it will ser Hlowever, Morrc can be a "little tri tume frame on wh be buiît. He eaid any deli a subdivision wi work on the park. wry le fpr àt Auguet «Te hole preimiee ta kas ma4e to parland:is. developed with rosi- ts legal are dential development around it, a satisfatr as people move in,, the. Park'is land.,vlld"ad orw Cres., résident But iniicase of Teddington, ràears Suther. two deveèloperà areinovd tee' ii 'her When thie occurs,, Townpolicy states the park iô*the'rspôsibi- oô response to 1yWof 'the builder *whjch com- us twio large pletes his development last, said lking al over Morrow. So even though the Coscan )mpaning the homes have beenbuilt- for Some Ld said munici- time. the partially-constructed ýa blind eye» Làanhnark clevelopment ditates. [umped topsoil the speed wîith ýwhich the park jes st summer. built, said Morrow. >e' ig u «For Landinark's deVelopmienlt, geed said, its not bad; for people on Ted- dintoniit appears, quite.slow," gweed and dirtý saidMorrow. temoved after Morrow said Landmark idres- Le site je now ponsible for. a greater portion of ,is from Land-'the parkes cost'since-.it je »devýelop- development, ing a larger site. Tii only obligation of Coscan opnon that was'to provide. its share» of. the. dhisu until funding andhtla be oe b r uilding . "An 'dof'our dealinge aré' with agenda,»gsai andmark,»sit Mro'ad that -the. park will.,be- ,built this ~nd ecretionyear. rrow symeath- Sutherland' said her grouphas frnd bumt enedot yet decided whether te- make Li ty isl n its a formaI presentation te Town council. Te- h. was.,planning. te -.ontact à ined, the e- council meWmbrs. for their advyke. .ned as'alocal Councillor ýDennis Fox ag'ei ý 4 ~have some legiotimate concerne.s iuiderincon > Although: Fox did: not; know housing deve- why the developer ias .-been ,Vw aditeditslow te build the- park,» -he laid.-it àcky pumtting a will b. finished this -year. ien a park iî atHe promised-te rais..the issue atcounceil. ,as in buildig I think they (residents) should LI lodela have been beter iformed more illals deaycommunication- shuld have taken place,» said'Fox. Fox*didrasboth the'delay ijn buligthe park and ti gar bage situation at Monday'coun- cil meeting. i1k. ýte ýséeeit dna *uikly as -possible. .I, vr ealize thuere have been some probleme but Ild like te see it, by -tii summer, said Fx He also. demandec& that, Land- mark be'asked te dlean-.up the messy lot. MorroW êsaid both matterswill be addreesed-as soon as possible. Dianne 's Bridai. -Couture CUSTOM CREATIONS- SBrida[rqowL a Biksmaids e 9votIher'S anéSpeciaf Occasions Any custom made bridai gown ordered bctween Marchi lst &c April 3Oth, 1991 ivili include a headpicce and v'ci1 of their choicc. No Alteralion Chargeson Custorn Made Orders 413 Dundas St. ]EL., nt ickory. (behind Family Trust Whitby e 430-8985 SEE OUR EXCLUSIVE DESIGNS IN "TODAY'S BRIDE- MAA!N Off-ra mp,* tobelsd The Brock St. off-ramp on Hgwy 401 Westbound will b. closéd for construction starting May 1.> Moteristàe should, iinstead'use the Thickson Rd. off-ranip. Construction on the' Brock St., Off- raMP is scheduled te con- tinue util mid-July. Dot kow Amy l. *Free parking at the door * Mick servie, w'hile you wait or while you shop EVERTMAN. SMOE REPAIIR Prqg.alySoe &ot Relpair. Prcsion SkateSharpenlng & Key Outtng 66 '77Q Ofer ends May 3/91 IO PNIdOHW GET IN SHAPE, FEEL GREAT AND LOOK LIKE A MILLION! 1

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