Whitby Free Press, 24 Apr 1991, p. 25

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W'1~ftiZ PRE8S,;W~DNESDAYhPRIL24, 1991, PAGE .25 WilIS, Cocker win-sinles- Geof Willi ams and'.,1Rhondaà Cocker were the big winners in. the :Whitby seaon-enid club badminton. -champiosps a Henry, Street High School, pi meis sigles cl~pli~shi d 'Cocker won thewne!. ni Kwan was thip mtens,.rur-up, Rosemary Cu 1fprthe ladies. Jn Sih,:t cap turhle me's, dculestit. ver Bo Aair and Q~o«iWiliahsCocker .and LiýttéPayn., beat- Chu and Sbaroei Beninington in the ladis doubés-finals. Wyrancis and Helle'n Kwan eand the< mixed doubles clûimpionshiiap over Cocker, and GQdAllan. Ru level competition, Laird Bell defeated Joe Campbell for thé singles titI. and Peggy Moore Coaches from Chia to hold badmin ton clinis Top level badminton coaches from- China will hold a dlinic- and se minar i. Oshawa on .Thursday, April 25. Sun -,hian former- worId champion doubles player, "nd Wuehua Tang are- to uring Ontario to share their expertise with coaches and. players... 11 Ca3lIî the ,Ontario .Badmintôn Association ât-495-4085-for moîore. information about the Oshawa doWned Eileen Hi lbbs in the ladies' singles final. Bzian, Bartholomew and Greg Walters won the nMen's3 doubles championship over John Keddle and Marc Street.. Hilda, Danforth and H-ibbs knocked,off Susan Bartholomew sud ýSara Houghton ini the women's doubles final. Feather and Hlibbs captured the nixed doubles titI. over Smith and Payne. Scott Wild' won'the ýCdivision menls singles trophy over Desmiond Touer. W ild and 'flm To the Editun As- president of the- Durham Begion Auglers AsocLiation, I am witing te express some concerns ,of our members and to inform you of the steps we are takcing to address them. As annual rum of rainbow trout return to area creeks and streams, we are seeing a large increase in illegal -fishing activity. Fisbing in closed, waters, snagging aud nettiug of fish have aIl been witnessed by Our members iu recent weeks. As- a result of this, we have contacted Durhami Regional Police -and the Ministry of Holley teamed up to beat Bon Vienneau and Tom Liovelock*for the doubles crown. Barb FItzgerald and Mile White triumphed over Susan White and Anita Watson, in the ladies' doubles -showdown. Julie Mion and Shawn FiMon captured the mnixed honoùrs lover, Anma Marie Beekers and Andrew Bosson. Awards are 'scheduled to b.' presented at- the Tés annual banquet, on Saturday, April 27 at the Centennial CoTnmunity Centre. Natural Resources, enforcement staff, asldng them to increase enforcement of the Game and Fish Act on sti-eams in Durham ,ýsboIth organizations have responded favourably to our request, 1 would like to take this oportunity to inform the public fthe penalties that- can be mped for- illegal fisbing. If cagtfishing without a valid Ontario resident sport fishing licence, the minimum fine is $50.' Fishing in closed waters carnies a minimum $100 fine. Sagn u nettiug of fish carmes a minimum fine of $100, per fish, iu your possesson. The seizure of equipment used t6 snag or net flsh,, and in* serious cases, the seizure of -vehicles used te transport fisb, is also possible. Juveniles. can be charged aud assessed fines under the act. It is the resonsibility of the angler te ensure. that they are fishingi open ýareas anid -that - chillren, fisbing under. their -supervision, obey ail fishing regulations. I encourage ail residents te explore the wonderful. fishing oporuntiîes available in Durbm Reion, ý,ut do so with conservation in mind to protect them for our childreu tomorrow. Stewart',cefa Wbitby LAKE ONTARIO II5CUL COMPANY HPKINS'ST. S.,,WHITBY ~~?THE TOWN 0F WHITBY Q CGMMUNI1Y SCHOQLS / Palmerston Community School 400 Palmei rsion Awenue 666-0959, SPRING PROGRAMS Opening r tl vial ntefloing spring programs ai the PalmrsonCmmunity School. * Fia gFotbil79ypars) and,(1 - 12 years> * djt Tennis 9 Co-ed Fitness ladults) 0 Youth Sports (6~ - 8 years) * outh Volleyball11f- 15 years) * Kks 0rafts(6 -8eas * GourmeltKld(8 10y0 ) Those interested in regite*ingforany o the above programsmay do 50 on Saturday, ApdI 27th,s 199ir? f eeen 9,00 a.m. arid f2-00 noon at the Palmerston Community Sohool, 400 Palmerston Avenue, Whitby. y. Ed4ieShak to atten"d Cà lïkm-s- open house. Former- .N'atiýîhaV Hockey Edde ak ier S oaýt f 1I~pi27and 28. ,ý - tgitr s Iwillihave an opporý- ,u~~:tô meet ShackY, once kniown"s'1"..,"The En-tertainëe' for style of hockey plaY. eismr recently kuown ini advertise- nients for bis unose, for a deal. The -lýtest inProwler,.RV pro- ducta sud-, accessories -will be shown at the. open house. Aruck specalists-asd repre- sentatives from trailer inanufac- tfèrs nudparts supplierswill be onhaâd te- answer any inquinlea "Cmv»tos ïn Lin dsay by Fleetwood Ènt2riesthe largest- RV mnan àTcturer ithe world. Brad Campkin ig owner of the centre, begun in 7 iPicker- igbyhis father Laurie. Ini 1988, th ampkmh family moved, the business to the. current location at Hwy 1L2 in Myrtie, about five miles north of Broolclin. 1991 WHITBY TENNIS CLUB REGISTRATION New Memberý Welcomel Pa......... Whitney HàIIrqo For FuthèrIfé h y eVaWIee Davis Crackdo wn on, illegal fishing oe - oe b kf

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