Whitby Free Press, 24 Apr 1991, p. 23

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WHITBFr=E PIRSS WEDNESDAY, APRI 24o-19914 PAGE 23 Whitby Family Kartways majorbntmten eceutly cap- trdthe provincial hockey championship at the AA lovel. Like the Whitby major peewee, the bautams won both Ontario Minor Hockey Associa- tion all-Oùhtario aud provincial honours. .But it, wasnt'easy for the bantama in the provincial final. SAt the provincial champion- ships i n Waterloo * VWhitby encountered a tough Noth Toronto club in round--robin play, aud the teamsa tied. 4-4. Both teama advanced te met again in the final. In the final, the Toronto tearu secured, what appoared-to be a, safe 5-3 lead with lesa than two' minutes.left. -But,- Whitby found new life. whe Bn ewoll. scored on a deflection. -Fiften seconds later, Wayne'Primoau popped home a rebound to tie the game. <The team compieted the corne- back with another goal to pull off a G-5 victory. Jason Bonneyman scored three Kais for Whitby while Adam Parks scored the other goal. In other round-robin games, Whitby defeated Nickel Centre 11-2. Scott Gregor scored three, Gord Lee, Primeau aud Brian Medeiros s'cored two goals apiece Mark Babony and Josh Ford added single goals. Whitby thon defeated Waterloo 6-3. Geor and Babony scored twice with Jim Liebold and Bon- neymau adding singles. - <Other, team -'memübers are Jay Seart, Andrew Valaitis, Jef Dunca Bradon Knight, Adam MceodGa Kane, Brian Burke Sctt!MacDonell and Jim Regonl nette final Debs tak àegl Wbitby ein debs won the whiie Rosita, Hogg, and Switzer gol mdalatthereinal, each had a goal. rigtefinals, held reècentiy» in Cooper scoeed five goals while hîerin. Gudgeon had a goal and four cerTina 'ý Gudgeon Karon Mueller -assista in a 7-2 Win over Trent an eiE is ech scred University., Switzer aiso ,scored twie for Whitby inu<an 8-4 win for Whitby. over Pickering in, the gold modal In the bronze modal round, gamo., , ;Brenda 8witzer and, Jenuifer Coopr each hada- ai1 Pickering ha defeatd Whitby 114 in tho -flrýst gamo.Cooper aoored twioe aud had two assista, Whitby cloubloci .1yt 8-4 as Cooper scorod four goals aud had one assist. Gudgeon had two goals and .foùr assists, Switzer two ga and Rita Bourke two assista. bantam celebrate after a comeback provincial championship.. Belamys-Whitby major novice AA team receutly completed an outstauding hockey season by picking up, thoir slxth tourna- ment championship. Ryan Boyd scored twice, and Mike Hamilton had a goal in a 3-1 wiu over Waterloo -Whalers lu the -final.,of the 24th "anniual initernàationaàl'Streetsville tourna- ment. Whitby had ýopened the 32- teain tournament with relatively. easy wins of 8-0 and 7-2 over another Waterloo team. Sean Haynos scored two goals while, Boyd,-Scott Beegan, Mike Heffering, Kyle Crouch, Marc Lamers and Nick Owen had sin- gies in the 8-O win. 1Androw Marshall scored three goal s whilo Hefferlng, Matt Jar- din Boy and Judd Stevenson had goaý1s luthe 7-2 decision. On the second weekend of com-' potition, fWhitby defeated «New- market 641 rthtwo goais each from Marshall aud Jardlin and singles by Hamilton and'ILainrs.' Lamersansd Heffering had the goals -and David Chant and Jeif J ackson shared the shutout in a close, 2-0 win ovor Milton. Whitby reached the final with Brumley leads- Henry' to, flfthmplace finish Henry Street High School's track and field team was fifth out of 57 school teams compoting, at a tri-meet at York Uuiversity recently., Jason Bruimley sud Jason Bac- chiochi of Henry were one-two in the junior'boys' 50-moire hur- dieu. Brumley, aio won the 50m se tiwhile Bacchiochi was tÇ.in lthle event. Bacchiochi also had a second-place finish lu the long jurnp. The two athletes combined with Rick Lambie sud Brian DuflSr te place second lu the junior reiay. Brett 4~uether, Andre Marois, Vlk Sharma and Jon Vizzini made up la Henryta that was secnd in! the midgt-age'reiay. .Grog Smith was first in the 1500m évent for midget boys, and fifth in the 800m. :Jon Hopkins was second 'in high jump aud fifth in long jump for juniorboy s. Kelly Caldwell was fifth in high jumlp for senior girls, Steve McArdlo fourth lu senior 50m hurdies, Vik Sharina fifth in midget 400m. STeains from Durham and York Régions and Georgian Bay com- Pete at the event. Senior games begin May i EL4R jýowas the starting pitcher for Street. Hawks inithefr esioperlt againa (>NilRde.Hm eated * Chus Bo'wre photo The Durham Roegiou Senior Games will be heldl at various locations lun the reglon durlng % adJune. M ei:ngum~ are for suy person age 55 sud vr The firat eveut will be five-pi bowling, tej be heid at Uxbrig Làanes, startingat 10 a.ým. Other eveuts are:! * snooker, May 1 and 2, start- lug at 9 a.m., ati the Ohw Senior Ctlaens Centre; * crlbbage, May j 1ip.nat tiie Whitby Seniors' Actilvlty Centre;t< * shuffleboard, May ý14, 9 a.m. at the Oshawa seni&s' centre; * waUdn -May ?I, 8 a.m-, 5- PoitsMaf 0sawg; * wlmming ,Maýr 249 1 p.m. Pickeringrec centre;, *d"ra, May 26, 10 a.m., Bow- manvillo Legion; * ouchre. May 29, 10, a.m., Uxbridge ?dusic Hall; * carpet bowling1, June 3 10 a.m., at Heydenshore Pavilion, Whltby; 1 hÏorseslhoes June 10, 10 a.m., 910 iÀverpol lN., Pickerlug;, *lawn bowlingJune 12, 10 arn., OsýawaLtawn Bowling Club; * golf unoe19 9 am., Ayren .Cost te enter each eveut la $5, excocpt golf ,which- la * 32.75 (in- cludes golf càÜrt). Aplica ions sund moreinor- mation à te'.available at -the Whithy Seniors' Aètvity Contre. an 11-2 romp over Etobicoke. Haynes scored three goals, Làamers and Marshall two each, with singles b y Owen, Crouch, Stevenson and Boyd. Other team memibers are David -Dittmar and -David Kubryski. Coaches are 'Bucky Crouch, Jim Boyd, Mike' Haynes and Jim 'Hefferin g. Whitby select ~hockey MMAOR NOVICE .Spcnmaand by Hard-Co E=caalng W«t HM aUanuw o Tmwmt Whitby 6 Dwidan 2 BWmIaiwLvun 2 Ian Cuthbrtaant &ott Dnmni Whly 4. West Iafl 2 Ia uthbertaan2 Cam 0 wr u mattborwWaltou, Whltby 0 North Tarat. Whitby Iroquois Club lot Annua i wmIaoatel Long Cosuu - AYli 12 - 14 ha.ted iiy Eudafod Aquatie Cub at Wayne Gobky sSts Coenplo in Brsn*foed Robyn MicCuflab id 50 fly, 100 bock Surah La 2ad 5Wbreatatra&a T. Amaoti IL McCuIIach J. as Erie Van DUjk 14 & flh lot 100 .. 2nd 200 baautlxke R.eAYOU. lui 100 baastairaha Sd200 bauaatatxaka Momm'Éli 0 àlià 2nd 200 fi» réloy

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