Whitby Free Press, 24 Apr 1991, p. 1

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'SOwpiece'yne marsh pa proved By mikeKowaIskI A propse major development adja- cetto=yde (Jroek Marsh has passed another hurdie. By a margin of 7-1 Town -councl Monday endorsed the final draft of an e irmental management plan (EMP) for the Lynde Shor es area SWith only counillor Marcel Brunelle oppoeed, coumcil approved what one member. termed a «showpiece" of enviroumental planning for al Ontario municipalitiesto emulate. Prepared ii crunctio with the LyndeiShor ecnda Pln, the EMP ddressesthe impact offuture develop- ment on the env'ironmentally'sensitive I.. . ... . 1511 >M tI wetland. Approved by both Whitby and Dur- han Region in 1989, the sndày plan cals for development of about 700 acres of land to the east of the marsh. Housing, parks and schools are plan- ned for as many as 6,700 people A 185-acre mndustrial park north of Victoria St. and south of the Canadian National railway tracks is part of the ipro.iect. P2so included is the $150 million redevelopment of Whitby Psychiatrie Hoital a preliminary EMP was approved lait month, the final version> respondia to commenta made during a Lt ~O2 «i ise ubl eetin¶ held prior to council's Prepared by Bird and Hale Ltd., the 200-page document studies'the poten- tial impact of the secondary plan on the area and makes recommendations for the management of opený space lands. The study,was commimssioned by the' four landowners in the secondaiy plan area - the Ontario Ministry of Govern- ment Services, Durhamn Region, a deve- lopement company and a jrivate citizen. Linda Hell as, of Bird and Hale, appeared before counceil Monday. to address îany lingering concerns council- lors may have had about the plan. She assured council the report stresses the importance of maintaining the maras' status as a dlas one - wetland. The marsh is the largest remain wetland between Oshawa and Hm[ ton. The Bird and Hale study identifies 153 different types of plants growing mi the marsh anda wide variety of animal life within' its prim'eters. Brunelle, who in recent weeké has challenged the philosophy, of allowmng residentl devélopment so near the marsh, was direct in bis questionning of Hellas. 1SEE PAGE 3 By Mike Kowalski Atlantic Packaging bas been told to turn off its noisy macbinery. Town council Monday endorsed an -operations committee recommendation that the company be requested to shut down its equipment at specified trnes.- The municipality is asklng that machinery wbich has been identified as the source of noise probleins during the past four montha be shut down week niht and Sundays. Coundil does not want the equipment used between il1pm. and 7 a.m. during the week o any time Sunday until the pro- blem is corrected. Company officiais have indica- ted to the municipality that a solution should be in place within six to seven weeks. Councillor Joe Bugelli, ope- rations committee chairman, said the recommendation was the result of a «consensus" bet- weea.the-comrnittee and an. area homieowner. Last week, lowder Place resi- dent Michael Ewasyn presented a 123-naine petition to commit- tee which demanded that action be taken to stop the offending noise. . The consensus of the commit- tee and the deputation (Ewasyn) was. that this is the beet course of action at this time,» said .Buae'Ih. Ifwe tryto othe prosecution route it wiIl be many months before it's resolvred,' he added.. Last January, Atlantic management voluntarily shut down the Thickson Rd. . news- peaper recycling plant after resi- dents .began complaining te Town officiaIs. Tlhe noise bas been described as a "low, penetrating, droning' sound which varies ilumtensity. The source of the probîem waïu traced te four 60--ft. exhaust stacks connected te vaoeuum umps used lu the newaprint drymgpross. ,Atlantic engineers recommen- ded' that the exhaust level bo reduced and bales of straw pla- ced around the bottoin of the staclcs te muffle the sound. Although company officiaIs admitted the measure was only tem orary, they were satisfled with the solution- when mahnrtestilg resumeL.;,. But, according -te, a 20-naine petition presented te council last month, the noise resumed follow- ing a-two-week respte. While Atlantic panned te in- stail permanent muffvn devices, the company said wr was not expected te be completed for three to six, montha. This explanation did not pleasecouncillor Dennis Fox who urged council. te have Atlantic speed Up the process. According te an !April 12 letter from Atlantic general manager Bob Nelson, the company now expects the muffling devices te be installed withmn six te seven DiEZ HILTON, with a littie help from Velnîa weelcs. «OSrniay ocr is that Nicholsong sang songs from the tropie durmng weprîhae a sysem ht . 'Southern -Exposure' at Sumnyrest Ntîrsmng Home will control the noise emission te recently. a level that will eliminate any Cr OMPM SEE PAGE 10 _____________________ Feds PBso1 onger a threat By Mike Kôwalokt Follow-up testlug> of water amples taken from the ferry boat iu Whitby harbour has found only slight traces of PCBs. Any PCBs stili remaining in the boat's bilge water -are within acceptable grovernment stan- dards, accrding to Environnient Canada. Ministry spokesman Bob Krauel said recent test results have satiafied federal officiais that there la no danger of PCB- contamnated water from the ferry entering Lake Ontario. A previous government- ordered dlean-upof bilge water found in the boat. bull h as now elîminated .that- possibllity, said Krauel. t fire. Earlier this montb boat owner The contaminated oil in the Art Robinson was teld te remove hulI was skimmed from the sur- contaminated bu ge water froin face of the bilge water and the Prince Edward Island ferry. deposi ted in two» 45-gallon The order was issued after drums.w eei t water saniples were found te, Krauel said results of tests contain traces of PUBs almost conducted after the dlean-up pro- Reyclirs Report z twice the acceptable standard. ved satisfactory. ____ A readinq of more than 50 PCB readinga were approxi- Busiess_____8 parts per million la considered a mtely five parts per billion, Etranet-1 health hazad. «rouz'f10000 times» below the Wha's On -__ 13,14 PCBs (plychlorinated danger geve , said Krauel. ________ 1 biphenyls) have 'een linked to «It looka like au adequate job- Sports - 23-25 cancer in laboratory aninals. was doue,» he added. obitarls « 31 Although.production iof, PUBs, Krauel also said there was no Criestor .. 31 used I as a .cooliug agent for elec- indication that contaxnated trical -transformera, was banned water escaped from the boat.. in the 1970s- the chemical is only ** *4'S~A~4""'-.. ...x j r. t j '! 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