Whitby Free Press, 24 Apr 1991, p. 13

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WHJ.TBY FMEEPFRS WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24, 1991. PAGE 13 LOYAIST'ASOITO The United ,EmpieLôyalists' Assoiation of Canada- Upper Canada branch, wiil meet in the auditorium of the Whitby Public Library, 405, Dundasý St. W., Wbitby on Tuesday, April 30 at 7:30 p.m. Mark Jackinan, curator of Clarke Museum and Archives, Orono, Ont. will be the guest speaker. Ail are welcome. For further information, -cal Donald Douglas Fox 576-3175. MONTHLY BMTING. TI. Durham Region Field Naturalista will hold its 'monthly- meeting on Monday, April 29 at 7:30 p.m. at Northview Public Library, 250 Beatrice St. E., Oshawa. The. scheduled speaker is Bruno Kern who bas spent several seasons in the Arctic photographing breeding birds of that area. Ail are welcome. Bring a friend, and join the club.' OSHAWA GARDENCLUB The Oshawa Garden ,Club ýwill hold a'SpringFMing'-- anighitof cards and games (your choioe) - on Monday, April- 29, 7to 10 p.m.' at Kedron United>Church, Rtsn Rd. N. andConIin Rd. There -wll,ý- be prizes %and refreshments. Admission is $3 per person, The iaglr htng of the Ontari o Fibrositis Asso ciation will be held on Wednesdav, April 24, 7:30 p.m., at Oshawa General, Hospit ai, roomn 1002. Fibrositis is one of five disease .groups of the Arthritis Society . For more information caîl Meha at 1-416- 634-8339. COUNTYTOWN'SINGERS1 The. County Town Sing r, wil prsnt 'For the Love of iMusic' (inluding pop and shoQN mumsc jazz, traditional and sc e)at Eastdle Collegiate, 265 Harmony ]Rd. N., Oshawa, on Monday, May 13 starting at 8 p.m.. Tickets are $6 and can b. obtained at the Lafontaine Trading Poet, 122 Birock St. N., Wbity. For more ifration, ca 668-5469 or 427-0201. FBIAY NIGRT DANCE The. Whitby Friday Night Dance will be held onMay 3, 9 pmat the Knights Of Columbus Hl,133 Brock St. N. No bar. Cost is $6 for singles, $10 per couple. THIED ANNUAL PRESIDENT'S BJREAKFAST Rotary Club of Whitbhy Sunrise wii hold their third annual President's Breakfast at Heydenshore Pavilion on April '24 at 7:30 a.m. ' Peter Gorrie, environmental columnist for the Toronto Star, will be guest speaker. Tickets are $20, and ca be purchased by calling Mark Tutton 491-7440 (bus.) or 668-5943 res.). I UILT SHOW The.lith annual quilt show at St. Mark's Church will b. held on Friday, April 26, 2 te 9 ., and Saturday April 27, 10 a.mi to 4 p.m. Quitta are shown only once at the annual shows, and thia year the 550th qtuilt will b. seen. Many crib 'quilts, wall- hangings and other smail uilted articles will be on dijla. Some will b. for sale. Visitoswill be invited te, join a quilting bee, for men and women.« There is wheelchair accessibi- lity te, the church. THE LEAINMG ASSOCIATION TheIm.Lering Disabilities AsscitinOshawa chq*r, will hold a meeting on Thursday, pi*l 2r, 7:30 p.m., at the NWhitby. Public Library. There will be a panel 'discussion on programe offered for the. learning disabled at the high echool level. AUl are welcome, and admission ià free. For more information, cail 623-4934 or 655-4175. VOLUNIEER OPEN BOUSE Volunteer Appreciation week is April 22 to 29. The Whitby Seniors' Activity Centre would like to honour their members who volunteer at the hospital, the centre, Fairview Lodge, Conxmunity Care, a chureh group or a servce club. Members are invited to drop by the 'Morning Coffe. Party' at the seniors' centre on Monday, April 29 froin 9:30 to- 11:30 'am. iàght refreshments will be served and door prizes will b. awarded. Nigel Schilling, 1985 Peter Perry award winner, will be guest speaker. CHRISTIAN SINGLES COFFEE BOUSE The Christian Singles Coffee Houa. nieets on the third Saturday of every month for good feilowship. The next meeting wi be held on Saturday, Ari 27, 7:30 p.m., at Pickering Pentecostal Church, 755 Oklahoma Dr., Pickering (Hwy. 401 to WVhites Rd. S-, east on Oklahoma).. Featured wiil be Patty Bowman, songstress, vocalist. Admission is free. For more information, oeil 728-9720, 623-2126, or- 929-0826 (Toronto). The. owners, Sharon and Rick Crevier and their assistant, Joyce Squires have served the Durham Rogion for nearly fourteen years, mosf~ recently from their north Oshawa location at 918 Simcoe St. N. located just north cf Rossland Rd. on the west aide. .They offer a line of solid oak, pin. and birch dining sets, a complet. line of bedroom suites and a "must be seen" variety of unusual accessories. Among the. latter are such niceties as antique spinning wheels, jelly cuphoards, boot boxes, hall trees as well as linen and beddings. When vi siting1Sharon and Joyce, b. sure to descend the stairg to their lower level to se. a very creative display of children's furniture and' it should be mentioned that alI display>s are generously authenticated by tasteful- decorative touches to complement their intended settings. COUNTRYCRAFTS The YMCA will hold a country craft course at Henry Street High Sehool on May 2, 9 andl16, 7:30 to 9:30 .. Participants will mnake a ribbon with roses, a heart-shaped wall basket and oriental fiower arangement., Cost of the course fa $26-75 pluis about $35 for supplies. Cal) 668- 6868 or visit the YMCA office at 814 Brock St. N., Whitby for more information or registration. 0f course if 'the vast array of furnishings mentioned does not appease your decorating palate, custom work is available to coxnplement your eisting decor or to create a one of a kind personal design statement. Unlike plastics, and other synthetics, wood, furnishings are timeless and should provide a most recession proof investment for your dwelling. CURRENTLY FEATURED 15 A VERY FASHIONABLE SIX PIECE PINE BEDROOM SUITE ON SALE FOR HALF PRICE AT JUST $1,499. FEATURED IN PICTURE BELOW. On Wednesday, May lst, their annual Ribbons & Lace Sale will b. ptarting. A layaway plan is also available. The. I ne Loft is open* Monday , Tuesday,ý ednesday and Saturday from 10 arn. to 6 p.rn., and Thursday and Friday frorn 10 a.m. tii9 p.xn. 1 ** 1 know Whitbyl 1 live (i Whitby and have specialized .in Whitby Real'Estate for many years. Fo EEDBEra saeadie ihu biain ** RSEARYBRWN 1wi - e.y IF. QUESTIONS YOU FIND, PLEASE KEEP ME IN MIND,. ROSEMARY BROWN, SALES REPRESENTATIVE IN YOUR TOWN.m LIS M M advertisement The Pine Loft, a timeless selection of style and beauty' te$j*CORPORATION OF THE TQWN OF WHITBY HOME COMPOSTERS Residients are enouagd to aclively participate in ail the local ,rcycling 5%rams. In add tontIhe Blue Bo rgam the Town supports the use 0erecently introduoed 'HME COMOTRS" as yet another way to reduce waste f rom the home. Twtye of municipal compostersare now available, In Whitby from OGS Garden Gallery on Thlckéon Rgd North and for me informnation on how and where tdo btain onle, please calî the foltowing telephone number 140040U7-5671. Lers ail do aur part PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTUENT OPERATIONSCENTRE 1. m 1 BUS: 433-2121 RES: 668-3504

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