WIHT FREE, PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17,1991, PAGE 29 mil M___________M__________ 4-3. llm ne, -bdrom baemnt Broc St. N. Two bedroom, f ridge, i A/'i & *(ifnee Marner) ýwoutd like ta pamnton quiet te. Fumlu oe vialeiieitl.First I L ~ ~ ' announce the sale arrivaI of their 851-9271,la i. J mflU&fII trst son, Salge, 8 ibe. 7~o EMMICLA ciacaraMarchrq25, 1991.57A. spec)ai1-9n71i Lxilites lncuded. SUinlte professianat. $500 monthty. First& ast. 666-2092., BROOKUN - BACHELOR aoart- ment for May 1. Rent- $475, Includes utitties. 985-0856, or 430-734. SMALL, SIMPLE COTTAGE, sef-contained. For rent after April. $300 monthly. Suitabte for retired ~erson. Orono, Concession uine 5. 1 & 2 BEDROOM apartments. 1722 Dufferin St., Whity. Phone for information. 263-4104. WHUTBY - 2 BEDROOM north Whitby basement.apartment with appliances. $700 per month. Cal ike Lindo, ReMax Reaty Plus, 686-3330. WHITBY DUPLEX- two bed- room apartment for rent. Large living room, ktchen, dininp area, 4 apliancs.Back yard wth patio. Close ta sohools, shops. On bus route. $725. first & last. References Roseanne. LARGE 2 BEDROOM, living, dining, kitchen, 4 appliances, bat. Big yard, parking. Close ta Oshawa Centre. On bus route. No ets. $780 per month, f irst & last. eady May 10. Cati 434-5587. If recorder, leave message. req uired.- Phone ater 6 p.m., REA. H'fO M J-TAKE- THE WORRY 0OUT of ..... buying or seîling reat estate. Cai Wayne MePhee, W. Frank Real KITCHEN & LAUNDRY facilities, air conditioning. Private entrance. Mature persan. NO DRUGS. First &lasi week. 430-0404. WHITBY - FURNISHED ROOM ln clean, quiet home. Close to al amenities. Available immediately. Suit mature working persan. $85 weekty, first & last. 668-3640. SUITABLE FOR FEMALE - furnished raom wth catour TV, separaeentrance, peacef ut coun- try. surroundings only 50 miles north of Ajax on Lakeridge Road. Share kitchen & bathroom with 2 girls. $65 per week. 649-3725. Estate Ltd. 668-6171 or 686-1821. BINGO! You're a winner, if you are a first-time home buygr or investar in today's market. Homes fram under $99,000,,very creative f inancing or low percent assumnabe mortgages on many properties. No down payment,. no probtem on certain properties. Rf you are content ta rent for ever or do not wish to be financiallseuepae do noto- all KDANIELS of Re/Max Refection Reaty Ino., 434-5222', Toronto line 427-1177. Vour first-time homebuyer and first-time investor speciatiât. .....*............*.*....**.*.**....*.*ho m e with us.w Professional pet/home r.tters are fulilv bonded and Brc balow open concept, fireae otoise,Floridatroo, doegarage, ae diewa. an 12-ARESBEAUTiUoLakle.e Bibushalot,,pen00concEato gaaeok.Paved droaydro.n Readyloto build60on. $E9st0of 416-655-4820. ... .... .TB.D .j OLD CAR PARTS. 1940s and earlier. Hobbyist particularly interested in Chev parts and other old or unusual Rtems. Tom. 579-2008. WANTED - SMALL aluminum boat, also outboard motor, for pensioners use, at reasonable price. Guitar for sale, $45. Phone 668-7443. WANTED 4 HOMES in area to display our SOLARIUM (sunroom) BIG SA VINGS FOR HOMES SEL EC TED 0811 THE GENERAL 416-434-2120 Fax: 416-725-5073 Wuu--iumu with Honda motor REWARD 655m8656 SIX MOT OLD GREY tabb kitten Noti.Lost AndersnHigh Sohool area. If found, cati 666-5126. LOST, LOSTI I1 erai a' birthday gift of 1 week Gold chain with hL ependants attached. 1 pednt hockeystick, the other a Mnreal andens pendant with persanatized enqraving of intilals and date. Lost in the vicînity of traquais Park pool/locker, Aprit 9, or Marg uerite DeVouvilte School, Michaer St., Whitby. Sentimental value. REWARD offered. Please cati 666-1247. to Dr. John- Rundel&s staff ai the Bowmanville Hospital. and mother who passed away 1 year ago today. Gone are the days filed with loy Days filed with happiness and content. Sunshine once filed aur lives, The heppiness you frought ta US. You are in our, hearts and thoughts And one day. m shail be together again. God bless and keep you. Lovingly rememberèd, Forever loved and neyer forgotten By husband Joe and sons Scott and David AUTOS/TRMCK$ FOR s~m HAPPY AD$ NO GST al DEAL$ ON WHEEL$ Public .Automart. Over 2 acres of vehicles for sale by awner. Open everyýSunday only. 1730 Simcoe St.N. Oshawa. 725-0002, leave message. 84 ARIES, 2 door, PSIPB. Electric windows, dlock, radio. New shocks, new exhaust. Certif ied. $1,295. 579-2983 after 6 p.m. 1983 CADiLLAC ELDORADO Touring Coupe. Bronze/bronze leather, beige soft top, buckets/consate. Rare model. $7,850. <416) 668-7944. CREDIT PIROBLEMS? We have short-term leases availabte on our used cars. AIl applications considered, iregardless of credit history. Cati for more info. Lakendge -1 Motors Wholesale Division, 430-0909, Peter. 1986 RED GMC S15, automatic. Certif ied. $6,000. 668-3734. WE WOULD UKE TO congratulate Michelle & Stacey Doucette on the arrivai of theïr son, Saige, on March 25. He already has a great start in Ide with you as his parents. Good Iuck. Joanne Hall & Phil Schilling. AUCTION THURS APRIL'25 -6 P.M. ORIVALbICLEAN AUCTrION CENTRE - UNDSAY 6 p.m. sharp - abou 200 evergreen shrubs, trees. 6:15 p.m. - estate of late Elleen Muir, Bobcaypeon, plus local estate consignments. Same ,antiques, furniture, apptiances, 3 f iing cabinets, chesterfielda, cotour TV w/remate, 9 pc. watnut dining ste., bedroomn stes.,- oak dining table & chairs, 4 Royal Doufttn fiçlurines, office chairs, bicycle, fridge, stove, portable dishwasher, chest freezer, mini washer, dryer, antque chest, tawn mower, etc. .^- é%:" gà lire oti ,g 0 .210 'J ________________Gu_____________________ . oruVMle. I'l n= inurd Cuto I I uch'l on'i misstns îum eiig L.ued us Hon-wth Box 426, 286 King St. W. 1990 FULL ÉIZE GMC extended ist your spring salcl 2 International.ED 666-5353.I Oshawa, Ot.LI H 7L5 cab, short-box truck. Options. I I2-tone paint 5 litre, V8, automatic, MCLEAN AUCTIONI CLEARWATER, Florida. Three ____________ air, AMIFM cassette, plus. $17,400. ORVAL OR BARRY McL 4 BEDROOM HOUSE, air- bedrooms, f utly f urnished, BEST WISHES 655-4870. AUCTIONEERS conditioned. Backyard, main floor airconditioned homes. Pools, hot for a Happy Birthday or Anniversary. taundry. Single $400, cou ple $600. tub, near beaches, attractions. The ctassifieds are a special way FRSL 92Sbr.BdACINSL Furnishd or unturnished. Children wetcome. (Less than osngreis!FRSL:192ubu.BdACINAE 666-3478. motel.) 683-5503. to send6r8etings clutch. $150Y 668-7320. "KAHN COUNTRY AUCTI ______________________ erv Wenlnsdav at 6:2 is .EAN, - w ~ ,'~,,. * j 1:.*,.~ ~ --------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------~ ~, - -