Whitby Free Press, 17 Apr 1991, p. 24

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'PAGE 2~ wHrPY~REÉ ?ES., .D . .Y; .T'.I. ., .09 S..,-.-'...~ .~ . 1 Rmw l ýý u~ i'-~ 'T, Peew ees, win..p-rovincial hockey champîonlship By Chris Bovie Having already won the Sorbara Group. MI'jor peéwees added thé provinciaïlAA chain- pionshi iKapuskasing over Coach Steve Cardwell éearlier this séason said his teain haci the chexistry te possibly go ail the way, and he guided his squad'to that véry outconie. TI the final, Whitby facéd thé Mississagua Terriers for the se cond time in thé tournament, Whitby ganing thé edgé 4-3 dur- ingthé tirst encounter. Palling behind 1-O after one Period, Adrew mcLaughlin tied thé gamin i thé second périod. Aniother goal by McLaughlin and one 'by- Darryl Whitlock paced thé club to a 3-1- gold medal performance..' TI thé first game, Whitby -cru- iséd past Timnins 7-3 as Whit- Iock and McLaughlin éach scoréd twicé. Single goals cameé from Stéven Biais, Brad Newport and Jeremy Schott. In their flrst meetingwith the Terriers, Josh Thompson scored twice whiie Biais and Brian Scott each added a goal. Whitby was too, strong for the home club of Kapuskasing, post- ing an 8-O0victo .Steven liol- biski had théea rc o Whitby. Thé teain had lost goalié Barry Crawford with a broken hand, so it was up to féilow netininder Rob Fodor to shine. Cycling race prop osai denied Thé Ajax Cycling Club has withdrawn a, proposal te hold a road race i north Whitby. Aftér néithér Durham Régional Policé nor thé Région of ~biham would endorse thé racé due to saféty réasons, Whitby council deniéd thé appliation. A similar race was héld in Oshawa i 1989, but due to, Safety probiems, thé city askéd thé cycling club to, look for anothér location in thé future. Durham Régional Policé staff sergeant B.R. Graham, in a let- ter te thé Town opérations coin- mitte, states tliat "thé poténtial for serious mfjury or a fatahity during this évent in this particu- for hé Iar areas. itronger than a mère JILL O'BRIN of Paul Dwyer goes hiah frth oibiity.» volley in LOSSA badi ào at Ajax hîgh school Thé puggested track for thé last week. road race inciudéd* a 19km cIOVISPI1ot stretch 'along Lakeshore Rd. '(Reg. ]Rd. 23) to Columbus Rd.. Whitby to fielId s'enior team Senior basebaîl is alive and wéll iWhitby. While lack of intérést was apparently thé ré'ason for asat wéék's announcément of thé démise of thé Oshawa Lgonairs, Whitby will again fid ateam. in -thé Eastern Ontario Basébail Association senior league. In fact, soe of thé players who had played for thé Oshawa téam last year and wanted te play this season will iikely bé part of what couid bé a fornid- able Whitby team. A practice has béen schéduled for Sunday at 10 a.m. at Iroquois Park. Whib ill Play home gainés onTésay nights at Iro- ois Park whn tCh e sason .e s in mid-Maýy. Jeoffdy Turner is manager and Joh Heffer manager-coa.ch of théeWbitbyîtam. Both aiso play for théteain. Spruce Villa wiil again sponsor thé team. Turner says thé iack of junior players coming up troghthé Oshawa systein may havé béén one réason! why senior basébal coliapsed in Oshawa. Threéplayers frointhé Whitby juirteain of iast season --' Trévoor Beggs, GregoryWadé and Scott Artnér -- willtr out for thé Whitby senior teain this sea- son. Squirts win Richmond Hill hockey tournament Billî1y Deir scored 12 goals in hrégames. te iéad Whitby Canadian Tire minor squirts to thé championship of a tourna- ment in Richmond Hill récently. Déir scored fivé goals and Brandon Fowler had thé other in a 6-1 win ovér ARC Industries in thé inal. Deir scored five and Devin McLéod éanréd thé shutout in a X2-O opening gaine victory ovér IRH. Nissan of )Richmond 11111. Ryan Hnatko and Fowler each had two goals whilé B.J. Bowles Scott Rae and Aaron Kelly had singles.' Ini thé econd gamé, Fowlér scoréd thàréé goals in a 7-5 déci- sion over Oil Tech of ]Richmnond Hill1. Deir and Hnatko éa.ch had two go ais in thé victery which sent Whitby te thé final. and on sidéroads passing through Auhbum and Utica. Freà Garriqués, président of thé Ajax Cycbing Club, who has had top nlers such as Steve hauer ride with thé club, says hé can't undérstand thé lack of enthusiasmn for cyciing. "Thé cci association needs te have mre contact with gvérninént officiais te educate Garriques and -thé Ajax Cycling Club plan te work harder te, makée sure that road ra.cing i Durhamn Région doés not'bécome a thung of the past. Garriqisés thinks, thé safety issue has been blown way out of pooton. "Th amount of injuries are néglebi,»he says. Garriques also statéd that thé race is «99perocent assured" te be held in Little Britýin on May Whitby froq 41ois Swim Clu b wMitby Meat Newoeste 100 boutéd by Newoesle SwIm Chub PMa KAlio lut 100 bock 2nd 50OfIy, 100 brengtstroke Jenifer Anderion 2ad I10 L, i00 back rd l00bremuttroke KeI.y Benning 2nd 100 bock 3rd 50 0y. 100 breatatroko Loti Magen 2ad 1W0 bremtatroka Katto itgemad a&d 100 fy Mattbew Delastr o t 50 ly. 100 back 100 breatatgm lboy Goodwn 2id 1W0 bock, 1W bmmatoke lcott Combr 2ad 50bock James Ayotto hd 100 brematatroko bowt Labo kil 25 l'y. 100bock Juatin hile kil 25 l'y 19. The évent h as béen held ini Oshawa on and off for thé iast 20 years. Whitby men's hockey W L T 0V GA I A Poci- Woeer" 21 0 Il 8 4 BqEntaptlm 21 0 9 a "4 ?4R5E.mUY 21 0 18 18 4 HOi;hMaLuUbOI 12 0 5 .8 2 Att«'mIlm t 12 0 8 18 2 070"Io 12,0 9- ,- 15 2 MmoePrngim 80 0 17 4 6 CutomAuto 21 0 Il 8 4 C.K Auto 1 1 110 14 8 Ivdboba hyL 1 2 0 B 9 2 CaM" 12 010 15 2 ClUff la mub. 02 1 14 18 1 NR5Enly 5 HolbndLumb. 2 AttoeylqTii. 1 EofEnt. O Woou.t m 4 M"oha 0 Cutom Auto a Cif LImm FLa.4 MelanlPrnglss 7 Camp u 1 CXL Auto 4 Dsydm Choya. 8 loe .Apt il flmvld.amChry&a. 8cm" ra 2 O.K Auto 6 1KLaf m n ua Meuh rlng 4 Cuutam Auto 2 Woterod 7, AUiky lo .2 OTOoban a NRSRhhlY 5 Boy% Etopthoa 8 HolndLuub.2 Patria Luke lot 100 fly, 100 bock 100 brmaatroko AdhnLlewm 1LutBD0Dy,100 1v. 100 bfatroka ChrieiMule lot 50 fi. 2niI 100 brumtaoe Ajax Log Cous niatéa hoeted by Ajax Aquatto Cluab ApilS&7 Rayn lMcCulloch lut 2nd Tar a rntt lut Forah L» 2nd Jei oew m ffd T. Arnott a. La IL McCufloeh J. Raie Aahiogh crowdoe LealieDowaam AuraiLa 100 fly 200 bock 100 brottroke 100 l'y 100 bremittroko 200 bock lot 200 free relay lat 200 boc 2nd 400 ]LX &d200 fr. Il 100 ly 2nd 200 D'y, 400 IL âut 50 fr. Katluyu UcBonq 2nd 100fr.

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