Whitby Free Press, 17 Apr 1991, p. 18

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Planning a dleck TJiis article ws prouided by local realtors and the Ontario Real Estate Association (OREA) for t/w benefit of conaumerp in the real estate market. Once again, it's the time of year when homeewners' tboughts turn * ta spring and outdoor living. If you're liko many homeowners, you ray b. already anxiously planrnng a host of home unprovement prejects. And if you roally relish the great eutdoors, you may be planning ta build a dock this spring te enhance yeur outdoor living soason right throug to the fall. Whetber simple or elaborate, docks are popular do-it-yourself projocte that the wbole family can tae part in planning. Nestled in the privacy of your NC own backyard, a dock can provide Spas and hot tubs now as common as the backya.rd swirnming poo (NC) The daily ritual of soalding in bot pulsating water is ne longer enly a past-timo for the ricb or adventurous. The reasons are many. Installing a spa in your backyard or basement je not only inexpensive (starting at $2,500) but will provido many, if net ail, of the pleasures of ewning a pool (backyard boauty, entertainiment value, family tegethernese, exorcise, etc.). Sales in eastern Canada have surprisingly now surpassed the unit sales of western Canada, whicb bas been the strongbold of Canadian spa and bot tub sales up until a few years ago. While installations in western Canada have always been outdoors, most eastern Canadian installations bave been indoors ... until rocent years wben there bas been a dramatic shift te outside installations -- even in colder climates. Industry experts state that the thrill of erjoying your spa under- the beauty of the a ligbt snewfall ... is what '"hot tubbing"' is ail about. Regardless of whther you are, purchasing a sph or hot tub for h orne improvement value, entortainment, fanuly together- ness or hèalth, the pleasure of a %ck soak befere your shewer in the mornings or a relaxing moment with your lovod one in the eveming, guarantees1 the ever-increasing popularity of spas is not a fad -- but bore ta stay. Spas are loved by all ages for different reasons. Chidren love the bubbles and the companionsbip of their parents. Seniors and -athletes enjoy the tberapeutic value Of hydrotherapy. A spa and a bot tub are the same product, only tbe bot tub FOR THE NEW OR EXPERIENCED POOL & SPA OWNERS We are proud to introduce MR. JOHN ZIMMERMAN Canada's foremost pool educator HELD AT "'THE POLISH VETERANS HALL"I 1551 Stevenson Road North, Oshawa ONENIHT NLy:::::: _RWSTANO DE, FEATURING 35mm Film Presentaton- Closing Pools Safely -How To SaVe Costly Repars *Learn How To Have A Worry Free Winter - Proper Winterizing Procedlures QuesUon Pedod - Spa Care And Mintenance EVERVONE WELCOME - DRING A FRIEND Tantnoos i-ie 13 auto R. . shaa-5108 bas a wooden tank, whereas a spa is acrylic, or concrete. The equipment and benefits are identical. Spas can be installed indoors or. out, abovo ground, in the ground or haif and haif. Smaller models require a floor area less than 4 ft. by 5 ft. Portable spas can be moved indoors in wintor or to the cottage in the summer, while built-ins are permnentlY fixed in place. Expensive altoratiens to your home are not necessary ... moet spas can be uncrated, electrically connected, filld and enjoyed in a mattor of heurs. Ventilation fans are not absolutelY nocessary in indoor installations as a floating cover retains the heat and keepa huinidity ta a minimum. Most spa owners use their spa each and every day. Maintenance tini j minimal - only a few minutes oach weok. Most spas are available in 29-mn. deptbs ta go tbrough any door, and theY corne in widtbs that allow passage down a staircasle. For those difflicuit installations, two-piece models are available. Somo spa purchasers can quality for a tax deduction. Contact your faniily doctor if you believe you qualify'. For the, name of a CANSPA dealer in your area, contact The Canadian Spa & Pool Association, 6303 Airport Rd., Suite 305, Mississauga, Ont., tele1,hone (416) 676-1591 or call toll-fre 1-800-263-6103. ENEiRGY CONSUbMTON/ CONSERVATION TIFp Domestic hot water use accounts for'approximately 12 per cent of the total energy conumtio cf the average hshld. Solar hot water heaters can reduce tis energy requireinent- by 2upta baif cf that of a conventiona water heating -*CýsyrýtewI' 4ý *f >'0é'B t*0 e -" l' you with a multi-function play/entertainment/utility area or a cosy, socluded retreat. Be fore you start putting your ideas down on paper, think about how you're going ta use your dock. How elaborate do you want it ta, be? Do you, want an enter- tairnment area designed for more formal occasions,'or de you want a general, multi-purpose area? Do you plan te incorporate a bot tub? Are yeu building your deck around an isting pool or do yeu plan on baving one installed at a future date? Docks can greatly enhance- a property and can actually make room eut of space which was previously unusA-e -- particularly if your property is situated on an incline. Hlan.carefully Whatevèr route you docide ta take, make sure you carefully define your needs and budget bofore getting started.. Aise take your overall landscape inta account when planning. Do you want ta enhance a panoramic view? Are tbere certain things you'd either like te highlight or camouflage? If you bave several beautiful shade trees in your yard, for instance, you may want te build you deck around tbem, instead ef trying ta avoid them altogether by simply building a smaller decIL Ini fact, your dock cazi pretty well be as flexible as your budget and imagination; docks can be multi-tiered and can extend around the entùre circumference of a home -- depending, of course, on available space and local building codes. Decks can aise be built on top of oxisting struictures, like a flat-roofed garage or an extension. (However, it's a good idea ta consuit a building specialist if yo choose tbis option.) If you want t i croate separate areas fer differený functions,. you can build a mullii-level deck, or several, smaIler ý'djoining decks, visually separated by attractive flowers or shrube. Weatb.er You sbould aIse ýtake the weatbor in your area into account before proceeding too far with your plans. Which way do the prevafling winds blow? If wind is a potential problem, you maty sip 'want ta install - *âIls around your deck ta shelter it. You may aise want to instal some sort of rooflng, such as latb or plastic, depending on your preference. A trellis roof, for example, provides an excellent surface on which to bang attractive plants. Whon planning your dock, also take note' of the amount of sunsbine it will get. (3enerally, a deck with a soutbern exposure sbould get a consistent ainount of sunshine; a dock buiît on tbe northern aide of a bouse would receive more limited sunlight. Once you've docided on the type of deck you want and tbe function it will serve, bo sure ta incorporate the appropriate safety measures inta your design. Railings, for instance, 'are essential if you bave small cbildren. Be sure, too, ta cbeck your local', building regulations. Chances are, youll probably need a building permit. If you plan ta build, the deck yourself, you should talk ta the experts at your local building supply centre ta determine wbat yu'lrequr n terms cf supplies. YUr budgt and personal preference will belp you decide' which type of wood you'll use. Docks can be .stained or painted. Many hoeowners choose ta use prossure-treated wood bocause it prevides botter protection against rot and insect damnage. Some people prefer cedar. If 'you plan ta instail an* elaborate dock, you may want ta consult experts ta, see if your plans are feasible. You may also want te hire a contracter ta build it. No matter which way you choose ta, go, once your dock is complote, you can ait back and enjoy the pleasures of spring and sume utdoor living.

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