WHITBT REE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17,1991, PAGE 13, ]Price tag umpsfor new, works yard By Mike Kowalsld The anticipated cost of a new puleworks depot for Whitby Ias * med by almost 50 per cent in two years. By Mike Kowalski The ceilinq. in the Town council chambers will receive a $16,000 facelift. Despite an attempt by council- 1cr o Bugelii te trini the amount, council last* week appro- yod a new paint job as wel as cleaning cf the air ducts in the ceiling. The exenditure was contained in thel1991municipal budget. "Are we going te bire Miche- langelo?» asked councillor Joe Drumm about the projected $16000 cost of the.paint job. Town clerk Don McKay replied that the work also included cleaning the air ducts in the building's roof. McKay said the painting was for esthetic reasons and tould be postponed but ho suggested that the ducta L7e cleaned as that has not been done since the building opened. Bugelli conceded the ceiling needed painting but felt that part cf the job could be deferred. Ho said the ducts could pro- bably be cleaned for about $2,000 and proposed that $14,000 be struck -from the budget. Mayor Bob Attersley opposed the motion. Ho said mny viitera te Wbitby have remarked on how Almoat $86000 in granta have been awarded te local organiza- tions by Town council. The money was included in the 1991 budget approved by council last week. The groupa receiving funding and the amounts are: According te, the 1991 budget approved by'council last week, a new operat9ýns 'centre for the Towin's3 public works department is projected te cost $7.3 million. well the municipal'building is maintained. «People don't believe how well we keep it up. If we cut back it will start slipping,» said Atters- ley. «To cut back the maintenance of this building is only delaying it we should do it as we go aïong.» However, Drumm supported Bugelli's motion. 'At Bornepoint in time we have te say leavei something te next year or whIenever,» said Drumin. . «These are teuÉh times, Fd like te get the budget as low as gossible, $16,000 lsa alot cf Couneillor, Tom Edwards argued that staff would not ask for such an e pnditure this year unlesa they feel it is important. McKay acknowledlged the paintirpg is on1ly required for <'oea- metic» purposes, but there was a valid reason1 for including it in the budget. He said staff try te aveid the problem cf doing all major main- tenance work at one time. "This year ýwe felt it was time fer the ceiling to be re-painted. Next year we', ave t address the brick work problem at the front cf the builiding," said McKay. «That dlinches it for me," said Edwards, irA, speaking for the *$60,000 te. Whitby Arts Inc. fo r operatîng($4U 000) andcapi- tal « <0(00)expenses * 11:800 te, the Whitby Brasa Band * $5000 te, the Whitby Jaycees * $4000 te, the City of Oshawa Marine Rescue Associatien (COMRA) * $3 000 te, the Ajax-Pickering and Wkitby Association for Com- muni t iÀving *$?50 Ote the Ontari e- ment * $300 te Burns Preabyterian Church Cemetery Board *. $200 te, Broeklin Women's Institute * $100 te the Junior Extension Program for young farmera * $30 te, the County Farm Safety Association *$5te the, Durham West Rama. & Mara Soil and Crop Improvement Association THE TOWN 0F WHITBY CIOMMUNITY SCHOQLS COMPOSTING AND RECYCUNG SEMINAR Thursday, April 18, 1991 8.00 -9:30 P.M. 'U3REEN NIGHT'" AT PALMERSTON COMMUNITY SCHOOL 400 PALMERSTON AVE. 666-0959 ecding i8 becominq increasingly important Corne and Ieam how to t aste into sornething useful. mbi is an opportunity bo get answers bo recydling questions. Copstr wiII be available for purchase at a speciai pnoce. Bardmatic $20potbin $26. Admission freel M I-rn------ Construction of the Taunton Edý fa.cility will begin later this year. A $5 million debenture and $2.3 million in reserve funds will majority of coundil as motion wae defeated. Bugelli's be used ýo finance the project. Howeyer, in his introdutr remnarkcj te last year's budget, Town adýainisrator Bill Wallace referred! te an «estimated pre- liminary cost» of $4.9 million for the centre. Wallace noted that $2,million in funding was set aside in the 1989 budget and that debentures for the remainder will be required. Town treasurer AI (laringbold said Wallace's letter only refer- red te the «actual construction costs» of the facility. «It cidn't take into account other services affected there's a considerable amount ot site work te be done' explained Claring-- bold. This work includes building a new road from Taunton onto the site said Clarmngbold. Zsat the time, building lans were not finalized, we were dealing with the unknown,.» ho added.*1>. Councillor Joe Bugelli, ope- rations committee chairman, confirmed Claringbold's explana- tion. ADVERTISEMENT Hlomemade pizza at the 'Corner' Having made pizzas sinoe 1968, Tom new a p plies bis special teuch as owner/manager oCrner Pizza in downtewn Wbitby. Tom and bis famiily last year teck ever WVhitby's oldeat pizza stere, firat established in 1965, and saw the need for good, homemade pizza and cuisine. The crispy crust, wbich can bé thick or thin, is topped. with a homemade sauce made te perfection with secret ingredients, says Tom, who once made pizzas in New York City. Spring specials which have begun or are in the woîrls include mini-pizzas, large pzas, diet pizzas and Pizza Days at sehos .Corner serves schoels with individual boxes of pizza for $2.50, with two large pizzas free for schol teachers.. A sprng special features a large 16-inch Pizza with five items for only $14.99 (including tax and delivery), until May 31. Mfini-pizzas are $5 each, including three' items, for in-store dining and pick-up only. Starting May 15, Corner Pizza ýiIl offer Pizza Ritea vegetarian pizza, a diet pizza for those whe are weight-conscious. The regular everyday offer is a free 12-inch pizza with the.purchase of a 16-inch- pizza which is the deluxe and comes with seven items for the priceof five. Cost is $2150, including tax ancdédlivery, and the offer is net valid with an y te pcal. Corner Pizza alse offers souvli, sialads, pesta and side dishes, dine in or take eut. Deliveries are available te rural areas, tee. A newly renovated'dining area will open May 15, when -aise will begin the new hours of il. a.m. te midnight from Sunday te Thursday, il a.m. to 3 a.m. Friday and Saturday. Corner Pizza is at 204 Brock St. S.> Whitby. CORNERE PIZZA>- CCOM 204 Brock St. S. CORNER Ml FIREHALL WThtby PIZZA DNO .668-8807 rIFY YOUR LAWN NATIJRALLY .bctt enty oud acre, effhave arduea ertal obttour la arcoefecive nduea natural -organic fertilizer to ou.r lawn programme... mnced fertilizer wiIl not only enhanoe turf growth, also aid i thatch reduction and encourage soil ty. iIy do care about your lawn. iy for a no obligation\ < and analysis. L42 8 3'12 t4p Wbitby Communt for 6 years New'pai*nt j'ob for counc ileha mbers ceil ing Co -iomm-unity groups receive grants With y=u support, cancer can be CFAI N beaten. sW i Please g~ive.