Whitby Free Press, 17 Apr 1991, p. 10

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PAGE 10, WHITY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17,1991 Shoestringrs to present. 'Max' S. Will'in May. MIL MANNINGHAM, played by Rick Kerr, looks ominouslyupn Namy portrayed by Kerrilyn Wood, in the , Witby Courthouse Theatre production of 'Gas Light.' 'Gas Liglit' opens_ Thiursdy, April 25 and runs through to April 27, lmntinuing every Thursday* through Saturday to MWay 11. Tickets are available at Lafontaie Trading Post, downtown Whitby. rbBiepo The Durhamn Shoestring Per- formers wil èce out their l7th season with 'Max' ilI, a new pq ylocal playwright Pearl Ann Syme will diract the sea- son finale for the. theatre group. The story focuseson famnily âe 'Ten Li*ttie Indiîans'> in Oshawa Oshawa Little Theatre will p roent Agatha's Christie's 'Ten LteIndians' starting April18. In the classic whodunit,a col- ourful .group of English eccen- trics are cast together on an isolated island. Cast members are Brian Ste- venson,,. Steve Whalen, Jarrod Chambers, Rocky Varcoe, John Green, Michael Roantree, Joan Windling, Renee Racine, Mykel Gardner, AI Nichols and Joan %oantres. AThe show wiIl be presented A pril 18 to 21, 25 to 28 and May 2 to 4. at 62 Russett Ave., Oshawa. Curtain time is*8 p.rn. Tickets, $10 for adulte and $8 for students, are available at Saywell's &o)kstore 14 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa,'anc1 at the box office on night of performance.. For-more information caîl 723- 0282. 0 Pianist Arthur Ozoli ns to perform On Sunday, April 28, 8 p.m., the Oshawa Symphony Orchestra Association wil present a Seagram Guest Artist concert featuring Arthur Ozolins, piano, and the Oshawa Syrnphony Orchestra conducted by Wmnston Webber at Eastdale Collegiate Theatre, Harmony Rd. N., Oshawa (at Adelaide). The pro nam willinclde Franz Joweh aydn's yphony No. 22 in E fiat (The Philosopher,), Manuel de Fallas Suit fim El morbrujo (Love the Sorcerer), and Peter llyich Tchaikovskys Concerto for Piano and Orchestra in B fiat minor, 0pý23. TchaikovskY's Concerto for Piano and Orchestra was compoed during the cloing ees cf 1874 and the or Luis Substace Frittered W illain succeed wth his dastardly deed? (Find outi) .srbat$2775 April4 to May 12 orchestration completed by the end of February of the following year. As he was not a pianist, Tchaikovsky felt that it was neceay to obtain the. prfesinal opinion of a virtuso so he asked his friend, Nicholas Rubinstein, a musician of great distinction, to listen to it. Accordingly, Tchaikovsky played the piano part for hum in one of the classroom s cf the Moscow Conservatory on Christmas Eve, 1874. Rubenstein received the whole, recital in stony silence. ,At the conclusion, he declared th cnerto worthless, absolutel unplayable, that passages were manufactured and clumsy, that the whole composition was trivial LFor ieservaâm aafld4I ;l"472-3085: "08I In cottage country in 1965. Com-' bining humour and drama, eMaxes Wilr combines realisitc characters with familiar settings. aIt's a mans play,» $Yi-e admits. nTe play focuses on the relationships of the mien and thefr differin personalities.» Whle Max wsthe a ther figure to the mnany characters in. the. play, there are a variety of stories interwoven throughout. There's Art, w-ho has the pro- blem of alcoholism.- Carl is the new Canadian citizen after hav- ing lost everyth ing i his home of Germany, and Johfn is the some- what slow but loveable friend.. Joan, the daughter of Max and Mary, takes the audience chrono- Iog*irally backwards from her adolescence. Havfinf perfqormed ILake .fret .mers ernjoy the challenge of por- traying three very dirnensiona-l characters. "'[ho play reade beautifuly,u Syme says. "M'e limes corne easy wbich lenda itself to more of a professional level." Syme enjoys the variety of emotions ini the Iplay. "It's far more challenging. It's also very good for the actors.n 'Max's Will will be erfiorme Thursday and Friday, ]ay 2 and 3,setarting at 8,p.m.,attle arts rouccentre,,-O-hawa city hall coern loi. Admission is $2.50 at the door. For advsnce ticket information, calI Carolyn Wilson at 725-9256. and cornmonplace, that onily two or three passages had any value . and that the rest should be either rewritten or destroyed entirel. Tchaikovsky then turned to e another virtuoso of the day, Hans von Bulow. Bulow went into . ratrsover the wr and gave ;.,< .. it its ord premier in .cobr.4. 1875 inBetn.e ess tosay, the work i dedicated to him Rubenst.oin, in time, realized hie errors in judgment and . . becarne one of the concerto~s mont brilHiant interpreters. It is.. .. C probably the. moot beloved piaoMM ? concerto of the roantic period » The Oshawa concaemt wil ho performed by Arthur OzoHme, GARVIN FAP*R, who portrays Art i the Durham whcee rare combination cf Shoestrlnger Performers production of 'Max!s Wil,' masterly technique and snape at Harl ($eott Gnuffn) during a tens moment. impeccable artistic insight, have Clans Bovie photo kide him into one of the outatanding piano virtuos of hie in concert and reciti ur e 'a teb*t 0* appearanes ar h ondheordhurd rte ib in hsgarnered the acclaim of du 0 cicsadaudiences alike for the d ring iva aiMcLaughlin energy, inteilectual clarity and i emotional impact of hie performances. The annual juried art artoistlntrctor, John Leonard, The Juno Award wviniung exibition, displaying selected artist./nstructor, and. George pinit ashonoured jointly by entries from a variety of Raab, printmaker/sculptor. the Torownto Symnphony and the categories, will be held at Robert AUl works on display are Canadian Bcadcasing McLaughlin Gallery, Oshawa, entries from residents of/ the Corporation in a gala concert. from May - 2 to '19. Opening -Durham-Region or memibers of comeorating the 25tIi cerernonies wiil be held on the Oshawa Art Association, and anniversary cf bis debut.Thrdy May 2, 'frocm 7 to 9 many paintings are offered for *Tickets for this special concert p.m. sale. are $15 each for adults and Three jurors wii review entries seniors and $8 for studenta, plus in the categories ofrcil, aciylic, The Oshawa Art Association GST, and are available ýi at watercolour, prints, nnJced media, has a current membershp of 270, Sayweil's in Oshawa, Rickaby's n pastel, sculpture and drawlng. comprised of artiste of ail aome Bowrnanville, and Discs & Data l Awards for these categorieS wiil and ail levels of expertise. fiÎ Wbitby, or by caig the Oshaàwa be preseflted d î '21 the official group meets monthly for Symnphony officq. . ýt (416) opening en May 27irors for tis programa, and offers workshops

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