Whitby Free Press, 10 Apr 1991, p. 8

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PAGE 8. WH1TB nfR1 PIWU, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10,1991 , Concern over safe ty of osslandode ridg establishiinj load limits* or bridges withm the munIcipality. The bylaw muet ho reviowed every two vears and thon sent t< the Ontario Ministry of Trans- portation. ' > The Rossland Rd. bridge i. one of five in Whitby aigald restriction. ~ahvn a According t staff report, the bridge is only capable of with- snding a ross load of eighi metric tonnes. , However, Brunelle asked thai the matter ho referred back tc cauncil's operations committee for further study. Brunelle bean pointing oui that the beaige Booms te lx unsafe dué ta ts .physical appearance when ho was admon- ished by Mayor Bob Attersley. Attersley said Brunelle had no way of knowing whether the bridge is unsafe and therefore shouIld not ho causing unneccessa ary-alarm. Only an engineering report cen determine that, said Attersley, who thon asked the media not to report on the 'matter until a '"'I ot khprearif the bridge is not safe it just looks that way,' replied âirunelle. Dear Larraine:stor Iiirepobeteyorraicole on isoa nbe diate rsvscl othIc wan ofte Oatarnts whohav ecylnt xpenedahinvion mipr hti etan etirm EN)eay andPerigk. serdut thnttey areyju tieconnnt disposable àes vi s on Ha os i. mypadren succehaest elpoterone niake the mr envatironetily afechi. Ifr sdepouiting ontects (frnsay) frproperandewaje Wlt he e nh av ghroed te d o a lundu, aethe nIrea lo d nt or mhe and pufit n dip ye e tsrbeti what e re machineonvetegslar wash cy le n ada ite vuingar t blah i eesa Béeause ofte extandhickess o hee ne diaers, they do tae mae lîontmein thye de ie. T vi sn hsm elerite irtplaconete (ifthe er for hlptrequreda ttieton hangthem oarack. Bmy ptting eddiaper on a Oe needlae a ee wo do daer,urpairs ofeplatice loadintoyourmacinertand toth pscycrangung in cal water. Se 5,mc whnhoirquite washcylte apera anl For arents lwho d not hsavetecnvnec f .ahn paeBe sr heta katthesboeahesnd soiaps, they use tand chone te nhti th rer.ostevinmentalhfiendly. eeThank you1 fryoplagood adicte adyinstruclthns on how t was tnh dapers.o ac.K ptig iprso A Wjneispaper rticeetle, <Diaerd silec,.qoe many e ns aasynthoe feeiglty fout uingrsow-ouatï diaersbutar to hokedontheconone-rncg« wic t cloth. Your fisth extrper noe t big ing mon yourselfshou$22convic hem oqthewise. hepe na esme aents,70 also l retesbu n.dsoals u the fart s w ailohave hae te cakeineo a mahie, lokat motherercs. ho love tebaeithe sesoa cookes or amsubretda cakttes ith heir yang oas tese il tn heegse hee t ops te s nirnetly red Dadtkes hisfonrte cueor ushierdis tucbabys tterhomeo W esrprartkies ith Ed aer cndDid the bunnyuot arveovpatsamkaed witheya pl atoanbou ngtrw-u hilrenlutarntoe ronspee cslofom ninexamplie.Te fuotureoufthe plan is friethem. ahthber wewinooue this waurte fsaveour ecnvirnet, t eawst hworchlrnw tefcOMiNG we lhvecngespri 1 7:0 pm. Duha Enioent okatmohr .(DEN)loemtbes wil me ea hsort Poler r uniialy biltdinKcate aht1 ery St uatenrth f thQuéeen t.. rgeamseddrsesane neoeio wish ta eeie minutes.ubForuhersfoth o aboutteNom, Apri 2 ram or Ishie);2 p.m., akeRi dsMoin te bntur arive et at Dgrnar'scrosicuntry ki ae ng Lkrig futre1od.t23),lnetortofHwem. Fur ther w inoraetiocil Giill aveowaynvron(416) lastsh49- 84.lre trie-d.~.1 i I ) I b Councillor Tom Edwards rose ta Brunelle's defence. , "Don't we have an obligation te find out if 'the bridge i. safe?» Edwards asked. Councillor Joe Bugelli answered that a governinent report prepared last year indica- ted that the bridge met siafety specifications. At this point Attersjey eut off further discussion and the -mat- ter wass tabled for two weeks. Following- the meeting Brunelle ýsaid the bridge ha loose boards and boîta.,- . rm-conoernod that we say the, load limit i. eight tannes, how do we knciw that7' Brunelle asked. 'Tm not an engineer but cen an old wooden bridge designed for the '40s and '50s take tho pounding it gets todayr ,Brunelle said council muet ho sure it can hofore approving the bylaw.. But th ai only an. interim measure, saidBrunielle.- "We ought tagt onto CP to provide a new bridge." Brunelle said.h could not lrecal reaing the repgrt.cited by PCB plan depnd on.,p*rovince FROM PAGE i By.Mike Kowalski The safety of a wooden bridge in west Whxtby will be investiga- ted by Town engineers. Town counif-Monday directed staff to, pro pare a report' on the condition of the brdg which spans the Canadian Paiic rail- way tracks and joins the two portions of Rossland Rd. W. SCouncil took this action afler the bridge'. safety was que.- tioned by councillor Marcel Brunelle Brunelle raised the matter during discussion of a bylaw 6~ BREAK TH E PATTER N 0F POVERTY Please contribute ta: Canada 1Otw (613) 234-6827 that Queen's Park has not- yet made a decision. «rPm quita disappointedI thought i t could ho concludn by now," said Madras. Madras ssid the transformers were still on the boat but was hopeful the equipment will soon ho moved. <'We're trying to resolve it, with the federal authorities and tho Town,» said Madras, declining ta elaboate. Neither Mayor Bob Attersley nor Town solicitor Diavid Sima were available for imunediate comment. Meanwhile,. Durham Centre MPP Drummond White said that while ho would prefer a decision on Hydon proposaI "as soon as possible,» it wil take time. White said there are several parties ta the agreement and ho would not hazard a gues. as te when a decision may ho forth- comung. Any agreement will require the- approval of both Envîroný- ment -Minister Ruth Grier and cabinet but must go through many hands; before* getting te that level,sfaid White. "You're talking about a procesa that requires the Town, Hydro, fedetal goverrnment and . ro- vince. It can't ho resolved in alf an hour," said White. .While ail parties await a deci- th k ehben c llened by a community activist. Ralph Blank was acheduled te appear at yosterday's (Tuosday) commission meeting te argus against the proposaI. Blank said the commission will ho setting the wrong precedont if it accepta the PCB.. «It i. not the technical aspects ofthis proposaI that troublé me theomoët»states Blank's brief. <But the political and 1ega fallout over this public utiilý over-extending its mandate bý, accepting a private corporation s hazardous waste ta expedite that .oToration's sale of an ast'i Blank dlaims the commM*sion will be oenig a «pandora s box» byapeng ta o a wiling hast" or Rbnson'à PCBs. Blank told 'me Free Prossho had not et discussed hi. opposi- tion with any of the commis- sioners. Commission chairman« BiII Lawler said Hydro i. simply «try- ing te ho a good corporate citi- zen" by taking the PCB. But Làawler stressed that no geeent hesben reached with the province. 'SAs far as I'm concerned, it's at a standsàtil until the province makes up its mind,» said Lawler. lhreso mUj uch gogo about ut in the pabu,'lîpungo adde4,1refusing t àà;;ate. tedBlank's concerne but ailt the matter should not ho construed as merely helping Robinson out of a fi. . "Itfs not that I necessaiy want ta rush ta Mr. ]Robinson s defence, but we aiea, have the community ta consider," said White. "W., may not went ta look aftor Mis concerne but w. want ta, Wbith en.te delined tacmment 'on the"commission'. willingness ta tae.the PCB. «I wouldn't want ta ugs thtthyr acting improperly that's herprerogative," s.5âw White. '-Portable signs botherin g.Fox By Me Kowaidk. Portable advertising signe in est Whitby are a blight on the community, charges councilor Dennis Fox. The east ward representative tald Town council Monday that the condition of many aignu in the vicinity of Dundas St. and Thcs' Rd s £ne area islooking 1keBagh- dad sfter the bombing. 'mheres nothing redeeming about it at al,' said Fox, whose complainte echo those previoualy made by counillor Joe Drum. ; According ta Fox, soveral signe are missig 4itbulbs and.. are damaged. Hoe sked about the statue of a new i abylaw hoing prepered ayssf, but planning director BOb Short could give no indica- tion whon it1il cme before council. <'I hope staff will keep on epo it and I hope council will have the opportunity te desi wuth it on a permanent basis, said Fox., Atiantic noise comnplaints continue FR OMPAGCE 1 AtlanticeMeniners recommen- After Foir raised the matter ded that the -exhaust level ho tweekIs ega- staff were <brc- "I don't like ~tigclea reduced aud baiies of straw pla- ted ta contactAtlantic about the that time but I understand hawced -arounid the bottom of the posslbility of speeding-up the frutratedpeople are.' tacks ta muffle the noise. procees. Last -January, Atlantic Although company officiaIs Acting Town admninistrater AI management valuntarily shut aÀdmitted the measure was ny lringblàd ldcuncil Atlantic down the plant after -rosidents eprr, hywr atisfed has flot yet responded ta the staff bgancomlaining ta muicipal witht e solution when inuZires. officiais.machinery testing resumed. <Tn matter must ho dealt 'me noise has been descrlbed But according ta a 20-naine with now " said Fox. as a "lowv, penetrating, droning" petition presented ta council last 'Tm no;t ooking forward ta the sound which varies in mntensity. month, the noise resumed follow- summer monthu when people 'me source of the noise was a two-week r et e 1wta sleep with their windows traced te four 60-fb. ezhaust lu'le Atlantieplans te instaîl open.» stacs cnnetedte aoeum ermnen muffling devices, the Mayor Bob Attersly promised pumpa, used in the nowsprint wrkis nat expected to e omr- that ho and Claringbold will par- di~i~roes.pleted for three to six months. ,ionalitervene ir,,the-matter, Levedag said a mobile PCB incinerator was tested last sum- mer, but- no time freine for its use has been - .pproved by Ottawa. «Whon it gets rolling we will *include the PCBs at Wihitby Hydro and Mr. Robinson'., if they're storod there,» said Leve- da1eanwhile, Levedag said *federal officiels have nô objection to a proposai ta move the PCBs off the boat and inte a container on the dock. The transformera would ho hif- ted from the vessel and placed in an <enviro pac.k» storage unit. «Our preforence would ho for a secure, licensed site like Whitby Hydro, but this (enviro pack) is quite secure" said Levedag. Whitby Ifydro Electric Com- mission general manager Tom May was awere of the govern- mont's offer but did not wish ta speculate. "I think everything will hinge on what-happens to the PCBs on' the PEI," said May. Hydro has agreed ta take tho PCBs, but no deal has . been' struck with tepovnce The Ontariao Ministry of Environment must agree ta cer- tain conditions imposed by, the commission hofore the utility accepta the PC%.. Specàclly, the commission wants the province t a te res- ponsibilit for the PCBs and absolve the utilityof any liabi- litkia:y said' the* commission uhasn t heard a word" from the province aboutit. proposal. Mark .Madras, attorney for *Robinson, expressed diapleasure

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