Whitby Free Press, 10 Apr 1991, p. 25

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No >Vices. ,capture zn ii Brooklin & Whitby Kinsmen major novice B hckey team de oated Peterborough to become zone champions recently. Whitby had three wins and a tie in the five-game sermies with Peterborough. For the season, Wbitby won 81 games, tied three and bot 12. Whitby was undefeated ln 22 regular season lague .contesta, including 10 shutouts. In 14 rpayffgmes, Whitby won 12 mïcludifng five shuýtouta and tieJà twice. Whitby won four of six A level tournaments, won the 'cqnsola- tion in one of four AA tourna- monts and took part in one AAA tournainent. In exhibition platy, Wbitby won 15 gamos, including four s9hutouts, and lost only once. Team members were Ryan *algan and Stoyen Pigrain (goalies) Ricky. Mace,Brad McNaug-iton, Scott Berrey, Mark Unwin, Jordan Fitzgibbon, Jeif Church, Danny smal, Jason Pey- min, Ryan Dancey, Jared Bwn, Jamie Gilea, Danny Cohen Paul Goldsmith and Casey bupont, wîtii coach Robert Fitzibbon, assistant coach Dave Peyn-man, manager Sylvia Dancoy and trainer Stewart Mace. WIDTYFRP PMWZDNHSDY, APRIL10, IMI,>PAM M2 Soccer club wants, to, hear fronz former member8, The Whitby Iroquois Soccer Club is looking for anyone who was involved with the club in 'the past or anyone who can share memories or photographe about the club. The club will celebrate its 25th anniversary this, year. Festivities planned include a parade on May 4. Anyone who bas information- can cail 668-2009, or write to P0 Box 552, Whitby, Ont. LUN 5V3. Karat -1e marathon ïin May World heavweght Icarate champion, Steve 'N;asty Anderson, will again 1w flghting for diabetes research on May 26 at the Holiday Inn in Oshawa. This event, called the Steve "Nasty" Anderson Sparring Marathon, is being sponsored by "Karate Fights Diabetes", and the Sunray Diabetes Foundation. This 100 per cent volunteer organization hba been established for over one iear n Oshawa, and la not ascae with any other diabetos organization. During their firet year of fundraising, they donated $55,000 to, diabetes research. Anderson willbe attempting te break bis own world record of 14-1/2 hours of continuous, sparrng, which ho set i Oshawa last- year. During that sparrlng marathon, ho sparred with, over 400 partners, and $50,000 was donated to Dr. Anthony Sun, a world.renownod diabtes resear- cher at the University of Toronto. Anderson is the current world heav.ywight, karate, champion, a titie ho ?has'held sinco 1983. Ho las been a U.S. national champion eight times, making Mhm one of the moot succesaful karate ',flghters in history. I nrsoan currently, resides in Ottawa. The proceoda of this yerà event will ase 1w donated te, Dr. ISuns project which la developing the transplantation of encap- sulatod insulin-producing collis. This la bolieved te 1we one of the aost promising future treatments fr diabetes. Dr. Sun will 1w at teevent te give a presentation of bis work at 4 p.m. The sparring marathon will start at 7 a.m. and run to 9:45 ip.m. The public is invited to, drap by and vlew the demonstrations. Admission will 1w by donation. STo inake,*a, donation, or <for' further information, caI Evelyn Wong at (416) 576-1571 or 576-0050,, or mail. te Sunray Diabetes Foundation, 13 King St. W., Oshawa, Ont. LiR lAi. Leads, 'seconds bonspilel held A Blackatock rink won the fret annvxal Leada and Seconds bons- piel et the Wbhitby Curling Club on April 3. Shirley Dingmnan was the skip of the rink iwhich captured te Shisko's Country Produce Ltd. trophy. Runner-up. prize went to the Port Perry ririk under skip Gail Jackson. Third prie went to the Whitby rink of skip Mary Smith, vce TOptheczcated The executive of the Brooklin-Whitby Minor Hockey AssociatLion would like to expres their sincere thanks for the excellent hockey covrage during the 1990-91 hockeyeseason. Your co-operation, accuracy and abundance of covorage are groatly approciated- by the sponsors, the, 1,150 boys and girls, and .the parents, coaches, manager and oxecutives. The assciaion appreciatea your efforts on the part of the commuity.Grog Olley Publicity Dïrector CarolynRlott, second Gloria Halliday and lead Carole Smith. One-gamne high went to the Oshawa rinlç-,under skip Jeannie Neal. 13 teams in men's league .The 13 teaxns ln this year's Durhamu Region Soccer League will not 1w competing for the Summor or Faîl Cups this year. The league has changed the naine of the trophies this year to the John Barnes Cup and the Terry Kelly Cup. The first division winner will receivo the Bill Law trophy. The seven teams that make up the first division yvill 1w Ajax Warriors, 'Adria, Durham County, Darlington Wanderers Oshawa City Oshawa Italia and the Oshawa hlrul. The second division of six teama will play for the Adrian Didaniela trophy. The clubs in- clude Oshawa Portuguese, Osh- awa United, Peterborough City, Pickerln Strikers, Par Bon United dDurham Celtic. Thore waa a Whity entrylast season but the teain bas fol d Sqiiirts win tournameiit LAKE ONTA RIO STEEL COMPANY HOPKINS ST. S., WHITBY Whitby figure skaters to attend Provincial meet Why Figur Skating Club membors, Erin MacLod, Mlanie Boaulieu and Nicholas Brann. had top five finishes3 at the Esateru Ontario section iuterclub championshipa in Belleville, March 2-3. The tbre katers were among the approximately 225 com- ptitors representing 96 Eastern Ontario section clubs who quaied te attend the event by placlng first or second in their respetive interclub champion- shipe. MacLeod placed first iu the bronze artlstic "A"ladies event at the Eastern Pineridge interclub held in February, thus quali1ying ber te compote at EOSIC, where she finishe(' in fifth p lace. MacLeod la coached by Tacy Tutton. Beauliou and Brann placed fiat in the preliminary pairs event at the Eastern Pineridge interclub, and aise qualifled te compte-at EOSIC. They finished iu second place, earning silver modala. Beaulieu and Brann are caached by Suzanne Burkart. Brann also competed in the pre-uvenile men's event at the, Eastern Pîneridge interclub, wherhe flxdhed in fitlaceto ho flnished seventh in figures*and wowed the- judges with is Brann second omvri and earned hlm the silver modal.* Brann and Beaulieu were tu also compote, as Eastern Ontario teaàm mmbers, at the Ontario mnterclub championahips in Bowmanvile. Only skaters finishing in the top three at their section interclub are éligible to advance to the poical meet where they Will copt with the best skaters fromn each of the other three Ontario sections. lA Wibymjo qur house open lpm until Bpmn Mon. - Sat. bage hckey teamn, sponsored by Doms Auto Prt, won the tyke A Complete kitchen renovations championship of the jax Village Over 10 years in business house league tournament of April 7.A strong 'Itean effort resulted I\1 S bn dk 5 Year in winas of 6«3, 7-2,s 104 and 8-2. [Y U4I I Waroenty Tyler. Brouseu Chris Elson, Matthew Graham, Andrew Humer, Andrew Hepýburn, Chris - 891 0 HighWay 12 NOMIth Hep burn, Brendon Kotekft Ryan Matthews, Mhal Men, b Brendan Pool, Kevin Pool, goahe 1 iue rmWih Michael Phili, coaches Charlie;: Pool, 'TOM HMer and TomîÈ ý4 ý 3578 Sherwin. oe.1N 4p4 MINOR HOCKEY A% s s 0«Ia 11 T 1 O N Minor Atom Major Atom Minor Peewee Major Peewee Minor Bantarn Major Bantarn Mldget Brooklun-Whitby Minor Hockey Associationl 'AAA' Renresentative Team Spring TryuS Try-out One - Tr-outTw Try-ot-Thre DATE TIME LOC. DATE TIME LOC. DATE TIME LOC.' April 14 10:15 arn - 1P2 April 15 7:00 pm - IPi April 21 8:15 arn - IP2 11:45 am 8:30Opm 9:45 am April 14 11:45 arn - 1P2 April 16 7:00 Pm - IPi April 21 9:45 arn - IP2 9:lPm 8:30Opm___ 11:15 am April 14 1:15 pmfi- P2 Aprîl 17 7:00Opm - IPi ApriI 21 11:5 am - 1P2 2:45 pm 8:30Opm ____ ___ 12:45 pm 1___ Apnil 14 2:45 Pm - 1P2 April 18 7:00 prn - IPi April 21 12:45 pmrî - 1P2 4:15 pm .8:30Opm 2:15 pm ___ April 16 8:30 pm - IPi April 19 7:30.pm - IP1 April 21 2:15 Pm - IP2 10:00 Pm 9:00 Prn ______ 3:45 pm ___ April 14 4:15 pm - 1P2 April 17 8:30 pm - IP1 April 21 3:45 pm - IP2 5:45 pm ____10:00OPmn____ 5:15 prn __ Ap ril 15 8:30 Pm - IPi April 18 8:30 prn - IPi April 21 5:15 Pm - 1P2 - 10:00 Pm 10:00 Pm 7:15 pm 1InentinI1 =trnnuiÎnkPark Arena - Pad 1, 1P2 = Iroqiuois Park Arena - Pad 2.

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