Whitby Free Press, 6 Mar 1991, p. 8

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PAGE 8, WHITB PUE PRIESS, WEDNEBDAY, MaRC 6, 1991 BU~ et: Pannedby MPPs, ie By MLkeKowaloId- Last week's federal budget je either a «blueprit for recovery" or a, recipe for disaster,» depenid- hig n on'spolitical persuasion. WutbY 's two federal represen- tatives -- ;MPRens, Soetens .and MP Rse .Steéven son -- commend. FPinanceMinister MichalWlo for tackling Caniadays $30.5 bil- lion deficit. The twoý Tories salute Wilson. for not.trying ta -spend Canada *out of the current recession. >Their provincial counterparte, not surprisingly, have- littîs positive ta say a-but the budget. In fact, MPP, Drummond' White and MPP Gord Mille, charge* that Wilson is asking the' provinces ta foot the bilf for Ottawa's fiscal mismanagement. The -New Democrat members warn that hmiting tranefer pay- mente ta the provinces will maie it difficult for Ontario Treasurerý Floyd Laugbren ta avoid raiehfig taxes i hie inaugural budget this spring. For Durham riding' MP Ste- venson, the roga ctson tained i thie tudget were "pretty much» what lie anticipated. «<But) I did not expect legiela- ti on ta limit government spsnd- ing for five years, that's an excel- lenit idea,» said Stevenson. _. The north Whitby MP welco- med Wilon'e decision ta apýply' revenues generated *from n the: Goods and Services Tax,(GST) toe Canada'smounting-deficit.'- "As fer as taxpayers ýare,* con- cerned that's the way* it 'should bey ,said Stevenson. According to Stevenson, Canada became a "'financial crip- e from 1975-1984, whe"n -the forme fedral ialgovern- ment spent almost, $200 billion> mors than it collscted.> 1 With interset, the, debt had increased another $120 billion by the timethe Progressive ,Coneer- vatives taok power in1984. "Today thie total ac'cuzn ulated debt -is abot $380 billion, equi- valent ta *15,000 for.eveny min woman and child hi, Canada,ý said StevWenson. Stevenson was aloo pleased with the three per cent per year ceIling -on public service wage increases' and a planned reducé- tien -i- ministry management: staff., -Piaecompanieshâve haît ta. do -that, but,'-government has net haâdto. streaùniline -its opa- rations -as much » seid Steven- son, <'Now it willt Steenson rejected- arguments that 'ths cap on transer pay- mente to. asést the provinces in funding- health, -education and welfare prograeis eunfair. Stevenson said payments will actually. increase 3.7 per cent over lest year.- «The message je all levele of governinent muet get a handle on thinge. Cleai'ly we can't con- tinue the way weire been gon* «Govemrients at aIl levels muet tae a serieus look inside, we can't juet write bigger cheques.» Durham Centre MPP White sad the federal government's agenda je clear. «Michael Wilson je attemptig ta cure"the deficit problemes on the backs of the poor sud sick,' said Whits "Several aspects of it are reprehensible.» White said the budget offers no hope for people collecting welfare or -unemployment ineurance because of jobs lest te free trade. 'The government jeaying If you're on. welfare that's yourý problem',' seid White. 1The limit on transfer payments' meâns -Ontario's firet NDP governmsnt Iwill be "hardý . pressied» te provide the sanie level Of social programe, said White. "Basically, the re downloading federal responsibilities. Budgets lIks this make it difficult ta put effective programe in place. "If you went -ta control sprend- ing -and *hold the deficit tbat$ s one thig, but ta download it onto another level of govemnient In wrong.' Seetens refutes Whites dal $10. DISCOUNT Ion ANY s'ervice: il /JO% with this coupon. Expires Feb.lf92 TrOWING24 HRs. 'Vu Boosting Open 7days awee UTire Changing Ope 7dasa ee UI Door Unlocking SERVING: I i Recovery Whitby - 666-4613 U~ Towing Ajax - 686-4613 I< OPf e utmr à. Ï THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY Amn you inierested in min ilgfor la governmentoffice? If you plan to sek offce in the 1991 municipaloelections for munficipal council, sohool board, or hydro-electil commission, you must registerwfth the Town Clerk before .you spend or raise any money for campaign achivtis. For more information contact the Town Clerk. Cal befoseySu canflIgnl DONALD G. MCKAY, CLERK Tii. Cesosona Town of WhuI3y 575MRau.dRosd Eat that Onterio, will suifer,>from'the lmut on trenefer paymente. "«That's- absolute nonsense we're paying them 3.7 per cent more.money than they got last year said Soetens. UJjI that's not- enough- thej, .should, control their own spend- !ng better.Y Se'-§etene-said Onterio's former Liberal 'government' 'Increesed pedin* 10 per- cent per year' 4 Ln'te past six years and that* is why the- province has problems. "If they had learned how ta say no they wouldn't have the pro- bleme they. have now,» said Se tene. "Ask the conetituents of Whitby what they've got ta, show for incrae spending the ls six years.1 «My fear is the INDP will in- crease it further.» While the Ontario riding MP suMpports the budget!e deficit- fighting.measures, ~e sympath- izee with federal employees upset about wage restrictions. "When you look around and see the province hand out seven par cen.t and echool boards nine per cent, you can't expect the federal civil service not; ta want the saine.» .SoStene said federal employee would be wrong -te mount a general strike (as their union threatene) but feele they are '"justified in their beef'. *"Hopefully, others <governinént 'and pTivate enterprise) will get the- message sud do the saine (lmut 'wage hikes),' added Soe- 'a' bad newe budget t leéaves,'the provinces ta bear the burden,» sid Durhamn East MPP, .«Provincial ..programe can't meet the demande placed .on them'now.» Mille- said the budget, lacks new. ideas and accused the governnient of using the «samne oêld rhetaric".- "Theypre till blaming',the Liberals 'the Tories muet taes responeilility look at free trade.», Mille said tAe gover n'ment says Canada muet be competitiveta survive in a world mrkt *"But who looke after al the workers loeing their jobs when their companiesmove southr» he asked. "Do we have ta pay the price in lest jobs in order ta be compati-ý Mille said Wilson'e prediction that unemplçoent will exceed 10 per cent during the firet hall of 1991 before decining is not acceptable., "Even if intereet rates-go down and-inflation drops, what do the unemployed do i the meantime? "If you don't have jobs and ne money, how cen you spend it and investit i the economyr"' Mille said Wilsonin fa»Ie ta «Plug- corporate loophioles eiud catered hie budget %t the wee of corporations. He seid the goverfiment'is, not ispendingits mone wisely. «No mn eeL7d people,' yet we have $600 million- slotted, for defence,. where are our priori-,,I tieser On that sanie note,,* Mille seid the governinent sent Canadian troope ta war, sud later commen- ded thon for: their efforts i the, Persien Gulf. "But these are the sains people who, then .ha ëtheir wiiages*f ,ro- zen for puttinig their lives on* the line n said mille. Asfor hie government's owi budget later this, year, Mille was blunit. «Wé're really in a h of a hole » s3aid Mille "'%at's. happened fathey've, reduced our ability togenerat revenue iOntario. There'sa limit to what w can do.» -A -non-paitis .an perspective was offe bUBob Stanley, pre- aident of the Witby. Chamber of Commerce. Stanley said the governinentis headed "i the right direction" by attempting ta conitrol its open- litOttawa je prevented from initiatinq new programe until the deficit jei brought down, said Stanley. "The real enemy ie the. deficit .if there wasn't a huge'debt to pay off there's a lot you could do with that money,» said Stanley. «Until the defIcit ie reduced it will be hard ta press the govern- ment-for innovativeprra. _Stanley said Canada's debt for- ced the federal government ta «bite the bullet», and wonders if Ontarjo'. firet socialist govern- ment will follow suit.-,, --' "It will'be a dilemnia'for them," agreed Stanley'. «They will f:Ind it hard ta add new things unlese they comeup with -eomething' innovative, like doing more with lese.»' s 509, 00 *50,000 after a fins t a Calais St. home on Tqes4 r~ ee n lest week e There were ne* injuries. Hiring slump inDra Region expected to deepen Empoyers anticipate .a continuin decin in the job market this spring for Durham P.egion, according to resulte of the latest Employment Outlook Survey released by Manpower Temporary Services. In announcing survey resuits for the second quarter of 1991, JoAnne Premut of Manpower reported that 10 per cent of the' area employers polled about hiring plans said they intended to hire more workers during the A n'l May and. June, period, wîile24 pr cent exectd to reduce staff. The remaining 66 per cent foresaw no change in current stafflng levels. The 'present outlook is down sharply fromn a year ago, when 16 per cent of the employers surveyed indicated hining pi ans and 10 per> cent preditted cutbaclesa Atalso' represents a drop from three months ago when il per cent foresaw increases and 15 ~ cent expected decreases. ~ebéat job opportunities appear to be i construction, while less hiring activity is expected in wholesale/retail trade, both durable and non-durbl goods%, xanufacturing and services. Nationally. the results represent an improvement fi=m the dismal outlook of three monthe ago, but remain below the usual spring eov levels.' A _-tttàIof 19 -per cent- over 1,50 intentions for higher employment levels, while 16 par cent mndicated the widreduce ,the mils. Another 61 dper cent expect te continue at present levels sud 4 per cent are, net yet certain. Optimien existe in the rnining, public administration sud transportation and public utilities sectors, but the important. menufecturing industries remein extremely cautious. -Whi*tby Chamber wIl hold Citizens' Forum The Whitby Chamber of Commence- alongý with the Whitby iacees, will hoet a. CitizensIveFrm on Cenedalis Future at the Whitby municipal building on Thursday, Aprilil1-at 7 p.m. Chamber presidentBob Stanley saye 'This is an unprecedented porunty.for Canadfiens frein backgrounds and eilwaileof life ta, cons together ta discues the issues that moet affect them. "It's.an opportunity ta present your views on how you want our country defined -- ite a chance te, be a participant in Canedals future." For the paet few menthei% thousands of Canadiens ail acres the country hàve met ta, discuse the future of Canada. 'Citizensd Forums, The People Speak, collect and focus citizens' viewsj about the future 0f the nation. presented, te 'the, governinent li July 1991. federal Federal grant. forSkar-Pppler Sklear-Peppler Furniture. Cor- rtio lha recsived- *25,000i er> j assiis'tance'for use, in study sud evaluation' of new .in- formiation techmologîes It is hoped thaltte4evaluation, in turn, cen help Slar-Peppler imprveproductivity ,and enhance copettienes in internationl markets. The assistance, comes "under ths federal government's Advan- ced Manufacturing Technology Application Prograin (AMTAP). AMAP3 a four-yar sevce oriented progran of Ldustry, Science anid Technology Canada. ln each -?f -its four .years ýof

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