PAGE 18. WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 27,1991 Atom AAs advance to playoffs After a. highly sucessful 1990-91 seaoWib mir atoni AA hockeycuspnoe by M & M Meats, won their divisional finals to advanoe to ,Yly in the 'We conetl dominated in the zone chmponship," said coach Roy Pappin. Whitby won an eight-garne round-robin with -an impressive 6-1-1 record. This set the stage for a best-of-three showdown with arch rivals, the Unionville Jets, who finished second. A.gain Whitby was totally- in control, winning the first gae at home 2-0, and the second gaine 6-0 to advance to the quarter-finals which was to begin this week, against Stoney Creek.. The Whitby club bas enjoqyed consistently outstanding golt.nding from Chuck Coles and Shari Eryksa, backed up by probably the best defensive unit in the league. Thi. teain lias allowed onyl141 goals i 68 gamnes, while seoring 294 goals. Whitby's scoring punch is led. Randy Davidson with 79 points, followed by Bobby Schlitt with 77, Tanner Westfall with 73, A.J. Shannon with 77, Michael Feret 70, Evan itamura. 65, Louis Archambault 52, Shannon Phillips 37, Kyle Ini. 31, Ryan Hickingbottom 29, Adain Lay 27, - Billy Duncan 24 and Wesley Suddons with 22. Tii. goalies both bave excellent goals against percentages, Cliuck Coles with 1.89 and Shani Bryksa with a 2.42 average. The Whitby Steel Hawks drop- ed a close match to, Guelphi on ~auday which head coach Bob Hanna called the most exciting game aIl year. Whitby hasn't enjoyed the second quarter this ear and fell to, a 6-2 defecit at the haîf after the Power scored four goals in the second en route to a 9-8 victory. Tlhe Steel Hawks mounted a comeback i the second haif and pulled goalie Brian Arnold late ni the. game for an extra attacker but could not manage a tying goal. "It's the best match we've been involved with ail year,» Hanna said. «It was end ta, end and the referees let us play." Guelph's John Jordan inflicted heavy dfam age, scoring twice on a five-pont night. Wliîtbys Derek Keenan got the hat trick and added an assist, John Fusco had a three-point game for Whitby scoring the eighth gal for his club. Jim Vilneff had two goals for the Hawks while Rob Crough and 'Scott Rogers tackedI on a Gettipt&g cd PEGGY HEFFORD took first p lace Li the womens' 50-free at DYSSA last week. Hier Henry Street high school team fimished third overafL. Chri. Bodie photo Hlenry Street -does' well at swimi meet Henry Street High School swima teamn put in a solid effort at DYSSA last week ta finish third in overall standings. Tii. Hawks received a total 192 pointsasligltly behind Mark- ham at 214.. Thornl.a doxinated on the, day racking up an impessive 488.5 points in thie Durhamn-York Secondary Scliools Association (DYSSA) meet. Viktar Serafin won two Iod medals for Henry, in the, 50 fe.é and the. 100 breast in senior boys action. Raymond Burns also captured two gold medals in the 100 free anci the 100 back'stroke. Peggy Hefford fiinished first in 50 fre. and placed second in the 100 fly and also liad a third place fiih in the. MO fre. H ry boys were also strogi the. relay winning tiie 200 free relay. Tiie bos team finished second in overal'l competition. Rene. Ayotte captured the lone gold for Anderson Collegiate with a solid time in the. 100 breast. Danielle Johnson came in third ithe. girls open 400 fre. Anderson finislied lSth in overaîl standings with 95 points. Father lmo Austin fsed 27th with four points. WvhiLtby swimmer wins three golds Allison Dunlop of the. Wiitby Iroquois Swinî Club liad tiiree first-plaoe finishes at the Ontario short-course age group chain- pionships at the. Etobicoke Olym- pium on Feb. 20. Dunlop took gold in the. 50m, 100m and 200m breaststroke for lae 1 n under. She was Lisa DelMastro iiad four second-place finishes and two thirds and Robyn McCullocli had thre. third-place finishes in the saine division. Leslie Dowson was second in 400m freestyle and tiiird in 400m individual medley for girls aged 12 and under. In the. same, division, Ashleigh Crowder had two third-place finishes. Whitby niinor hockey HOUSE LEAGUE MNOR 5QUJH Fob. 24 Nagser Bedi'.am 3 Karen Farquormon Robin Cote 2 Speedy Auto Cllama8 Poul Ranger 4 Wade Branch 4 Guitaroan 4 Darren Denyes Kyle Musulman Marc MacDonald James Liaka MMOR 5QUIT Feb. 24 Roy'aEnterpria. 3 Ryan Farrow 2 Shon. Heodiy style Abore Erie Couina 2 Pou]lembordti 2 Lee Waddngton Canadion Tire Brandon Fowler william Deir 3 Andrew Kiin 2 Bi Bovle Paaapori Whitby 5 Geoff Wells Brion Chard Jeif Van Heminen Tyer Smets Brion Crawford Dooe'a Auto PortaG Kavin Peel 3 ChdiatophEr l= 3 Marigold Lincoln 2 Whify Tophy 12 Michael stanger Jeffeiy S Tommy Rii Brandon McB!rid. 4 Tyler Harrfroui2 Matthew Taylor 2 Robeit Reid Kyle Limido Jaaon Conner goalapiece. BohWilly Arnold and 'Greg Lepine were ithe. lineup for Whitby. after suffering froni minor injuries.. Tuesday night in Peter- boroughi, Guelph destroyed Whitby in a 13-5 blowout. Gerry Hiltz scored the hat trick for the Power while, teani member Craig Stevenson. added four assists. Guelphi goalie Terry Preston came up big for the. Power shut- ing down atny offensive attack by tii. Steel Hawks. Der.k Keenan scored two goals on a four point mght whule Geoge Blleperche managed a hat trick and one assist. John Fusco added three assists. Once again. it was tii. second qurtr that plagued the. Hawks. After the. firat quarter Wihitby was on the short end of a 1-0 score but Guelph scored six turnes in the second quarter and took a 7-1 lead inta the. haif. Whitby plays two gaests weekend ongthe road'.m hi The Steel Hawks are in Brant- ford Friday niglit than travel th Buffalo Satin, a to take on the. winless Renegades. Mitchell Brou DarenBuiiey Matthew Smith 2 Le. Morgan TJ. Brulmoe 2 Johnmarugi MAJOR ATON Duffa Towlng Todd Prhano. PeterLari an David Farquhaun Whltby Audio 6 ChadMUcKanzie 2 Jamie Barneit 2 Luke Pbwer Grabam McMurtri. 7 Provincial UnaM Brian Nelman 4 David Morion Joëi Johuon Tony ChWeiHlo 7 Optimis Brant Flaberty Jean Marc Caron 4 nTTcannons Brait IAzar Stephen Mac. Tim Huaay G Min-nen Club RyanBalon Mmsheriff 7 Mclvor Inaurnce Brae Blokely PEREE Ha.. Legm aRyfflm Peb. 24 , Whitby Pir.flhtera Zaclmiy Aitkan Andrev Ashbea John Pou] Liriano Provincial tmva Joe7 Caine Mattliew Andres 3 Svll Construction Cliaton 5mW1 BANTANK lghland Van 2 BeckfoSerS. Ctr. 5 Fui,. 23 Michael Ktoulw Don Voneacholta 2 Coucon Dave Doinard Jeffery Baird Clay Whyte Nathoniel Andiv James Adamon Jewaey Pichut Paul Moore Andre Gervis K.P. Copy 2 Vick Inauranon 3 Jouahua Turcotte Ben Menton 2 Feb. 24 Andrew Pigram Donald Campbell Midas Mailer JamnPuddfleS MINOR NOVICE Andrew Jomieson Poli. 23 Whitby Toyota Michael Kabryod Mark LeBlance 2 RtyanPenny Jonathan Walah Donyl Willams MTeflElectrie James IHinhuon 5 KMe uttan 4 Brian Leni 2 IMNOU ATM Pal,. 24 5,nilingDrifler Raid Mosey 2 -Sbaw H.natko 2 6 Whitby Optiut O ch il Brooklin Concrete 0 6 doocn 2 Chuis Mooy Kevîn Jnnng H&B Joël Phair Corey fromd RichardParquamn stiutouLt Eulit Cooper Mldaa Muiller Joson Peddle 3 Roy% Enterue a Blaire Regular Todd Bainhridge Patick Ilckey 4 Franklin Fr. Food@ 5 Tyler Derka Warren Ah 2 James Grieve Uiawn Kearn 1 Blade kate Came 3 Kevin Finder. Bradley Nicholaa JeffreyMcLean 4, Whitby Kinumen 3 Mke Boucerw Mike arrofi 4 Coscan 4 Chu. Lindgre Audio CGera Donjvl Pleahe Bad Wheelans 4 Greek lycoon O 1 H &B Hgna JammiLagford Joad Phair Whitby Optimint G Whitby Kinsmen 4 BJ. Prout RâbeSt. Pierre 2 David SkDy 2 Adam Kennedy Camero Pohand 2 Mike Boucher Glen nowle Steel lak beaten t wice by- Guelph Whitby Iroquois Swim Club Feb. 1&.17 THE ONTAIUO SMORT'COUU ACE GROUP CHAIMONB Etdioao OIiIu AiliunDwilop lut 60, 100 aMd200 breudattroke 2id 60 fly 200 LM. Lima Deloatro 2nd 50,100,200 bresat400fr.. &rd 1M. and 200 f» Robyn McCuEoh S&d 100 fty, 200 bock 4th 100 breoautoke 2w0 LM. th 50 bochatroke Tam ra iTott d l200 brautoke 4th 50 andl100 brea Sarah IA 7th 60, and100bre.a Sth 200 breaotroke Relay Teom lit 200 frre loy Lesle Dowuou 2rd 400fr.. 3ot 400 LM. 4th 200fir. AahleighCrowder a&d 1W0 sud200 bock Aaron LO 4th 60 and 1W0 fi'. Gth 200 LIL 7th 100 ftn 200 (ie Sth 4W0fr. Krr fl k h Cona ln 100 and 200 hrenatatroke 14Â & K Roneoe o o~~