Whitby Free Press, 13 Feb 1991, p. 24

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fIpLr TWIN BED wth headboard, new mattress & matching boxspring with chest of drawers. Ski boots& skiis. $4. Cali 430-0029. SOFA, CHAIR & OTTOMAN. Good condition. 668-3637. FOR SALE - PHOTOCOPIER, Xerox 2300 with stand.» Working condition. $200.' Calil (416) 293-6228. SEASONED FIREWOOD. Face cordslbush cords. Dy hardwood. Pickup or delivered. Pruning trees and evergreens, scrubs. Garden/ basement cleanups. Gali 649-3183. BASEBALL, HOCKEY CARDS. Upper deck sets, Foul box, Score sots, plus wax boxes. 416-430-8308' Dealers welcome.. Mail order. LEARN TO DANCE TONIGHT. Arthur Murray Dance Studio (singles and couples welcame). Phone 430-0014. 'r I uoÀio~ous I PRIVATrE MORTGAGES - the place ta go whon your bank 7 668-7200 AIS INESTMENTS. ERROLS REFRIGERATION, Appliance & Repair. - partment-sized washers for sale. Microwave repair. Double GST discount (15%> off ai labour.ý 432-7734. KITCHEN AID DISHWASHER, builf-in, whisper quiet. Bladk glass front. 2 years aid, baroly used. $700 or best offer. 655-8880 after 6 p.m. COMMODORE 64. Keyboard, dust caver, disk drive, dot matrix printer. Software '- over 100 gamnes, 2 word processors, dictionary. 430-2230. WILTON CAKE PANS, $5. Chocoate molds, $1. Somfe cake decorating books, etc. 666-5786. FOR SALE. Sofa, loveseat and chair. Neutral tonies, excellent condition. $425. 666-1137. MATTRESSES and box springs at hait price. McKeen Furniture, 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Phone 725-5181. BEAUTIFUL sheared beaver jacket, beige. Mint condition, recently purchased. Size 9-10. Askinq $850, cost $1,350. YOUTH BED, dryer, china cabinet, chesterfield & chair. Sultable for cottage. 433-7895. STOVEs DRYER, stereo stand, bunk beds. 81 Parisienne Brougham. Cali 666-0264. 3 SECTION WALL UNIT, almond, Iaminated. Like new. Soul separately or together. $125 each or $34 for set. 434-5474. CHESTERFIELD SUITES, love- seats, sectionals, less than hait * Large selection. MoKeen umIture, 524 Simca. St. S., Oshawa. Phone 725-5181. BROO KUN NOVE.. Start your own business ai aur location on Hwy. 12. Reasonable rent. Great exposure. Call Herb or Dave, 985-0856 or 430-7341. NEW, RENOVATED OFFICE space ta rent. 500 sqi. ft. Cail Dan or Tony. 686-2075, Pickering. REE MICROWAVE & Refrigeration Services. Reasonable rates, wr ten guarantee. Also smail appliance repair in Whitby/Oshawa area. Caîl Ree 728-0692. HANK'S APPLIANCES. Apart- ment fridges and stoves $350 a set and up. Guaranteed. We buy used appliances. Hank's Appiances, 191 Bloor St. E., Unt 6.728-4043. BUILDING SPECIAL clearance. 20x2Oft., $2,900; 24x24ft., $3,100; 28x36ft., $4,500; 32x36ft., $4,900; 36x48ft., $6,900; 40x60ft., $8,800. Cail 985-7930. SeWing Machine Repairs AUMabkes, Complete Tune-up $3995 Reoendioned Sewing Machines ARE YOU HAVING TROUBLE frm $59.0 getting auto insurance because of TOPNE EWIG CNTR age, poor driving record, or 571-.1385 csuspsion iens?6Pehaps0. 400 lng St W. OshawacahepPon66-0. WHITBY HARBOUR. New iuxury aduit condo. 1 bedroom, 2 baths, solarium, 5 appliances. Recreation facilities. Walk ta GO. $950, utilities& parking included. 668-3992. HOUSE FOR .RIENT, downtown Whtby. 3 bedroam, drivewaty, garage. Go bus et door. $750 plus utilities. References, first & last. Immeiat. 42-807. NEW HOME FOR RENT. Close ta ail amenities. 4 applinUs.3 bedrooms'2112, bths.'$1,200 CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE' UTS FAST - irS EA SY! ONE CALL, ONE BILL DOES IT ALI. THINK BIG - CALL THIS NEWSPAPER FOR DETAILS. COMING EVENTS COMPUTERFEST, CANADA'S LARGEST Computer Show & Sale, Feb. 22-24, CNE Toronto. 75 exhibitors, seminars, demonstrations, Incredible savings on al computer hardware, software/accessories, Friday 12- 9pm. SaturdaylSunday 10-6pm. VACATIONS/TRAVEL CANAL CRUISES; five days aboard KAWARTHA VOYAGEUR on scenic Trent-Severn Waterway or Rideau Canal; private state-rooms, meals, free brochure. Write Captain Marc, Box 1540, Peterborough, K9J 7H7. CAREER TRAINING FREE career guide ta home-study correspondence Diploma 'courses: Accounting, Alrconditlonilng, Bookkeeping, Business. Cosmetology, Electronics, Legal/Medial Secretary, Psychology,TRavel. Granton (5A) 263 Adeaide West, Toronto, 1-800-950-1972. HELP WANTED EXPERIENCE farm litle Dawn Under. Contact the International Agricultural Exchange Association ai 1501- 17 Ave. S.W., Calgary, AB, T2T 0E2 ta tind out how. DECK HANDS, servera mequired; Eastern Ontario canal cruise ship. live aboard, shared temnale accommodatin, five month May Io October. Ontario Wàterway Cruises, Box 1540. Peterborough,, K9J 7H7. WIGAMOG INN, located in Haliburton Highands, is looking for Front Desk and Dining Room Personnel. Experience an asset. Phone (705> 457-2000. EXPERIENCED REPORTER REQUIRED for Wingham Advance-Times newspaper. commencing February 25, 1991 for 7 112 months. Apply Marion Duke, Editor, Listowel Banner, Box 97, Listowel, Ontario, N4W 3H2. SALES HELP WANTED VOURE 1 NVTI ED te change your -lifel115 year-old multi- million dollar Canadian flrm seeks 2 representatives in your- area, immediately. Potential $800+ weekly, commission. (416) 756-2156, (416) 756-3174. 1BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY EXTRA INCOMEI Grow baltwormns in your basement or garage. Odores peration. Low Investment. Market guaranteedi Free Information. Early Bird Ecology, RR#1 Smithville, Ontario, LOR 2A0 (416) 643-4252. DISTRIBUTORSHIPS 60%/ COMMISSION ... ADVERTISING SPECIALTIES, Premiums and Incentives, Business Gifts. Available in your community. Excellent for additional incomne. Write: Premium Source Corp. 4120 Vonge St. Ste 600, Willowdaîe,.M2P 2B8. GARDENING NORTHERN FRUIT TREES. Decorative Shrubs, Evergreens. Seedlings, Nut Trees -and Raraflôra. Guaranteed deîivery. Reasonab.le prices. Mai-order only. Cataog $1. Golden Bough Tree Farm, Box 39. Marlbank, Ont KOK 2L0. OUT 0F TOWN PROPERTIES CROWN LAND availability and Ontario properties ta be sold for unpald taxes. For Information write: Properties, Dept. CN, Box 5380, Stn. F. Ottawa, K2C 3J1. REAL ESTATE BEAUTIFUL FARM near Lake of the Woods on lovely creek, for sale or rent, flnanclng available, make offers. Scheidegger's Ralny River, Ontario, POW 1 LO. Phone (807> 852-3640. ADOPTION PREGNANT? Happy, caring'couple wlshes ta adopt and provide very best care for your unbomn child. Secure, lovlng home, full-Uime mom. Cati Pat collect <416) 482- 6024. CHINA NORITAKE SALEI If you have Spellinler, Randolph,- Buenavista,,Devotion, Goldllatlnumn, Patience, Melissa, etc. you should cal Alexander' ufle Noritake Experts." Toronto toilfree 1400-263-5896. WANTED TO BUY PAYING CASH FOR JUNKII Addison Radios Up ta $400. AdvertisIn!g' Items Up ta $1500.. COCA-COLA- Items Up ta $1200. Toys Up ta $1000. Ron (416) 891-, 0805. COMPUTERS FOR SALE OR RENTI New and roconditloned IBM compatible computera, printera, and peripherala. Tonna avallable. Trade-ins acceptei Cal M-R Technologies, et (519> 392-8300 weekdays 9-5. PERSONAL, JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES, friends and famîlies - find out tacts the Society doesn't want you ta know. Totally confidential. M.. Facts, Box 73, Balfour, B.C. VOG 1iCO., PAUL JACONELLO, MD., çonducting medcal practice with speclal interest ln nttritional and preventive medicine. For Information cali (416> 463-2911; or write: 751 Pape Ave., Ste 201, Toronto. Ont. M4K 3T1. SERVICES LOSE WEIGHT - up ta 30 Ibs. ln 30 days - Lase cellulite - No hunger - Dr. recommended - We pay$$$ for reauIlta - Cal (416> 760-3121. JOIN FOR SALE JONTHOUSANOS of satisfled customers. Buy wlga at wholesale pries. From $39.95. Shop by catalogue and save. For FREE catalogue CAIL TOLLFREE 1-800- 265-7775. STEEL BUILDINGS A-Z PRE-ENG. BUILDINGS INC. New types., steellWood, quonset, cîadding. For true value, action & answers - Wally 416) 626-1794 atter 6pm, 'weekends. Free brochure. Clip-save. STEEL BUILDINGS Sale priced - 20x26 $2.427. 25x32 $3,499. 30x32 $4.530. 40x48 $5.467.- Othera aizes available: endwalls and tax included. Llmited amounts available. 1-800-668-4338 or <416) 792-2704. 1991 FARM EQUIPMENT SHOW. Speclal on all Modela. eg. S30'x40' - 1 O'x 11 1 door $4,693. Quonset 3V~x40* $4,589. Sizes tram 20'W ta 100'W. Cati Future 1-800-668-8653. STEEL BUILDING SURPLUS lnventory Prices from' $2,550 a square foot. Buy naw, take delivery within 6. mnonthsa t no extra cost. PION EE R/ECONOSPAN 1- 800-668-5422. (24 hours). BEST BUILDING PRICES - STEEL STRAflWALL type' - flot quonset - 32x48 $4.983; 40x64 $8,079; 50x96 $14,908 - non-expandable ends, other sizes-avallable- GST included. Paragon -24 Hours - 1-800-263-8499. Your ad couId appear Un communlty newspapers ln Ontario,* or rîght across*Canada, or any Individual province. Space Is Llmlted, so Caîl This Newspaper'Todayî BLANKET ADS ARE NOW "CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE"f To reach a wider market, advetise throughout the regional membership of the .Ontario and Canadian Community Newspaper Associat ions (Cntrai Ontario 55 newspapers - $160 for 25 words AIl Ontario 171 newspapers.- $350 for 25 words~ AIl Canada 572 newspapers - $974 for 25 woàrdsn For further Information please çaîl the Whitby Free Press Cîassîfleds - 668-0594 ........ I .~. -. -.~1~~~, il1 11 1 1

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