PAGE 22, WMffBFRIEz PRESS, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1991 WHITBY COTJNCILOR Ross BATTrEN: Region plan doesn't address Town concerns , By Mke KowaIi Durham Reg*on's proposed official'planrfails to addreiofs many of Whitby's p objec- tions, dlaims councillor Rosis at tan. Chairman of Town council's planning and development com- miteelatten is not enthusiastic abouta' Region staff report recommending adoption of Dur- ham's revamped officiai plan. According ta Batten, Region planners have not responded ta previously expressed criticisms of the plan by Town staff. H Re, also worries that Whitby may not have complete control over future development in the municipality if the Town's own No PGBs. at yard FR OMPAGE 1 aven comment on the applica- tion. «I want this council ta tall the p rovince we don't want these Bs% anywhere in the con- munity,» said Drumm. "We've gne tlirough the wringer wii this guy (Robinson) and. with the province and the faderal government. "I don't want two problems where now we have one. It would be absolutaly ludicrous ta put tham there.» Originally dastined for the CaribTean as a floating generat- infstation, the Prince Edward Islad ha plauedcouncil sinoe its arrival four years ago. Wishing ta rid itself of the vessaI, council battlad with senior levels of government over whicli was responsible for order- ing the boat's removal. The Town tried ta force Robin- son ta move the boat three years ago but was tliwarted in its efforts by the fedaýal govern- Whitby officiais -ware not aware Ottawa was collecting docking feas from Robinson. But îast year the Towni made another attampt after jurisdic- tion of the harbour was transfer- red ta the municipality. Robinson. was cliarged under the provincial Trespass Act and will appear in court next month. Altliough lie supported the motion, councillor Joe Bugelli could not understand why coun- cil was taking a position on Whitby buses FROM PAGE 1 The report states that peal< period service botween 5:45 sud 9 a.m. sud from 3 ta 7:30 p.m. weuld. cest Whitby Transit appreximataly $50,000 annuaîly. B ut eperating during off-pal heurs -- 9 a.m. ta 3 p.m. Monday ta Friday sud fromn 8 a.m. ta 7 p.m. Saturdays -- would net result in extra costs. Buses wouîd traval ta, the Osh- awa Centra avery 30 minutas via Dundas/King St. sud return via Gibb/Burns St. sud Kendalwood ]Rd. Coundillor Jea Drumrn a fre- quant critic of VWhitby* ;ransit's cost, said the proposai can only bonefit the Town. "Hopefuîly we will hava a lot of peple from Oshiawa coming ta Wbtby ta shop,» said Drunim. Town administratar Bill Wal- lace said Oshawa couneil sud the Oshawa Public Utilities Commis- sion <which oporates Oshawa Transit) hava received coias Of Whitby's proposai but neiter body has givan its appreval as yet. The staff report aise, notes that passengers now wishing te make connections between the twe s ys- tams must rely on Hwy. 2 GO Transit buesf. Passengars using aIl tirea ser- vices must pay a $1.10 Whitby Transit fara, a $1.80 GO Transit fareansd a $1.15 Osliawa Transit fara for a ene-way trip total of $4.05. The connection between Whitby sud Oshiawa Transit will sava passengers the GO Transit fara but riders wanting ta trans- fer between buses must psy fares for escli systam. No stsrt-up data for the service was mndicatad in the report. something over which it had no control. <Although the environment ministry has asked for Whitby's imput, it can approve the appli- cation despita any objections the Town maLy have.) According ta Bugelli the solu- tion isa asimple one. "We shouldsend a tuçboat ta taw it out 100 yards se it cornes completely under federal juris- diction 'and they can do what they want with it ... maybo take it ta Baie Comeau,» said Bugelli. <Baie Comeau is the hometawn of Prime Minister Brian Mul- roney.) «But seriously this is not a joking matter " aâded Bugelli. "Thirough tle judicial systeni and lack of co-operation between gevernments we've become the laughingstock of our cern- munity.- Given the problems the Town has encountaîred with the ferry, Mayor Bob Attersley said, "I can undierstand when the general public gets* upset with politi- dians. "Hère we have a situation whera the province of Ontario can draw up an agreement and licence the starage of PCBs with- out one bit of imput from council or the omunty.» Attersley salidWtb rei dents should contact local MPPls Drummond White and Gord Milîs and MP Rena Soetens and demand action. 'The quicker the public gets ta these peeple who have the power ta legislate, the q>,icker soe- thing can be done, said Atters- ley. "The only power we have is ta charge him with trespassing, that's ail we can do. (Council lias also autliorized its solicitar to obtain a court injunction order- ing Robinson ta remove the boat. (If the injunction is granted sud Robinson orderad ta remova the boat, lie would ha 'in con- tempt of court sliouîd lie net obey and subpect ta, fines sud/or impri- Attarslay said both the Ontario sud faderai goveruments must aget off their butts» beforeaa disasfter involving the PCBs occurs. «The Town of Whitby sud the public ara being abused by tha buraaucratic systam," said Attersley. In an earîiar interview, environmient ministry spokes- man Dava Bosch said ne decision had bean made on Robinsons applicaton. Bach said additional informa- tion was requested from Robin- son but ha (Beach) had netliad an opportunity ta, study it. Beach said the proposed staraga site is net on t he wreck- ingyr but nearb. (st week MDrummond White said ministry staff tald him. the -site is about one-quarter mile from tlie tire dump.) Besch admitted the ministry can overrule the Towu's objec- tions, «but in ail probability wa would net.» Beach aIse said lia knew of ne existing site wliera Robinson could take the PCBs th have the chemicai neutralized or des- troyld. 'Measimle answer ta, that is ne, simply because it's the ras- posblty of the owuer ta Pro- pari man aethem," said Beach. «Thiat'swly a central facility has not;bean dvlgped,»,-- officialF plan differs froni the Drhamn Region council's plan- ning comxittee has tabled a reconimendation ta adopt the plan until April. The public will still have an opportunity ta make presen- tations ta the committee before a reconimendation is sent to coun- Cil. An officiai plan is a document wvhich specifies land use policies iM a municipality. Durham's cur- rent lan was aidoptad in 1976. Whtby is aliso revising its own plan adopted in 1973, but is muci furher behind in the pro- cesa than Durham. Planning consultants M.M. Dillon Ltd. was hired last year ta undertake Whitby's review. The procesa is rat expected ta, be completed until sometime next year. qI guesa rny biggest concern is that they seem intent on bring- ing ini their officiai. plan- beforFe we are done our own officiai plan review,» said Batten. UI dont want it to appear that ]Pm challenging the Region, but the pointI want te make clear is that the Town is spending half a million on our officiai plan review. UAJl we are saying is that the Town of Whitby wants some con- trol over what happens in our town. We don't want ta be cut off at the knees.» According to Batten, the Region has not properly addiressied Whitby's concerns about future population densities and areas selected for growth. UTheYve indicatedi greater Se far Spirit Week lias succeaded in giving ail tlie Hawks su opporftunty ta show off their scliool spirit. Student council, in combination with the' Henry athletic council., organized a week of weird sud wacky activities. Students are participating in sucli events as a pancaka breakfast, movie . night, tug-ef-war, and floor hockey with the Oshawa Canerais. Fer Valantine's Day, students could purchase carnations ta ha sent ta their friands or loved ones. Have you sent one? Students were also' given the chance ta sport their Spirit Week shirts, that wera designed by Steven McArdle, on T-shirt Day. This fun-pscked week will be tapped off by the Valentine's Dance on Friday night. AUl students ara reminded that they should participata in the Great Milk Race, which will run froni Fab. 8 te April 23. You can enter by purchasing milk in the cafeteria sud there are many prizes te be won. Students wishing te purchase schoo ings Wilbe giventie 23. The cast and crew of the Henry drama production 'School Daza' wouldliketo tlink all those.who attendad. Tliey greatly appreci- ated those wlie donatad ta the Children's Wisli Foundatien. In sports, the senior boysi' bssketball teani conipeted in the Oshiawa Times Classic receutly. Afier cloeing a hesrtbreaker 72-70 te asat year's çhanipions, Ottawa Berden, in the first round, Hawks went on te upset teanis from Donevan, Dwyer snd Bowmsnviila te capture, the consolation clianpionship. Both Matt Cook sud Deug Oliver were expansion of the Brooklin area, we've not had an opportunity ta examine this in our official, plan review,» said Batten. Region staff have projected Whitby's population ta, reach 140,000 within 30 years. Inclùded in that figure will be a population of 25,000 in Brook- lin, one of three locations in Durharn targetted for special situdy as the site of future deve- lopment. Batten s3aid Whitby is "bending over backwards" ta have public impjnit inta its own review pro- Cese, «When we're at the point ta subinit'our officiai. plan well have compiled al proper docu- 'mentation, we will have facts and figures," said Batten.. But Durham planners have flot been as thorough, charges Batten. "That's fine if they want to do that but I a=n challenging them on their decision,» he added. While Batten said lie has «no bones ta pick with the ]Region's planning committee,» he did Issue a warning. "Don't determine our future without giving us aLny imp ut.-" Durham Region plannig director Mofeed Michael denfeda that Whitby's concerns have been ignored. "I can assure you every com- ment received from any munici- pality,* teret group, developer or citizen was takeninacsde ration,» said Michael. «Due consideration wae jgaven ta everything said by the Town, we made every eforttatake thefr concerns intoa acount"n Michael said there is still opportunity- for Whitby ta pre- sent its objections ta the plan- ning committee sihould the muni- cipalt so wish. "Anyene Who wants ta' put in thefr two cents worth can still do so," iaid Michael. Mayor is top spender Mayor Bob Àttersley wns the top sipender on Whitby council in 1990. According ta figures suppliad by the Town's treasurer, Attars- ley billad the municipality for $5,700 in conference and travel expenses last year. Councillor Ross Batten cama next witli $1,290 while councillor Dennis Fox ws thîrd witli $1 178 in expansas. olowing Fox wara councillor Joe Bugelli, $843; councillor selacted te the ail-star team while Deug Oliver was also naxned tournamlent MVP. Lsst Tuesday the niidget, junior and senior boys' basketball teains played gainas against Uxbridge. The juniors defeated Uxbridga 58-43 and the midgat team won 76-48. The senior gamne styed close until the final minutes but Hawks prevailed 66-60. Congratulations te the swim teain, runner-up at LOSSA last Thuea. The senior boys' tearn placed f?,st overail, beating out 16 other teams. O'Neill won the overali LOSSA championship. LOSSA medalists include Anthony Mayer, Ben Davies, Scott 'Spenser, Chris Taner, Victor Sarafin, Mlichael Sarafin, Hayley Mess, Dans Brousseau, Rayrmond Burns, Kristina Kukk, Smita Vakil, Tricia, Luke, Lieslie Clarkce, Tins Doran, and Peggy Heff'ord won a gold medal in tlirea of lier oyants. Those interested in a co-op program in the future attended the irecent "Ail you wanted ta know about co-op and more" Public heuwarings The Frenchi Langug Educa- tien Govarnanca AdvisryGrp will held public hearings throughout Ontario during February and Mardi. The hearings, including two in Toronto, on Faeb. 18 and 19 will help the goup recomnienâ cri- teria toe MJnister of Educa- tien, regarding the establishiment of French language school beards, as well as propose alter- native approaclies ta Frenchi- lan aggvernsnce. Te1'eb. 18 a . d 19 public hearings in Toronto are at the McDonald Block of Queen's Park, in the Huron room . For more information cal .L~ieadl0y~t966-65Q4.. - - -.days in.the fizture.. Lynda Buffett, $7 -55 and ceuncil- lor Marcel Brunelle, $113. Neither councillor Joe Drunm nor counc .illèr Tom Edwards clai- med axpanses. The mayor's salary in 1990 was $39,437 while aci council- ,or was paid $16,142. In addition, Attealey, Brunelle, Drunun sud Edwards received an extra $20 000 for being members of bjurliam Region council. presentation offered 'by the guidance department. Students, employers, the co-p consultant and representatives from the University of Toronto provided valuable information for eveiyorie in attendance. Do you know what you)-re takcing next year? Oto Selection Week biegins Feb. 18. By Doma PSerr Austin has done it againl On Feb. 1 Our niidget boys basketball team, l1in 29-15 to St. Mary's, came back. with, a final -victory of 52-48.- Dan Stephenson led the offensive charge, scoring an Austin midget record 26 points. Also scoring-was Jonathan Dunn who had 10 points and Dave Kohek with nine points. Contributing to a strong offence was Tom Matthews, and leading upcourt was Brian Forrest. St. Mary's offence was devoured by Austin Wildcats, Kevin Clarke, Anthony Herrera and Gino Colassuonno. Also, the Austin swim teani took part in the LOSSA swim meet in Feb. 7. Those with the top eight times in each event will quali1y for the final coxnpetitiôn later in the xnonth. The sale of Austin echool jackets continued, in hopes that school spirit will continue to grow. On that note, Feb. 5. marked Austin's first 'Outdoor Activity Day.' Buses transported students and staff to Devil's Elbow, Enniskcillen and Toronto for a day of skiing and skating. Many Austineers rated the day with thunibs up, and look forward to more fun-filled,ý spirit-boSter L - ---- . . - - - -,-.,- - - - - HENRY STREET HIGH SCHOOL