Whitby Free Press, 23 Jan 1991, p. 24

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PAGE24~ Wl IX W~P Ph A ---.------- MATTRESSES and box sprins at haif price. MctKeen Furniue 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Phono 725-5181. SEGA, GENESIS* & M awrIve cartrldges available. To bur or rent. Test drive a Sega Geessfor only $6, includes Rame of your choice from a selection of over 50 games., Computer Creations, 259 Thorriton Rd. N. 576-2023. TIRES NEW AND. USED. AlF sizes installed- and balanced. Cal 428-9775. 4 CHEV SPOKED'RIMS, 6 stud,, C/W 4 xk 4 c,,aps and 4 Dick Cepek "off roader!-,1W35-15LT.,mud-der tires (2 excellent coândition). Must seil. A bargain at $225. 668-5040.. SEASONED FIREWOOD., Face cords/bush cords.-Dry hardwoad. Plckup or delivered. Pruning, trees and evergreens, scrubs Gardenf basement cleanups. CalI 649-3183. 0QUEEN SZD WATERBED with jumbo -caps, everything included. Excellent condition. $75 or best offer. 668-5425. GOOD BUY- Red and green velvet chesterfield and chair, $150:- Play pen, $10. 668-4972. HANK'S APPLIANCES. Apart- ment fridges and stoves $350 a set and up. Guaranteéd.-We buy used apliancesak's WAppliances, .191 Bloor St. E., Unit 6.728-4043. COMMERCIAL WASHERS& dryérs for sale. New and used. Also used washers & dryers $375 a p air, plus -, déliv-ery'. e; ERROL'S APIPLIANCES. 432-7734.- APPUIANCE REPAIRS ta: wasbersr, dryers, .stovesý, dishwashers and microwaves. Ail makes and models. We also, repair small appiances. Phone 430-7382-, REE MICROWAVE& Raf rigération Services. Reasonable- rates, 'writte n 'guaranitee. Alsa' amail appliancé eprair ln WhitbyOsawa ares. C ail Ras 728-0692. ERROL'S REFRIGERATION, Appiance'& Repair. Apartmnent- slzed washers for sale. Microwave repair. Double GST discount (15%) off of ilabour. 432-7734. Sewing Machine Repars Ail Makes Complete Tune-up $39.95 Récondltioned SeWng Machines from $59.00 TOPLINE SEWING CENTRE 5711385 400 K(ing St.W. Oshawa CUSTOM-MADE FURNITURE. Bedroam, -dining roomn & kitchen suites, as weiI as entertainment centres, cedar chests& bars. Cail 430-3957. 100 GALLON aquarium. Includes stand and ail accessories. Asking $600 or best offer. 433-0160. NATURAL WOLF FUR COAT.' Ful Iength', size 10, in excellent* condition. Asking $225. 430-2244. WASHER & ORVER, $350 for the pair. Mtal 'desk and varlous shelvi ng -and 'Cabinets, $45 each. Also roto-tiller and lawn mower. 430-0643. HOT POINT portable dishwashor. Like. new. -One year aild. Due to, moving. When new $700. Asklng, $450. Excellent buy. 668-8946. FIREPLACE & WOOD STOVE,* owners wohy tolerate down draft' smoke and .weak chimney draw? Instal.AEROCAP, the guaranteed, solution',from ""J.M.*Industries. For free literaturo 416-986'-5417. 1 BEDROOM AVAILABLE ln "od family -home ln Whftby's ~allingbrook neighbourhood. Close ta, bus route. Aviajable from Feb. 1. Cail 430-8725 after 6 p.m., Maonday ta Frlday. Anytime weekends. WHITBY - Two furnishéd rooms in dlean, quiet home. Close ta GO/bus. lmoldes kitchen use, TV, phone, -p*arking. $90 f irat anid as. Avallable immediately. 668-8054. WHITBY, LARGE .bed-sitter., Share kitchen & bath. Private,-, entrance. Walk ta GOand shops. ý Furnîshed/unfurnushed. $95. per- wee. Firt and Ilast. Refeirnces. 43-071. WHITBY - FURNISHED ROOM ,for, rent. ,$i0."weekly. Bathroom & kitchen facilities. Stuùdent or warker preferred. Walk ta aill amentities..'7 .666-8776 after.6 cp.m. STORE -FOR RENT - Downtown Brookîin. Front St. location. Front and rear, entrance. Ample parking. 655-4544- daytime, evenings 655-8989. AJAX -, PRIME ýOFFICE space. 600.,sq.. ft.. avallable. Excellent location. 683-7515. NEW, RENOVATED OFFICE space ta rent. 500 sq. ft. CaliI Dan or Tony. 686-2075, Pickering., BROOKUN MOVE - -Stafl your awn business at aur location an Hwy. 12. Reasonable rent. 'Great exposure. Cali Herb or Dave 985-0856 or 430-7341. BUY THE RIGHT HOME throughthe rlght sales représen- tative. Have 8 years' expérience working for yau. David Ronéy, NRS Reaity One Inc. 436-1800. PRUVATE MORTGAGES . the' pae'to go when your bank says NO." Servlng Whitby since 1973. 668-7200. A NU BIS INVESTMVENTS., ARE YOU 'HAVING TROUBLE gettlng auto Insuranice because; of ag e, poor drillg record, -or suspension'of license?'Perhaps we: can heîp. Phono 666-2090. > CROSS- CANAD.A, MARKETPLACE' IT'S FAST - IT'S EASY!- ONE CALLI ONeý BILL DOES IT ALL-. THINK BIG - CALL THIS NEWSPAPER FOR DETAILS. VACATIONS/TRAVEL CANAL CRUISES; f ive days aboard KAWARTHA' VOYAGEUR on scenic Trent-Severn' Waterway or Ride au Canal; private state-rooms, meals,,free brochure. Write Captain Marc, Box, 1540, *Peterborough, K9J 7H7. CAREER TRAINING FREE career guide ta home-study correspondence Diploma courses: Accounting, Airconditioninig,' Bookkeeping, Business, Cosmetology, Electronlos, Legal/Medical Secretary. Psychoîogy, Travel. Granton (5A) 263 Adelaide West, Toronto, 1-800-950-1972. L EARN AUCTIONEERING at the Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneering. Next cîass: February 9-16, 1991. For information, contact: Southwestern Ontario Schao of Auctloneering, R.Rl.#5, Woodstock, Ontario, N4S 7V9. <519) 537-, 2115. A REWARDING CAREERI Learn Income Tax Préparation or Basic Bookkeeping. Fre Brochures. No obligation. Uffl Tax Services, 205- 1345 Pembina Highway, Winnipeg, MB, R3T 2B6, 1 .8002*665.5144. TRAIN TO MANAGE an Apt./Con. complex. The Government icenced homestudy certif ication course includes Free Job Placement Assistance. Free Brochure. Cal 1-800-665-8339 (24 hours). HELP WANTED EXPERIENCED PARAMEDICAL EXAMIN ERS requiréd part-time for mobile pre-insurance exams. Venipuncture, skills esséntial,, car neccessary. Cal Tammy at Méditést. 1-800-665- TEST. EDITOR REQUIRED for two weekîies and several spécial publications. Good compensation. Write, Publishing Manager,. The Record News*,, PO., Box" 158, Smiths Falls, Ontario', K7A 4T1.* BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY, NEEDJ EXTRA CASH? Startyour own 1OK jqwel1ry business for as littie"as $50. Easy, fun!ýInquirq., today: GoId Discovery,, 143351,.ý,- 417. Ave., Edmonton, T6H 0B39.,'(403) 434-2550.' BUSINESS FOR SALE TWO BUSiNESSES FOR.SALE. Profitable Radio. Shack Store and Body .Toning Tables*(8) »and, studio equipment. Like new. Good price. Contact Carmen (705) 335-2235 Kapuskasing. ADOPTION ARE YOU LOOKING for Adoptive Parents'for your baby? Warm, loving.,famiîy in Thunder Bay wlshes- to adopt a- second chiîd. Caîl collect (807) 345-0803. <OUT 0F TOWN PROPERTIES CROWN LAND availability and Ontario propertiés ta be sold for unpaid taxes. For information write: Pero&ertiesà Dept. ON, Box 5380, Stn. R. Ottawa, INSTRUCTION HOW TO, -PLAY POPULAR PIA NO>N om study course.' Fast, easymethed. Guaranteedî* FREE information. Write:. Popular Music'Sui 77, 3284- Boucherie Road,,Kelow'na', 8..*,, ViZ. 2H2. MISCELLANEOUS FREE CAMPING, FISHING, HUNTING Catalog' ($6.00 value) when expired Hunting/Flshing.- License (photocopy accepted) sentao S.1. R. MAILORDER, 1385 Ellice Ave., Dept. 31.6p" ,Winnipegd, MB, R3G 3N1.. STEEL BUILDINGS,ý.'ý' STEEL BUILDINGS Sale priced, - 20x26 $2,427.ý- 25x32.$3,499. 30x32 $4.530. 40x48 $5,467. Others sîzes -available: endwalls and tax lincluded. Limited amounts available. 1-800-668-4338-or (416) 792-2704. FUTURE BUILDINGS. Year end clearance, on al Steel Buildings', Quonsets, and Con"veéntionals. Large seéction for immediate or Sp'ring deîivery.' Cal Future 1 -800-668-8653. STEEL BUI LDI NGS - Factory. Direct - S30x403- $4,749.; 25x28 $2.599. frices goiod for delivery- before March 31 , 1991. Limnited quaàntities. P IONEER/ECONOSPAN* 1-800-668-5422. (24 > hours). BEIST BUILDING PRICES - STEEL STRAITWALL type - not quonset - 32x48 $4.983; 40x64 $8,079; 5Wx6 $14.908- - non-expandable, ends' ather sizes available - -GST incîuded. Paragon, - 24 Hours - 1'800-263-8499. WOULD- YOU LIKE-ta, correspond wÏith'* unattacheéd Christian,peàple," a7ges .1l8-80, tiW7. abject being.comfpanionshl r arrIage>. Write- ASHGROVE, P.O. Bx2SCae,.CE: >O SERVICES $200-$50+Per week now posible . Work- at home assemblng products. Free inform ai on. Self-ad., stmped-.env. ta ,HOMEWORKERS,. #1 68A - 72Bt S.-New Westminster, 8B.0., V31 305. FOR SALE-* JOINýTHOUSANDS of stsidcutmr.Buy wigs- at wholesale prices.. From $39.95. Shop .by catalogue'and save. For -FREE catalogue CALL TOLLFREE 1-800-265-7775.ý YESTEflYEAR'S COUNTRY, MUSIC- Thase- favourite aId artists andsag hardiy found In.' stores anymore.' Free cataloue The gus c arn, 7305 Woodbîne, Dept.-522, Markham. Ontario, L3R 3V7. BLANKET ADS ARE NOW "9CROSS CANADA MARKETP 'LACE"v To reach a wider market, advertise throughout *the regional membership of the Ontario and Ganadian Gommunit espprsociao. (C- entral Ontaio 55 newspapers - $160 for 25 words - AIl Ontario 1'71 newspapers --$350 for 25words~ AIl Canada 572 newspapers -'$974 for 25 words, For f urther Information please caîl1 the WhltbY Free Press Classlfleds ~6'68-0,5e4--. .............. ........ , ........... ---------- ---------- . . . ........ ........... - ----- -------------------- --------------------- Nui 1 »Ic WN 1, ai

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