'Acces Awareness' at -Durha'M'College D urham Coliege'. Accesa Awareness Week began Monday, Jan. 21, 'and runs'until Friday, Jan. 25. Some of the ,wekls events, include. a performance by a blind co0mecian, an, obstacle course, a. simulation activity', using wheelchairs and the movie 'My, Left Foot On. Moiiday at noon, Gord Paynter, a blind comedian, will be perforzmng in -the main cafeteria. On Wednes'.day and Friday at noon, the movie eMy eft Foot' will be shown in 2hslecture Through the week, participants wiII hâve the oppoirtunity to experience life in a Wbeelchair, through a haif day of on-cam pus activities. WBffBYFPUE PR~ESS, M. ~,~1 1~.1 s STORY 0F TWO WA1W 'From watching.the,'ever4ng-neBws lately, ,you .would .think. there wasnohg going on in! Can.a at .ali» let. ln major fight to kil the GST. But more An the GTlater.: My own opinionofhIaqwritathete desert. sands haveonce again reciaIîixndIheý batlegromdshistory will regardthis war as fna more im portant ,thoanyof the other conflicts that have talen placeinthe Middle Erat this. centry.If e'r iukyondsome l astmng peace*rsuts, it may be remiembered as thé begin ning of the.end.'It certainly does. flot seem ta warrantthe ind oî-round-the-clock play by play that ites been ,getting from the maà jorimedia.ý 'Aétually- the coverage bas beén rather poorý- partly IbcauseÎbah ides: are taling extraordinary ,stepe, ta contrai their iiformation but'primnily because' in, the euh ta. fil every network, with its oà wn cadre of- "xperta", t e3ze came up with a ýbunch -ofdudas. Esbperts are supposedta deal with factsyet on -the second, night, when the seude bit Tel Aviv, every. network. bad its, battery ýof 'experts anaysing each new rumaur. Each network h ad a, different missie. count arnd different: areas bi t; some networks reported'cheiial warbeads; mo:,râ e .even .rewoted casualties from, chemical- attack -defiâitley nat a bright spot in hehitor oteevsion news. Thé networks and theirexperts fixated on "wouid Israi > taliMà te? when? ho*?" And 'w'hen thçy didn't, they fixated on lakasi'. tremendous restraint. It wast restraià t, it1 was logc," sometbing tlles.'experts siiowed a dismal, lack- of. In order ta believeë that Igs iiight retaliate, yau had, ta6 believe either -'that they wold boýmb sometbing ý- anytbing - striictiy for revenge (a. stupid iioe at beet and tataly. out of character for, Israël), or -that they had omre secret kà nowiedge of-the location of the mobile scud. launchers and were better equipped to take themi out thon the U.S. Air Force which was, running 2,000 flights a day into Iraq. Forunaelyformnki.nd, theleaders who are waging the war for the miti-ra-à tionlai ation" hve lm rtt:%od gamne pion n on ightly calcûiated that Iýsral dnathing t gain and a.heck of a ot ta loge. Now the experts are picking up ond'ampiilting Busha remarks that the. war cold last weeks or even montha. I' doubt it - weeks perhaps., But long before the Americans xÀove inta a lond wVar with its accomnpanying bgh »casuaty rates, they will soften, them up with propagonda.' R.emember Viet Nam. Remember-the tans of pamphlets thatý were Asýo sth.rqi defenses are reduced ta rubble, the payloads will turzi ta ae instéd of exploeives. Iraq is a fyI~r iteraté naion. bey are_ rightly. proud of their:ý accompliéhments, but- have littie reason ta feel proud -of Sà ddam Humsain - look what ha bias brought them ta. Themessugethe allies-wil wont ta get-acrosis that AMlais on theirside.,The mesasiilbe from otberArabs -the Saudis'Y, gypis,vSrians and other Molem states that are lgt à à ongsde the mnericans. With bombe expioding overhead and'Alah flghting on the éther side, huge numbers cf Iraqis will desert or capitulate. The* end'wll came sooner rather than later ond astuaties ,wilbe light. As some commentators have-. rightly concludedtb is is «foremoot a plitical -War.~ And now bkto theotherwar-'ýthe .one e hbrein Canada. It is ironic, with 85% of --the .Canadian people op oedt the GST and a lot more Canadians fighýLng-'itý thon 'are fighting in thé Persin Guif; that. the mgjor'media' in this country basprovded so little covre. Wlethe media has clirly overidled the Iraqi warr, they 'have ýjust as' clearly undcerldlld the«fight against GST. Clearly,,they have acepted the'goverüüent argument that now that it'.in* Place, we wiil siimply grumble and decde ta live with it. True,," Most of us will, but some are more deternmmed.' 1The- situation is complicated.,by the- fact that qo mony busineses are playing bath-ides .mthey are using the public s opposition ta thee ta keep- their,,customershappy yet wii not openiy join a'taà revoit. The 14ermetfor its.part,.je rattling its sabres ta keep the faint-hearted in their plaée . Locally, there 'are new recruit - Aryi 'sGieyoBrc Street has decided not ta charge the tax, There are others, *but - theyre caught omewhere betWeen their. natural Câna- inssivity and -her*oge about Mulroney and the GST.' On the national scene,- wel ... sufficeit Wta sythat, the war continues m-, the backrôoms. As in Iraq, the geeials' muet. not. reveal, the stratégies that are udrwy-the enemy wMl discover them in due cours. r O Over 40 stôres and&services with huge sidewalk sale savings.- NATIONAL C Sat. Jan.,.26th,11991 IPrizes for -ail 13 Taste te sting lFree seminar oôn eating triggers, 2 pm IBook early asî sealting is.imited OVER 1,800,CENTRES WORLDWIDE' À-0 w.ight INo rcen Ouf client.ý' 'Michelle Chandler, b lst 75 Ibs., UnlbmdWag To date our clients hav Iost 1300 Lbs in sup 'Pc of the United Way. CALL TODAY. FOR. A FREE NO-OBLIGATION CONSULTATION WHITBY' OSHAWA, AJAX/PICKERING. BOWiMAN VIL 1101 Brock St. S. 34à SimaeSt. S. 1450 Kingston Rd. !98 King St.: 666.07]70 72352fl 420m6300 :623*9 Exclusive ofNutrVSystem fod&inl evaluation which ara addi ional costs. Pazicipaig oentresonIy Newcdents dny. E*es Jai 1TcT.A~