Whitby Free Press, 2 Jan 1991, p. 19

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WEUJBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JAN[JARY 2,1991, PAGE 19 ~ THE CORPORATION OF ~ THE TOWN 0F WHITBY * PLANNING DEPARTMENT NoticqpiPublicl minlomutinWorkshoP *Wednesdlay, Febiuary 6, 19910@ 7:90 p.m. Meein Hall, Whitby MncPal Bsilding Whitby, O0trio A Public Information Workshop will be held by the Plannin Department of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby to initiate a stuc jta consider the mezoning of the Port Whitby Industrial area (as shown below). VICTORIA STIEE £& 4:Iji~ LAKELAD ONTARIO The purpase of tmis meeting is ta provide adequate information ta the public and ta permit interested persans the opportunity ta make repesetatonun respect of the rezoning study. If you are unable ta attend the meeting, yaur representabion can be tled in writing by mail or pemsonai delivery ta meach the Planning Department not later than regular working hours on Monday, Februazy 4, 199 1. lnterested persans may inspoot addtional information relating ta mhe above noted workshop in the Planning Department, Level 7, 575 Rossland Raad East during regular worhing hours, Monday ta Fniday or may contact the Planning Department by telephoruing (416) 668-580. ROBERT B. SHORT Dhuctor of Plkig Coip or f tu Town 0f Whltby THANKS TO THE HOLY Spirit Sacred Heart of Jesus and St. Judo for favors roceived. RS WOMEN IN ABUSIVE relationships. For help, calI the Denise House for Women and Children. Toîl f ree 1-800-263-3725 or 728-7311. Confidentiality assured. <Formerly Auberge.) BIRTH CONTROL and family planning counsellinp. Free and Friday, 8:30 a.m. ta 4M0p.rn. Uinic every Thursday 3:0 p.m. ta 6 p.m. For further information, cati 420-8781 or 433-8901. IBEST WISHES The cassIfle are a special way ta send gMetlngsl -Colt 668-611V *1 ....R.ON.AL. S THANKS TO THE SACRED heart of Jesus for many favors receivod. BC. BAHAI FAITH: Let earh momn be botter than its ove and oach morrow richer than, its yestorday. Cali 668-8665. THANKS TO ST. JUDE and the Sacred Heart of Jesus for favors recelved. May the Sacrod Heart of Jesus be aore , gbrified, loved and preserved throug haut the world now and forevor. Oh, Sacre Heart of Jesus pray for us, St. Judo worker of miracles pray for us, St. Judo helpor of the hopeless, pray for us. Say this pryrnine timos a day. By the eighh day your p rayer wîll be answered, regardless of how hopelessý your situation seems. *Pubcation. must .e.romised..-:.'ý- PARENTS & TOTS' Communi ty parent and tots prograin recommences Jan. 8., Tuesday mornings 9:30-11:30. Aduits erijoy speakers, crifts and socal interaction. Cildren's prograin provides qualified instructorWlcaregivers, gaines, crafts and social playtime. 8-week non-profit session $25 per persan. Cail Barb 725-1690 or Ruth 666-1714. WINTER CAMPS The YWCA is offeriiig a New Year"s Eve Overnight Camp for 7- to-12-year-olds. Children can eirjoy indoor and outdoor gaines, songs crafts and a New Yearls Eve Parm.Prents can bring thoir childrenpt Camp Samac at 7 p.m. on Dec. 31, and pick them Up on Jan. 1, at il a.m. The winter break camp will ho offered on Jan. 2, 3 and 4 for 6- to.12-year-olds. There will also ho Winter Theme Day, Cullen Gardon Winter Festival Day -and Outdoor Day at Heber Down. For further information cali the YMCA office at 668-6868 or 683-4093. JREGISTRATION Bellwood community school offers several prograins. Adulte and kida can register in persan on Thursday, Jan. 8 and Thursday, Jan. 10 from 7 - 8:30 p.m. and Saturday, Jan. 12 frein 10:30 - 11:30 a.m. for couples massage, seniors aerobics, bailroomn dance, volleyball, floor hockey, crafts, magic, gymnastics. EPILESYOSHAWA Epilepsy Oshawa and area chapter will hold its monthly meeting Tuesday, Jan. 8, 7:30 p.m., at the Kinsmen Centre, 109 Coîborne St. W., Oshawa. Elections will ho held. Guest speaker will ho Diane Ploss from. community services te, discuss the 'Leisure Buddy Prograni.' Anyone is welcome ta attend. For further information calI 436-3152. FIELD NATUASTS Thepulc is invited by the Durbai Regional Field Naturaliste for an "Introduction ta Birdwatchingl' at the Lynde Shores < Conservation Area parking lot on Sunday, Jan. 13 at 1:30. p.m. ta view winter birda cf the wods and field areas. All are welcome. BOTTLE DRiVE The Northwid Rebels Druin & Bugle Corps will hold a door- to-door bottle drive in the Osh- awa-Whitby area over the Christmas holidays up ta the Jan. 12-13 weekend. Cail 666- 5899 or 723-8750 to, request bot- tle pick-up. ORIENTATION Big Sisters Newcastle-Oshawa- WJhitby invite ail potential volun- teers ta attend the monthly orientation night on Wednesday, Jan. 9, 7to9 p m.at 387 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa.PFr more infor- mation caîl 436-0951. The Big Sisters office will later ho reloca- ted ta 179 King St. E., Oshawa. MUSIC FESTIVAL The 2Oth anniversary 'of the Oshawa WVhitby Kiwanis Music Festival will ho held April 8 te, 19, 1991. Syllabus and entry forms are avilable at music store and teaching establishments through- out Durham Region. Entries close .J8fl - 15.4,Yori.rhrifrain AIZEIMER AWARENESS .MONTE The public is invited ta aa general memibership meeting on Monday, Jan. 7, 1991, noon ta 1:30 p.m., at the Whithy Seniors' Activit3 Centre, 801 Brock St. S.0 Whit4~. Lunch will ho served for $5. Guet speaker and' honoursry chairman for Alzheimer Awareness Month will ho Carry Polonse, president of Durham College.RSVPto Anne, 576-2567. WHWFBY PECYO CLUB Whitby Photo Club is meeting at the Whitby Public Library on Jan. 7, from 7to10 p.m. There will ho a session'on wedding photography given by Eugene Grnitrowitcz will hold a sesson on wedding photography. Bring your equipinent and ho prepared ta ho part of the bridai party. Prints may ho submitted for, the next clinic. MEEMIG The Parkinson Support Group, Durhamn Region chapter, will hold a regular meeting on Monday, Jan. 7 at 7:30 p.m. at St. Marks United Church, Whitby' (Assembly Hall), at the corner of Coîborne/Centre St. S. Videos wil ho shown, followed by a question-and-answer period. Patients on Parlodel (bromo- criptine) should attend this meeting. Refreshinents will ho served. Call 668-6580 or 666-8576 for further information. NEWCOMERS CLUB The Newcomers Club of Osh- awa-Whitby will meet on Tues- day, Jan. 8,* 8 p.m., 'at, the arts resouroe centre behind Oshawa city hall. Ray Lunn will give a presentation on affordable family vacations. Ail new residents are welcomne to, attend. For more information, caîl 668-0552. UNIVERSITY WOMEN'S CLUB Journalist and activist, June Callwood, will ho the guest speaker at a meeting of the UJniversity Women's Club of Oshawa and district ta ho held on Jan. 9 at the McLaughlin Public Library at 8 p.m. Free admission. Ail are welcome. WOME'S AGLOW FELLOWSHIP Women's Aglow Fellowship will ho meeting on Jan. 10Oat Culoen Cardens, Whitby where thore are handicapped facilities. The cost wiil ho $7. Fellowship and refreshinents are at 7 p.m., with pyraise and worship at 7:30 p.m. Newcomers are welcome. For more information, cail 436-9425. Non-profiit communhtygroupa orhvwhich are bsed iln Vusatal Whitby memnbershlp rmay place their upcomln g meetings or activities on this page at no cost. PoftMkigo nc-W croa nwl 8 Inr enlu wwFrwid n ,m SEmjCOND BBROOKLIN BEAVERW Second Brook lin Beavers is a new group starting, ii January. It is a fun prograin designed. to meet the mnterests of boys aged 5 ta 7. Registration is on Jan. 8, 6:30 p.m., at Meadowcrost'Public School, Brooklin. For further information eall Joan Jobanson, 655-3665. GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY, There will ho a meeting -of the Whitby/Oshawa branch of Ontarlo Genealogical Society on Jan. 8frim 7:15 to 10 p.m.in the auditorium of WhitbÏ, Public Iàbrary. The coiewil ho orgnizng nfomaton and keeping records by gu est speaker Rut h Buckholder. For furter information, cail Joyce Hilton, 668-8177. MEEMIG The annual meeting of the Brooklin & District Progessive Conservative Association will ho held on Wednesday evening, Jan. 9 at Columbus United Church. Guest speaker will ho Ross Stevenson, UT> for the federal riding of Durham. Te meeting will start at 8 p.m. All welcome. AS'I'hMAOUTREACH This winter, the Lung Association continues its new education service for asthmatics living in Durhaxn Region. Baued. on a "drop-in" centre concept, this free service (funded by a grant from Glaxo Canada Inc.) aims to reduce hospital admissions and improve quality of life, for participants cf ail ages. Sessions will cofttinue to, operate three evenings' a week at each centre. Each evening, respiratary therapists will review various aspects of asthma and its treatinent. Handa-on assistance will h given in the use of inhalera, peak of flowmeters and other breathing devices. The Asthma Out-Reach program will hogin in January in five centres, including the Early Treatinent Centre, Wbitby, Jan. 9. For more information on the free service, cail the -Lung Association in Oshawa, (416) 436-1046, or Lindsay (705) 324-6497. GOODWILL NEEDS Do you have unwanted but useable clothing and good quality' household items? Goodwills training pograms need them year-round. ind out how ta donate them by ca]ling 362- 4711. I Obituarie s LILN MAYOTE Lillian Rosetta Pearl Mayotte died at Wbitby General Hospital on Wednesday, Decomhor 19, 1990. She was 68. Mrs. Mayotte (nee Waltan) is survived by John and his wife Gloria of Alberta, Judy and -her husband Dave Ellis of Peter- borough', June and her husband Larry Goodchild of Bowmanville, Lillian and her husband Bob Kilian of Cannington, Sandra and her husband Tony Van Box- tel of Cesarea, Patricia and her husband Ron Goodchild of. Osh- awa, Ruissoîl and his wife Lynn of Oshawa, Rosemayad her husband DennisaHenry of Whitby; 17 1randchildren; sisters Helen, Be le and Kay and brot her Bill.h he - h was' predecased hy r - husband fmât«MaYotttè; 'brth-: ors Charlie and AI, and sisters Doreen and Madrie.. Services were held at the McEachnie Funeral Home, Ajax, Deoember 20 and 21, 1990. Inter- ment at Eridne cemetery. 6 Genertions of Service, Quality .&Trust - Family Monuments, - Gr-nite or Bronze Marlkers *Cemetery Lettering 0Sandblasting Stafford Monmns 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby L -M .. metag1d' '»age t

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