Whitby Free Press, 2 Jan 1991, p. 13

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PMflByRE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 2.199, PAGE 18 1990 YEAR :UIN M:1 EVI EV Clockwise from hfrL Peter Tomblin photo BROORLIN Redmen -swet recapýture the Mann Cup, the Canadian championsup ini major box lacrosse..1. PICIERJNG 1VILLAGE muueum again. recreated a Civil War battis. ABOUT 400 routh attended the Opimisot Funi Camp '90 at lioquois Park. THE PRINCE Edward Island ferry boat uunk in Whitby harbour and environment officiais have ordered a clean-up ALMOST *500 carswore Vâa relgistered for the Canats 190 hot. rod showheld ini maudlePIfiier photo '"GST is not the law *of the p*eople" FROM PAGE 1 governmént would bo unable to enforce it. The risks are not as great as some might expect. Under the act, complianco can only bo determined when a business is requîred to remit it to the government. In the case of many mraIl businesses, this may not be until next year, in the. case of a business like the. Free Press, it is ovey tlree months. This gives ample time for a protest to sither fizzle and dis, or mnushroom to the point where the government has no choice but to withdraw the tax.. A successful proteet would prcpitate a crisis - the only thin this government responds to. I do nôt propose such action lightly.The economic chaos that wouldrosult from a full-fledged tax revoit would not ho pretty - yet it would probably ho preferable to the slow economic suicide- that Mulroney and Wilson are pursuing. Thousands of businesses are already in bankruptcy as a direct result of the economic policios of2-this'" government .The GST is yet another burden. 'Theç fundamentaiprinciples of democracy- require aTtEé government either persuade us that the GST was a good idea (it tried that, but failed), modilfr it 50 that we can accept it (they tried reducing it from 9 to 7 per cent, but we didn't buy that either), put it directly to people in a referendum (they knew they would bse), seek a new mandate specifically on the GST (they woul d bose that one too), or wthdraw it. I have no intention of being a miartyr; my only rois is to provide an example for others. I will not put my employees or my family at risk in support of a lost cause. If after a few weeks, it is evident that insufficient Canadians feel strongly enough to make this. proteet work, then I will accept their judgement « and the CST. Democracy can not be taken for granted - from time to time, it needB to bo defended. People do have rosi power, but only . if they stand up for what they be$eve in. This action will undoubtedly cost the Pros Pros. money but that is the price of democracy. Mulroney is counti'ng on Canadians to knuckle under -when the chpsar down. The GST was the' act of a cynical goverinent that-doesn't, trust the democratic process. Thé were right and that we, ail 26 million of us (the 85 per cent)ý are wrong. W. have a Prime Minister who saye that "the only opinion poil that counts is the one on election day." To Mulroney, democracy is the electior i o successive four-year dictatorships - preferably conservative ones. During the GST debate he frequently repeatod that his governnient would nover change a piece of legislation simply because it was unpopular. The word popular means "of -the people., So much for dexnocracy. A govêrnment which has shown itself so incapable of managing our money has no right to exp oct us to tighten our boîte further to pay for their extravagance. The Canadian political system is already in the throes of a grassroots upheaval as witnessed this past year in the failure of Meech Lake, the Oka crisis, and the election of an NDP goverament in Ontario. People are demanding the voice they were supposed to have ail along. Mulroney's agenda -of an election in two years' time is too long to wait -. we need one now.L -BuinemmaitMa»eit-hapnn;-- Chuis Bovi. photo DEADL INE FOR APPEALING YOUR 1990 PROPERT Y ASSESSMENT Tuesday, January 8th, 1991 The final day for appealing your 1990 property assess- ment to the Assessment Review Board is Tuesday,. January 8th, 1991. Your assessment will be used to calculate your 1991 mun icipal and school taxes.-" You should appeal your 1990 property assessment (a) if you are dissatisfied with the amnount of thé assessment, even af te r discussing it with your Regionial Âssessment Office; <b> if you appealed your previous assessment and« the appeal has not, been settled; or (c) if you re ceived a,Notice of Property Valuation which does not reflect' a settlement of your previous appeal. The Assessment Review Board is an agency of the Ministry of the Attorney General and operates* less formally than a court'of law. It is authorized to decide if your property assessment is fair and equitable, com- pared with similar properties in your. area. You may present your own case, retain a lawyer, or ask a friend or relative to act as your agent.-_ A Notice of Appeal form is available from your municipal office, your Regional Assessment Office, or the Assessment Review Board. You may also use the reverse side of a Notice -of Property Valuation or write a letter. Appeils should be forwarded in writing to the Regional Registrar of the Assessment Review Board at the address shown below. If you have any questions or require assistance in filing the appeal, please contact your Regional Assess- ment Office. The address and telephone number are in the Blue Pages of your telephone. directory, uÜnder "Property Assessment Information.'. Ontario Mi nIstry 0f Revenue Regional Registrar Assessment Review Board 277 George Street North, Suite 207 Peterborough, Ontario ik9J 3G9 -1-- r-

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