PAGE 4, WHMTY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 26,1990 Cametoid Limited of Whitby will receive a federal contract, valued at $332,259, under the Defence Industry Productivity Program to conduet research and development. The company is entering the first phase of a project to develop technology for the production of inhomogeneous protective coat- Whitby company awarded contract ings for advanced high- temperature gas turbine engine components. "This is a significant project for Carnetoid involving world class technology," said Ontario riding MP René Soetens, who announced the 'contract. The successful completion of this two-phase project wilI open'up wide opportunities for significant work with aircraft engine manufacturers worldwide for several years to corne. The project will proceed under the ternis of the Defence Industry Productivity Program, the objective of which is to develop defence technology to inprove the company's ability to grow and prosper while strengthening the Canadian and North American defence industrial base. Developing advanced techno- logy for defence-related products and production processes is one <f the major goals of the prograin. KGNI Boxing Day Sale > HURS. DEC. 27, 9AM-6PM 2 for i sale 210 BROCK STREET S. WIIITBY 668-0053 miýss it (Across from the firehail) w] Qi BoxÎng. r- SALE FINE FURNITURE SINGE 1929 216 Mary St. East, Whitby 668-3483 * Toronto 668-0061 Hours: Closed Monday; Tuesday and Wednesday 10-6; Thursday and Friday 10-9; Saturday 10-5