PAGE 26, WHITY FREE PRES, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 19,199<) DURHAM REGIONAL HOUSING AUTHORITY AN AGENT A FOR THE O MINISTRY 0F HOUSING INVITES SEALED TENDERS FOR PREQUALIFICATION 0F BIDS FOR STANDING CONTRACTORS IN THE FOLLOWING AREAS: PLUMBING AND ELECTRICAL, MAINTENANCE, JANITORIAL SERVICE, GENERAL LABOUR AND GENERAL CONTRACTORS FOR THE PERIOD 01 JAN.'91 T0 31 DEC. 91. Tenders wiII be receivod for the'above until 11:00 a.m. on 03 JAN. 91, by the Durham Regional Housing Authority, 50 Centre Street South, 4th Floor, Rundie Tower, City Hall, Oshawa, Ontarioo 11H 3Z7, r'o the Housing Manager, from whom details and spcfications may b. obtained, or telephone 434-5011, utigeference Number as above. The lowest or any tender flot necessarily accepted. PARENS LE.AVE LflTER IN THE WMRKE 0F TORONTO'S SANTA PARADE Thousands of young parents who I assume care about their children's future, macde the eor and braved the crowds to give their youger an everlasting memory of a glamorous parade. Theyalsleft another meniory _» a parade cf littered garbaeWat kdsse. lawhat they accept. .Newspapers, disposable cupa, tin cana, half-eaten hot dogs, cardbad throwaway fraya and candy wrappers al lined the stroots of Toronto secondseaftr Santa'. float passedby. Next year, pleaso bring food in ruabecontaners, and drinks in a thermos, or pack pastic plates and lug a xnug if you wish to purchase treata. Take homo recclable, le your own blue box and ro-bag organic food wasto for your compost. Be reaponsiblo parents and at least show your family you care. If this generation of youn parents i. setting or ex.amples, at least our prirnary scho s are in tune wià a healthier environnient. At Centennial College'. Warden Woods Child Care Contre in Scarborough, the message of environmiental protection starta young. "We want le raise awareness among our children that we should do whatever w. con le protect our environmient" says Marie Robinson, centre supervisor. "At the young age o!'three, this can only ho ochieved y setting exaniples of what should b. done." Children actively participate by putting their fr-uit rinds and vegetable leftovers from meals into a contrai tray. This i. thon transferred le the compostn site. Thoy also help put bottles and cane into the recylcin¶ ox At the somo time, chlde are taugit the importance cf conserving resources, auch as electnîcity, by turning lights off aftor using washrooms, and turning off water while brushing their teeth. The centre'. green efforts have included setting up a compost on the playground, obtainig containers for recyclablea, and replacing plastic forks ana paper cups with resuable cnes. In Durhamn, too, moat achoola havo environmental rojects. Tii. Rclying Counc1 of Ontarlo'. puppet show Ve. W.. Worman ha. had fun discusuing composting to several schools, Beavor, and Brownie groupa. Students at Frencliman'a Bay P.S. have built a composting bin le collect lunch ond yard wastes while. Lynn To6mlnson has -hod great success with vermicompostingr in her classrooni as West Lynde P.S. Many achools soon will ho ocquiring the commercial bockyord unit. We are more a "throwaway society" than was the case ton or 20O years ago. About on.-thrd oour municipal- waste i. padkaging. The amount of money Canadians spend each year on packaging isreater than -the cornbined net annual income ofai Canadian armera. One of the most popular uses for natural Christmas trees when the holiday season* i. over i. as mulch. Some municipolities collect discarded Christmas trees, grind theni and use the mulch in municipal gardons and parks. Homeowners con do much the sanie. Needles and branches make good, coorse mulch. The trunk can be chip)ped if facilities are available, or just cut up and thrown in the fireplace. A.nd, if y;U don't have a fireplace, save the pie-ces for next asummer's ~SixÇt~i1~ ing over-packaged a s Club Carib cf Oshawa Inc. will hold a New Year's Ev. Dance on December 31 at ffýBanquot Bail, 650 King St. E., st Mail,. Oshawa. ickets. are $30 per person (price includ, dinor, wine and party favors). Musicb D.J. Le.. For tickets cali 728- 7130 or 728-4293. CARD AND COMIC SHOW 'As a United Way fundraiser, the General Motors fabrication planlt wiIl hold a sports card and comic show on Sunday, Dec. 30, 10 a.m. le 3:30 p.m., at tii. Jubile. pavilion, -Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. there will ho 70 tables of dealers, and a signed jersey by Gordie Hlow->e and Wayne Gretzky. FOOD DRWVE The Liquor Control Board of Ontario (LCBO) outlet on Gilbert St. in Whitby is holding a Christ- mas food drive. A section of the store has been set aside for donations of canned/bottled and dry foods, on behaif of the Rose of Durham Home for Women and the Salvation Army. BOTLEDRIVE The Northwind Rebels Drum & Bugle Corps will hold a door- to-door bottie drive in the Osh- awa-Whitby area over the Christmas holiday. up to the Jan. 12-13 weekend. Cail 666- 5899 or 723-8750 le, request bot- ti. pick-up. NEW YEAR'S DANCE Ring in the. New Year at the Knights cf Columbus Hall, 133 Brock St. N., Whitby. DJ, light meal, cash bar. Coot i. $35 petr couple. Cail Martin Thrpin, Monday le Friday, 9 a.m. le 5 p.m., at 430-2924. CHRIS'rMAS PART'Y Tue Head Injury Association of Durham extends an invitation le their second annual Chrstmas party on Wednesda, Dec. 19 at 7:30 p.m. at Whtby: Baptist Church, 411 Gilbert St., Whitby (southwest corner of Reynolds and Gilbert St..). Mon are requested le bring a wrapped Èift ($5 or les.) suitable for a man; women, a wrapped gift ($5 or less) suitable for a woman. Indicate on present whether for a mon or womon. Anyone, needing transotation or information, cail Carol Ryan at 576-3830. Everyone i. welcome. FROMPAGE 26 week. They played three gomes against GL. Roberts, losing on. 8-15 and winning two 15- and 15-6. The. teain then went -on le defeat Pickering, winning two gamea, 15-4 and 15-2. Tue senior girls volleybail teani won two games over- G.L Roberts, 15-6 and 15-12, and another two over Plckering, 15-12 and 15-10. Lest Thursday, the juniors maintained their record of three wins and three loases when they continued LOSSA play at <YNeill. The team- was defeated by O'Neill but captured two siraight wins against Donevan.. rm sure ail the Hawks wiil carry their succes into the new year. la.Inclosing, rd 1k. e, owish New Year. Tue Whitby Senior.' Activity Contre li. co-ordinating a snow removal*prograni for seniors in the Whitby area. Seniors are matched with snow -shovellers in their own neighbourhood, and a fe. paid. Any senior -requirxng assistance with snow removal i. asked leoeil U668-1424. WIN t RFUN Tii. Oshawa YWCA cf 1 McGrigor St. la offering a winter carnival Jan. 2 le 4y 9 a.m. to 4 p.. or children aged 5 to 12. The. event consists of a three-day program that enables children le get involived in special events and activities while on their holi- days. Activities include outdoor winter games, crafts gym time and special events. fror further information caîl 576-8880. 3rd Thursday Breakfast leaa women's network which- meets monthly at theOld Munich Rés- taurant, istro Oqhawa. The neit meeeting will ho held on Dec. 20, 7:30 a.m. Contributionse leward the Christmas food bas- ket would ho appreciated. Meni- hors and gueste are welcome. Cail 723-1143 . for information and reservations. NEW YEAR'S-DANCE The Whitby Senior.' Activity Contre, 801 Brock St. S., wiil ring in the New Year with a dance on Monday, Dec. 31, starting at .8:30 p.m. Members are advised that there are stiil a, few tickets available at a cost of $15 per pe on which includea a buffet, a ht and a noisemaker. For more information cal 668-1424. Crime Stopp>era and the Durham Regioniil Police are akn for the publics help ii solving, a robbery which occurred,-in Oshawa on Dec. 2.- At 4:15 a.m., two maies gained entiy -into the MeDonald's Restauerfmt, located at 501 Ritaon Rd. S., by .mashing the north glass doqr with a pp. w>empicysos woro apprehne b h suspecte and a kie was plaoed at the 'thréat of one of, the omployea. Suspects thon forced a padlock off tho safe and unsuccossfuly attempted to open it. Both suspets thon fled on foot eastbound. The suspects are described as male, white, aged 18 - 20j, ix foot tail 160 lbo. Suspect #1 i. doscribod as . having modium4oength sandy-blonde hair and wearing -a white scarf covering the lower haif of I.a face. Suspect #2 in doscribed as having short, dark brown hair with a green mesh scarf covering the Iowor haif of hi.; face. Robbety incidents are on the increase and police 1roquest your assistancl. Have you hoard who it niight have been rosponsible for this rýbbery? If so, you can cail Crime Stoppera. You'll nover have to give yournameor appear m court. A cash reward of up to $1'0oo i. Themein Stopper.' office is open 24 houri par day and the phono nupiber i. 436-8477, that's 436-TIPS. Long distance cal co1lect You can also oeil through your local Durham Régional Police Fà o numbor and ask for Crime Stopper. .armaS 5 - 5 DANCE SNOW BREMOVAL 3rd THKUBSDAY