Whitby Free Press, 19 Dec 1990, p. 13

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WHrTBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, DCME 19,199M, PAGE 18 Comm terscri.ticize.GO busevc FROM PAGE 4 thoso of Ce include hauling Motro's garbago instead of comn- mutera ... to, sites in Durham and Marmora?» (Contacted by The Fro. Pres evousa d so kosmen for both ili ant eministry deniod that there are long-rang e plans te use the lino for hauling gar- ueosaid laat Septeniber votera were faced with the choico of David Peterson, who promised GO train service within one year or. Bob Rae, thinking hoe wouîd deliver the train this winter. Emphasizing his point, Pag- nuelo. pointed te, a large * poster behind the podium which depic- ted a quote from ae publia ed during the election carnpaign. "I arn ploased te make a corn- mitment te, extend GO Transit service to Peterborough and Brantford"read the quote. «But now less than three montha ini office, his broken word is clear evidonce te votera ... that hie promise waa not only fraudu- lent but decoitful," said Pag- nuofo. Noting that the government has stated it's buses or nothing,» Pagnu elo said, -te, prolonged applause, "«my rocommoendation is1g for notiig." Althoust the association will flot cal or a bus boyctt, it will write Rae and Philp advising that all-day service should be scrapped, leaving only one bus at peak periods for thos e without Mils9 lires back FIROM PAGE 4 The robaàs. also outlinos a few dtais of the bus service which the MPPs dlaim has puli*csup- port. "ToMPPs said .they are hi1aa"d with tho local support for eoproposod ail-day bus service, and anticipate this wiil satisiSi a wider. range of regional* tralffc needa thon wouid the single- train service," it states. Mille said the meetings with municipal, officiais wiil discusa Iong-trm transportation pan. eTi new bus link is juat a step, but they (critica) don't want te ilten,» said Mills. "We have te consider the tre- mondous deficit, you can't do everythingýou want to do.» Mile èè tatwith the bus service, the government has upheld Premier Bob Rae's elec- - tion prmse, «even though it'a notr the form,» train pro- ponents favour. «I think we'vo been very res- ponsible. Wo could have said we ( can't do anything,» ho added. Mills said the bus service has the support of not oniy potentiai usprs but a public transportation lobb group. theyre happy with it iandP cetn al s te my office in sup- por. e re getting a positive Aithough Transport 2000 wel- comes the return of public tran- sit te Peterborough, president Harry Gow quaiified the group's support. «Buses are good,- provided they're not viewed as a aubsti- tute for rail passenger trains, Gow teld The Free Press. «We strongiy urge Mr. Mille and hie colleagues te get crack- ing to find a train alternative, - something bs oxpensive than a locomotive-powered GO train. Even though the federal govornmont abandoned VIA Rail service, Gow said the province shouid not be asked te fund replacement service on its own. «It isn't just a provincial ros- pionsibility' the federai ç,overn- ment should pay its share. Aithough the bus service will (likely attract ridera, Gow doubta they will b. commutera who pro- ,viously rode VIA Rail. "People who ride buses are not - nocessarily thoso who take a train. rmn not certain top execu- i, tivew mdil ride buses and -make alternatetrnptao. Follow*ig t eeoting.Man- cini told Tfe Free Prosa hodoos not. believe the association is flghting alost cause. "Ilthink they have '-hope, they're weI-organized, they know- what thoy're doing,» said Mancfin. «Thoy have thoir -facto well compilod and Fin surprisod the IND1P socialistgovonment won't liston to them.. Mancini, a former 'cabinet minister, also found it «appal- eling that not one of the seven NPmembors invited, bothered to show. When. hie party formond the government and several MPPsl were invited te the saine meet- ing » we would' got toether and male sure at îeast one, person attended,» said Mancirn. "I don't think the people belle- yod aIl of them, were busy. I think they avoidod' the meeting te avoid tafldnq about a promise they've broken. Mancini'a words were echoed b Ashburn -,resident 'Kathy rnrnsm . 'Tm aateunded at the fact that in £hat's his job, ho has te corne and listen to the people who electod'him.» cimig te b.e an NDP sy- pathizer who voted for Ml~ Timmis added," "I wonder if he s amare of how badly he reflected on his party.» (Even though he initially agreed to attend, Milîs' officei subsequently said ho was com- mittedlto duty in t ho legialaturo and a meeting in Toronto, said Pagnuelo.) Although the passengor asso- ciation and train supporters will continue te prosse thoîr case, the fight moveis onte a different level. A resolution from Scugog Township council critical of the \ PIE ,govornment's docision is being circulated ý among Durham Ré~gion municipalities. Initiated by -g couftcillor Marilyn- Pearce, Durhr E Liboral candidate i- last Soptem- ber's olection, the resolution demanda train service. «Bafiically, wero saying it'sa waste of taxpayers' money o spend haif a million dollars on a system that doesn't work,' "said Pearce. '"Tho only way te movo peoSIe through the. northeast corr& aýrea la by train. In terme of the onvironmient and transportation gridlock,' the, only answer is a train.» ARE GONE FORE VER Market analysts say that every dollar spent at home wili circulate here from store A to appliance store B to food store C, and so on. Ultimnately that dollar wiÎl leave, but not until it has been passed around localiy. Studies show that the average dollar is passed around at least f ive times before it leaves your community. Don't pave the road, to the nearby city with your hard-earned- money.- Once they're spent away from home, they're gone forever. 4th of7 serle Ronald L. Salsbury, 430-3988 APPU "CS - SALE & RWAIRS Smaill ppllance Repaîr Service, 220 Ash St., 430-8378 TSRWN Totten, Sims, Hubloki & Assoc., 1500 Hopkins St., 668-9363 ArmRYD Big Ben's Collision Centre, 3625 Brock St. N., 666-3811 Ken Molvor Auto Body, 608 Garden St., 668-9822 Central Bakery& Delicatessan, 110 Dunlop St. E. 668-9020 The Book Between, 113B Dundas St. W., 666-2442 CAR & TRUICK RMTALS Rent-a-Wreck, 1230 Dundas St. E., 666-3361 Computer Learning Centre, 3rd FI., 121 Brook St. N., 668-9713 Whltby Fonce & Dock, 1380 Hopkins St., 666-1400 Total Reproductions, #1 6-17, 1751 Wentworth St., 434-5651 Yvonne's Esthetic Boutique, Pearson Lanes, 666-4715 Durham:Squash & Ftness Club, 1450 Hopkins St., 668-5866 Devilie's Produce, Hwy 12 , 427-4311 vAD T u a -m r ALADE' FaIr Lady and New Men, 116 Brock St. N., 666-4051 Iva n's Haîr Stylnog, 1400 Dundas St. E., 668-4321 Joseph's Haîr Styllsts, 104 Dundas St. W., 668-5691 Strand's Haîr Boutique, Pearson Lanes, 666-0550 Broclc Generai Hardware, 856 Brock St. N., 6661254 Fenneil Insurance, #214, 185 Brock St. N., 666-2400 Dynes & Lloyd, Pearson Lanes, 668-8042' LADI' leFASRININS Yasmena's Fashion Gallery, Pearson Lanes, 666-5526 UNGE ACASUAL WEAR Audrey Janes Lingerie, Pearson Lanes, 430-0647 LAWN a.GADU apliMT« Brooklin Cycle, Marine, Honda, 114 DundasSt.E., 666-1666 MRUSICAL INSTRUMIT- ALEV, OMS Guitarzan, 115 Brook St. N., 430-2543 NEW A E CARSC C & C Motors - Subaru, 1705 Dundas St. W., 430-6666 Marlgold Lincoln Mercury, 1120 Dundas St. E., 668-5893 Midway Nissan, 1300 Dundas St. E., 668-6828 Whltby Dodge Chrysler, 209 Dundas St. W., 666-3000 Avis Ofice Equipment, 2020 Wentworth St., 434-5079 OPflflANS1 Whitby Optical, 106 Mary St. E., 666-3831 OR Rf R DDO Outdoor Inn, 305 Brock St. N., 668-0474 Gary Bowyer Refrîgeration, 668-6661 RSTLRNT Family House Restaurant, 110 Dunlop St. E., 666-1412 Krebs Restaurant, 918 Brock St. N., 668-9369 Leisure Rooms, 605 Brook St. N., 430-8621 Circle Taxi,' 128 Brock St. N., 668-6666 Russell TraVel, 126 Brock St. S., 668-5000- jia *WW l.- la-ywazi. Ll...:j l: u uiui P6 lr : gm gu u-M l'MCgiMf cePlQ OKolLff bëb DOLLARS THATLLEAVE HOME 44f.p n3. nr!d i lp 'E v FU çnpc -c k+ !teWW f o.,, nopb V, fl4 t .À Ji à. ~jrjr~V \ i %muni"> 1 1 il

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