PAGE ý12, WHITY *'EE PAS, WEDNESDAWo DECEMPER 19,11990 Phone 668-6111 TonoWlhitby slamsGO'bus decision FROM PAGE 1 meeting or sent a representative or sent an explanation of where BE A DESIGNATED DRIVER the service is goi!ng. Batten was h ihy critical of a press release issuedf by the MPPs after'their absence wa* pointed out ini the- Ontario legisiature the e"The NDP suggests they have local supjport for buses, but we as a municipality have néver been cosultedb4y'te provin#e on this issue,» said Baâtten. qNot only do they no& have our 'suppr u they doo't know what oureutrasportation needsC are.» Batten said many questions about future use of the< -Toronto- Peterberough lime remain, unans- wered. He said'Camadian Pacific wor- kers have-been upgrading the track for the past two months. 1«If they're not going to provide service why 'are dollars beigf dtten aske. th IacT Batten also repeated com- menta madeý at the, Ashbuirn meeting that a «secret agenda" exista te haul grbagefom Metro Toronto on t h e trgks. «We need answers From the premier of the province and most impotty, our local sitting members.» Councillor Tom Edwards sup- ported the ,itent of Batten's resolution but criticized some of bis commenta., Edwards pointed out- that the NDP members were prevemted from attending the meeting by r revious commnitments in the à alootuok Batten to* task for stating thatmunicipal politicians along the route were invited. 'Tmn interested in the issue but no onemivitedme tothe meet- ing, saidEdwards.. 9The onlyftair thinghe said is that the federal government dumped the lime, the Tories took it away.» Following the meeting, Batten told reporters CP crews have been doing «mjor' work on the line such as hfing track and repairing the bed. He e as not contacted CP te determine the reason for the activity. Asfor his commenta about the arage, Batten admitted that ai only knowledge came from last week's meeting. "By putting those kinds of dol- lars inito the tracks they're not gon o'abandon them." said .Although he prefers rail ser- vice te buses, Batten said that is not the issue of moat concern te the municipality. «We need imput into that deci- sion but we've net been consulted by the province. Thieve net asked for data on growth figures and potential useff.» Batten said the lime «could be critical te the growth ofWity and cannot understand whyth government bas mot. consulted wîith area munuîpalities. "There is growth in the morth end of our town and growth hi Scugg, but they wouldn't know about it because they havent asked. The bus decison was made without the correct infor- mation.» Prqgram resumes- Jan.8 The social and recreation program held on Tuqisdays from 2 te 4 p.m. ý at the Brcoklin community centre will be cancelled over the holiday season. The mext program will be held on Tuesday, Jan. 8, 1991. For information cail 668-1424., BARB HULLEY, new owner of Brook- refurbished bakery which just ro- lUn Home Bakery, watches daughter opened. CÎndi Urbas slice lham in the newly Peter Tomblin photo Brooklin bake.ry reopens By Greg Mceil Chicken wings and homemade schnitzel on a bun will aIso be Barb and John Hulley moved offered. lIn addition te all this, te Brooklin from Scarborough in customers can find all the August of last year. Since then, standard lunch favourites such as tbey had been pondering oponing potate salad, colesaw, egg sa]ad, a business in their new chicken salad, sà lmon, tuna ana community. more.. 1' 'We bad been thinIng about Some baing prînmarly what we wanted te be doing for muffins and cooes, will be don. the next few years," says John. It on the prenuses. wasn't tco long before tbey The shop will also effer fresh noticed an empty storefront oný bread, relIs, bagels, kaisers and Baldwin St. where, until'reoently, pumpernickel that will be the Brooklih Home Bakery bad 'delivered daiîy. from a, Whitby been. Both realized this was the bakery. opportunity they had been For -the person wbo drops by loolcing for. They rented the store, and juet feels like something and have just opened Bsrbs simple and bealthy, Barb adds, Brooklih Deli and I3aked Goods. "Txere'l be fresh fr-uit tco." The Hulleys plan te emphasize John and Barb admit opening the delicatessen end of the Barb' Brooklin Deli and Baked business, with a wide selection of Goods was a major switch in fr'esh meata, cheeses and salada. careers. Barb spent nine years as "We're going te do our soupa frm a purchasimg agent forthe Metro stock," says John. They bave Toronto Zoo until recemtly leaving can be offered daily. after 17 years. 1Although operating a delica- tessen end bakery is a new experience, both are confident tbere' a market for their business. With reference te the former Brooklin Home Bakery John says, It was a service that had been provided for a long time 'that was, suddenly missing from the town. We thought there was room te resurrect that service." The Hulleys hope te welcome brick many cf 'those customers, but they note there' another market in -the area now. 'Possibly, the nature of the .cientèle living in the area bas cbanged somewhat, or is in the procesa of change," explains John. 'Yuppies, te some extent, are starting-to discover Broolim.f Barb's Brooklin Deli and Baked Goods is open Tuesday throughi Sunday. 7he shop opens early, at 7 a.m., in an effort .te attract esme.. ofI the itroa& traffii 3thnt passes each moringtroi-Iighway 12. I Join the man y people who agree flot to drink alcoholic beverages . . . and to drive. everyone in their group home safely.1 o: THE CORPORATION 0F THE-OWN F WIHITB3Y PLANNING DEPARTMVENT NOTICE 0F PUBUC MEETING Monday, January 7.,19910@ 7:30 p.m. Meeting Hall, Whltby Muilcipal Bildirg Whitby, Otarlo A Public Meeting will be held by die Planning and Development Committee of Counicil of the Corporation of the Town of hit" t consier a proposed amenchent to the Regional and Whîtby Oflcia Plans as submitted by Manfred Leibrand. Th sbjctprpetyislocated on the west skieof Highw #2Z.T no Clumbus Roa and south of Brawley Road, as ud35enfldo the map below. M PROPERTY o J 'Columbus Roed .7 The purpose of the Official Plan amencinent application i opri garden centre on the subjectot y.i Off The purpose of Ibis mpeeting is ta provide adequate information te o public and te permit interested persons the opportunity te make represenitation in respect of the Official Plan amencfint application. If you are unable to attend the meeting, your representation can be fled in writing by mail or personal clelivery te meach die Planning Departmnent not later than regular woding hours on January 14, 1991. lnterested eroM ay.ispect additional information relating te lthe above apphcatýion hi iePlIannmng Departmnent, Level 7.,575 Rossland Road East durnnç regular worling hours Monday te Fidy or may contact the Planning Depariment by telephoning (416) 668-5803. ROBERT EL SHORT ~, ~ .DhIo.I.w! ..............'