PAGE 30, WVH1TY FREE PRSS, WEDNESDAY, DECMBE 12, 1990 Inter-sehool council f4ormed in Region By Ali Allizadeh On Tuesday, Dec. 4,e history was made at An~derson Collegiate. The school was site te the signing of the charter .of the Inter-School Council (ISO). Wffitness te this exciting event were Whitby Mayor Bob Attersley, members of regional schools' student and faeulty executives and znany interested 'onlookers from the cnmmilty. Inspired by the United Nations, the council is the brain- cbild of Brad Wallace, president of the student council at Ander- son C.V.I. B yScott urrie Hall!! Julst seven days left until we say uAdios» and depart for the Christmas break. Be4fore that date however, there are stili countless events and activi- ties ta take place. On Dec. 12 Anderson's sea- sonal concert The Spirit of Christmas, wihl be held. If you enjoyl the traditional yuletide c arols and instrumental experiences, then this isjst for you! Little 'toy boats and oî wiil be collected, starting Dec. 17, for the annual tey drive, a charitable event which always receives an overwhelmning res- ponse. On Dec. 20, the school's Christmas dance will take place, leading up te the grande finale Dec. 21, the last day before winter break. This is a day of skits, music, gift exchange, decorating contests and most important of ail, joy. R4one of these sbould be missed! Friday evening. Various scboois from ail across Durham Region attended this nigbt of discover- ing new people, playing some (how canI put this delicately?) interestin g games, and al around fellowship. The evening ended with yet miother perfor- mance of 'There Must Be More,' w the musical aimed at Canadian Baptist Youth. Anyone who wasnt able te, attend the Nov. 30 show can see it professionally done in Cbarlettetewn, Prince Edward Island, this sumnier. Naturally, every student bas the Christmnas season te look forward te, but there's something that may slightly decrease the excitment. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to scare or psych anybodv out, but in iess than 40 By Samira Afat After our first dose of snowy weatber, it now truly feels like Christmas. The nordic ski teani is excitedly awaiting the ski sea- son to, start. The senior girls' vollybaîl team played very weli at a teurnament in Ottawa last week. The junior girls also played well as tbey began league play last week. They started out slowly with a loss te Dunbarton, but then won over Dwyer. The academic workload is slowiy becoming lighter. T'he deadlines for those dreaded in- dependent studies are bere. Have you finished yours? Henry is undertaking some major fundraising events. Chris- tian fellowship is organizing a By Dora Perroni Old Man Winter bas marked his coming with many sniffling noses and fsty winds. To warm the wînter's chili, students are urged to support the school by purchasing 'Can dy Grams~' sold durng the week of Dec. 11'14 by Father Austin's Amnesty Inter- national Club members. *Ski- dents can Participa-te in the spirit of Christmas by sending a candy cane to another Austin member. Dec. 5 was the last day for our successful chocolate fundraiser. Many monetary prizes h ave been won by individuals, but the grand prize and grand prize win- ner rémain a mvstery. "Mhe council is an inter-scbool body formed te, discuss a wide range of issues and te achieve common goals,» saLys Wallace. The ISO is a new organization formed tbrough tbe alliance of the students' councils of scbools tbroughout Durham Region. The aim of the ISO is te encourage mnember scbools te co-operate in the achievement of goals in which the scbools, and tbe commnunity, have a shared concern. These activities could range from fundraisers te environment dlean-up projects. The organiza- tion also serves as a forum for the free excbange of ideas between the members te make the operation of projects at individual scbools more efficient. short days we have those nesses- ary evils to, perform -- exanis. food drive. In a different approach this year, through the Salvation Army, each bomeroom wiIl be sponsoring a faxnily . This is a good chance for Hawks te help a family and show the true spirit of Christmnas. Christian Feliowship also hield a Christmas party on Dec. 7, froni 6:30 ta 10:30 p.m., in Henry's new gym. A good tume was had by ail. Spealing of fun, the Christmas semi-formal was a great success and it proved te be an enjoyable way for ail the Hawks te cele- brate Cbristmas. Remember that there aren't many shopping days left before Christmas, so get our finances in order and start shopig Thoughtne ïuraiser bas ended, it has ushered in the celebration of 'Christmas week 1990,' Dec. 17-21. The Austin student council bas scbeduled a variety of festive events whicb are enthusiastically anticipated. Some of these events include a Christmas concert and talent show. Also a Christmas semi- formal danoe will be held on Dec. 13. Upcoming is a 'Wall of Signa- tures,' and although full details have not been released, future plans include each student's sig- nature on pleiglass. The signa- ture of the entire population will be displayed somewhere in the school, rej»resenting the human The schools have already addressed the, issue of public transit within the town and have met with offici.41s te discuss the expansion of services. Wallace said that one of the posti ve outcomes was that yht Transit was willing te exten its service te pick up students after dances. This would encourage more student participation and ensure safe transit home. Wallace is ver excited about tbe new inter-scbool council but realizes it may be a wbile before its full potential is realized. 'The-biggest things have smnall beinings. Fin not expecting miracles. The foundation is always the hardest.» Although tbe charter was signed only recently, the group bas already met twice and will ByDon Meanger ..What bave you done for tbe world? Christmas is the tirie wben you get a chance te give something back. It'stime for us te start « giving', instead of just 'receiving'..." Those were the words echoing throughout the packed gymna- sium on Dec. 5, prior te the D(YC airband competition. They were the words of Mr. Vendrig as he attempted te rally the school behind bis second annual Red Wagon Food Drive. While the excitement of tbe airband compttion was mounting, the students took time tehearMr. Vendrig, and in tbe end be was given a warm ovation for bis inspiration and dedication. Tbis year, the goal is te provide a ful and meaningzful Chrisitmas for 85 familles in Durham Region. Let's ail do our best te make it a sucoess. Mr. Vendrigs speech was followed by DCY(à annuel airband competition. It was a chance for students te take a break from the books as they watched their peers (in. most cases) niake fools of themsîves. The show featured everything ftom th& Blues Brothers te mky continue te meet regularly. Each achool'. council, consisting of leading students chosen by their peers, as representatives wiil take turns basting other schools at these IS0 meetings. The member schools present at the signing were Anderson, Henry Street, Paul Dwyer, O'Neil, Ajax Higb, McLaugl-n, Denii O'onnor and CartWhght. Wallace says that each month a different school will hast the meeting, set tbe agenda, and act as chairman for the council. «We had one informaI session at Ajax High and adopted the prmciples, says Wallace. "I was cte happy with the reception. Thle organization is based on the principle of tbe equality of its membeérs." Ali Alizadeh ià edi*or of Anderson CVI'a 77w Final WorcL' persnal favorite, Milli Vanilli (better known as Phoney Baloney). But in the end, there was no question as te, who bad come out on top. With Dwayne HowrdSteve Barich, Vic Perreira, Andrew Gileno, Neil Hlennahan and Andrew Mayo looking like a group of cast-offis from Saturday.Night Fever, tbey left the crowd in stitébes as they performed te, the bit single, Grove is in the Heart.' Their pbilasopby for winning was simple - make yourself look so stupid that no one cmi step laughing at you. Congratulations te everyone who teok part. On Nov. 30, DOUC received a visit from local MP Rend Soetenis. He spoke te a group of senior economics students wbo were given the opportunity te, voice tbeir concerns over sucb issues as the GST (great scam tax?), and the national debt. While Mr. Soetens was able te use b is political savvy te make a number of students understand bis Tory views, true Grits were able te, keep him on bis tees with serious Uýtons regarding the ~widling support of bis Conservative party. Many tbanks te Mr. Soetens for takcing the time te share with us some of bis political and economie knowledge. TRGAGA :i±eAi TY1 K.±1I M FiI [*X By Lara Jimnez« featured the school's Christmas choir, ensemble anid entire Once again the Cbristmas student body. ]Related passages season is upon us and with it were read and the congregation comes the usual festive sounds of joined in tbe singing of traditional holiday music and the carols. heart-warming smnells of short- Sinfyn the fortbcoming end bread and hot cboclate, and Of schoolis Christmas dinner, to, unfortunately, not te be forgotten, be held on Friday, Dec. 14. On is the annual pilgrimage te the this occasion, tbe grade nine department stores te frantically dramla class will provide enter- searchfor that "perfect gift" tanent with a collection of ,However, if one is capable of seasonal skits and several looking past this materialism,ý the students will demonstrate their holidas can be a joyous occasion musical abilities on such instru- inded Everywhere people ar ments as tbe piano and the flute. making plans te go home te their And Mr. Mainike is' sure to, familles, and it is no different at provoke more than one aznused Trafalgar. There is a building iaugh from students and teachers excitement as boarding students alike with lus yearly observation count the dy until tbey can b of chool life in pun, oops, I mean with their loved ones once again. Pasm, formi In keeping with the season, the Exanis began Dec. 10 and Carol service was held on Sunday, conclude on Dec. 19. Have a Dec 9 at 4- p.m-. Always ý wonderfGl holiday and Il sep you PiMasMntevent, fthe'service 'ýi ýhekt yaW MUSIC DIRECTOR Rory MéGrath leade music students of Pringle Creek public school during the school's Christmas concert. Chris Bovie photo i 1 DENIS 05CONNOR HIGH SCHOOL 1 ANDERSON C.V.1. 1 1 HENRY STREET HIGH SCHOOL 1 1 FATHER LEO- J. AUSTIN 1