PAGE 10, WHIbY FREE PR~ESS, WýEDNESDAY, DECEMBER iz, 1990 SHIARON WALMSLýEY, who portrays Wineva Dawson in the upcoming Durham Shoestring Performers' pro- duction of 'Criminals in Love,' makes sure she gets the point across to William, played b y Brad Carson. The play begins in FebUa. CihBovie photo Casting complete for play Director Carolyn Wilson has cast the Durham Shoestring Performers' production of George F. Walker's 'Criminals in Love,' te be performed Fridays and Saturdays, Feb. 1, 2, 8 and 9 at the arts resource centre, Oshawa city hall complex, curtain 8 p.m. 'TProbabIy the wittiest and most thoroughly comic writer in Canada," Wler s ability "te balance extravagant farce with serious character desperation" is clearly evident te audiences of 'Criminals9 in Love'; "... one of the funniest plays te be seen in a long time ... winner of the 1984 Chalmers Award ..." Performing in a Walker play means portraying "extraordinary characters who do unexpeted things in out-of-the-way paces." The cast of the Shoestring production includes veteran actors Mike Astrop Brad Carson and Sharon WJà ýsey, and talentect newcomers Laura Hooper, Ryan Parks and Renée. Racine. Tickets for 'Criminals in Love' will be available in early January from Information Oshawa, Oshawa city hall complex, and Merle Norman Cosmetice, Oshawa Centre. AUl tickets are $5. For fuirther information contact Carolyn Wilson, artistie director Of Durham Shoestring Perforiners, at 725-9256. "'LBE HOME : FOR CHRISTMAS MOI"f B 101, FORGET TO SRent your Tables, Chairs, China, GMasses, Cutiery, Linon Tabiecioths and Linon ' Napkins, Punch Bowis& Cof- fais Urne. N!TfOET 10 SENT AND BEST 0F ALL MON You can return ail the dishes 'unwashsd" From SARGEANTS RENTALS ~70 Bloo St. En LTIB Oshawa ~'571-1011 BOOKNOW 571 -1011 TORONT09 AJAX PICKERING PHONE OR FAX 428-3466 ..... LOVE VOU MOMI! Busy Urne forRebels Christmas season is a busy timne for the Northwind Rebels Drum and Bugle Corps. The corp, begun in 1977 as the Rebels Druni and Bugle Corps, marches in at least 10 Santa Claus parades, including the recent Whxtby Winterfest in which the corps was honored as best band. Members practise once a week from September te December, twice a' week from January te May, and then three timespr week until completion summer tour, te perfect their music, and marching and manoeuvring rls Each of th lines-drum, horn and color guard rehearse separately and then together te prepare for performances. 1990 has been a rebuilding year for the corps. There were not enough interested youth in 1988 and 1989 to field a show. In 1990 Rebels merged witlt the Nortlwind Drum Corps. The Northwind Reébels com- peteat in Untario and Pennsyl- vania and hosted a show at Oshawa Civic Fields, and placed third at the Canadian national B class competition. To raise money for expenses, corps members seIl cheese, meat maple syrup, chocolate bars and hold car washés, bottle die and a dance-a-thon. There are currently il instruc- tors. For more information cail 723- 8750, 433-7612 or 666-5899. Afternoon of fun The Whitby Rotary Sunrise Club will ho% an atrnoon of fun at Iroquois Park on Sunday Dec. 16, as they present the hird annual (Jhildren of Whitby. There will be ice skating from 2 te 3:45 p.m., swimming from 2 to 4 p.m and children can meet Santa Cfaus, Coppr Top, Big Red the CrayolapCayon Tony the Tiger and the Piilsbury balloons, clowns and more,. ~ ~THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY PARKS AND RECREATION DEPT. ITVIES ALL NON-PROFIT COMMUtIITY ORGANIZAT1ONS TO A SEMINAR REGARDING THE PROPOSED GOODS & SERVICES TAX TO BE HELD IN WHITNEY HALL IROQUOIS PARK COMPLEX TUESDAY, DECEMBER 18i; 1990 AT 7:00 P.M. SHARPI THIS SEMINAR 1S FREE 0F CHARGE BUT AU. PARTICIPANTS MUST BE REGISTERED BY DECEMBER 14,1990 TO ATTEND TMU SEMINAR VWLL BE CONDUCTED BY REVENUE CANADA REGISTRATKION 5UMITED TO REGISTER CONTACT TH1E PARKS AND RECREAIION DEPARTUENT AT 668-6803 OR 686-2621 EXT. 216. Ronald art s'how at gallery Te exhbition, 'William Ronad: Colleagues iand Heirs%' be Dec. 6 and wiil continue utl Jan. 27 at the Robert McLjaugbhin Gallery. This exhibition will explore the influences that Painters Eleven artist William Ronald has had on his contemporaries and the younger generation of Canadian artiste. The exciting and seemingly effortless abstractions of William Ronald have been shown on the Canadian and American scene since bis flrst Toronto exhibition in 1955. lIn 1954, Ronald organized 'Abstracts at Home' at the Roibert Simpson Company where he helped focus attention on Ray Mead, Kazuo Nakamura and Alexandra Luke among others. He was the foumder of Painters Eleven, the first abstract painting group ini Ontario. The exhibition of work fr-om the gallery's permanent collection wil explore bis relationsbip with Canadian artists ranging fromn bis companions such as Mead, Nakamura and Jack Bush to those artists he would later influence including Dennis Burton, Gordon Rayner :and Erie, Gamble. Afler seeing some of the emotionally expressive works by Ronald, Brtn recalled that "Rayner and 1 went back te our studio tja Sunday and painted Our first. non-objective, non-figul'ative abstract painting and vowed ... neyer te pant representationally again!"Asa yng painter, Gamble was «oalB painting assistant in a church on Toronto's Centre Island.