Whitby Free Press, 28 Nov 1990, p. 27

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User fiees: A Town money graqb' To thifi dtoe After having read the article about the decison to charge Whitby residents for the use of recreation parka, I arn astonished bythe narow-milndednesa of the majority cf councillors in Whitby. SWhitby taxg=ayers bujît these' paka for bale softbulv soccer, etc., and it is Whitby taxpayers who pay the main- tenance staff for the maintenance cesta. Council's decision could be deemed to -be nothing more than a money grub. I know that it ia fashionable for politiciana to ram their handa mtn the poceta cof their constituenta. (The revenue geneated from this mindlesa decsion is trivial compared tdthe elaborate achemes of their federal counterparte.) However, this wil croate hardships for a lot cf Whitby parents coping with the effects of the current recession. The tax, or fou, as Whitby councillors would prefer ta oeil it, will mean an extra levy at regstrtio Ure cf approxi- mately $35. Last year registration fous for softbal were -$50. Tlhe bail associations as non-profit rganizaons,- wifl have no other oin than to pas it on to parents. This will mean that there will be sorne VWitby children who- will not b. playing bail or soccer this year. Organized team sports such as soccer and basebafl provide valuable training for Our chîildren. It is flot the primary expectation of parents that theirchildren wil go on to major leaguer and this is not the intent of the various orgmnzations. The experience gaîned from working with other children sa a team and the discipline derived wiil be needed when dealing with the world in later, life. Then there is the enjoyment of playing the game. Another consideration is-thait the children who are busy playing bail are not busy vandalizing the parka, although 1Ido not wishto unply that cildren who do not play sports become vandals. There are a lot of people who willinçly donate their Urne, and sometimes money, to make these organizations work- for our children. The many sponbrs, couches and memnbers of the executive obviously believe that ý enlca and are g otigabu it. The Town should take a leason from these people and start doing their part by encouraging our children to Play in these spots. rminet being totaly fi r by broad-brushing alof Wbitbiy council. It is noted that Messr. Fox, Bruneile and Edwarda hed the clear thining to oppose the decision. However Mr. Attersley, Mr. Batten, ?&r. l4umr and Ma. Biuffett, how about akng a good look ut your children or grand- children, as the cas may be, and rethining the decision you made this week. Paul Browziei Wlîltby What's next, fee for kilte-flying To the. editor: As a resident of Whitb . with a child who plays babal,: I was totally disgusted te read the arti- cle regading charging a fee for the use of 'the base ai or soccer fields. I had te read the article a few tirnes because I couldn't believe what i was reading. I have nover heard of such a silly and ptt excuse ta raise monoy. OUr groat town cf Whitby wants now growth, the Town wants industry ocorne to Whitby. Every week we read about how proud (mayor Bob) Attersley is cf the town s growth rate. Taxes are so high that I now consider my tax bill as a mort- gage taken on our home. Every city and town in Ontario supplies park for their neighbor- hoods to use this is part of building a fu 1 comrnunity. To charge. a fee ta play basobaîl or* soccer 18 unfair. WiIl this big tawn of ours start charging for playground use? What abo ut people taking their children for walks, owners walk- ing their doge, are they going ta be charged a fee se the Town will be able ta cut and fertilize the grass? How low can the Town go? Y ou could charge a fee te cyclists, tennis players..and kite flyers. The Town should consider building a 10-ft. fence around their parks. Thon they could pay an attendant with the Drofits. thon chare the people as they go throe he turnsUle. I feel that ini a society where family life is se precious, we as parents try ta enjoy our children to the fullest., We try to encourage them te join local sports, we try ta watch them and support them at their games. And thon we find eut the Town wants ta charge a fou for the use cf the parka. I cannot compre- hend the thinking behind this. What about the parents who can't afford te pay? -Who suifera? The children. The article mentioned that ice rinks and 'pools have been doing it.for years. How can you cern- prare a neighborheod park toaa lre builîling that requires rnuch maintenence and sT. I hope those who voted 5-3 wil et geat satisfaction« when the basebali and soccer teams send monies in for our own parka. This is the lowest. Terri 1Clemt Political perfidy Whitby rep hockey MAJOR NOVICE AA - poSored by Belamyls (Whltby> Nov. 17 Whltby Sean H«, Mike Hé Marc Lui Kyle Cro Scot Be M»e Ha Ryan Bq David CI Jef Jck MAJOR PEW - .ponmored by Cin Nov. 17 Whltby Jason Valin Ccy Brick Brout Fuicher Nov. 16 Whitby Main Down Babby McBrido Sean Macna KRB mtou Whltby a Ian Haywoad 2 Bla ne Down 2 8 Peterboro 1 Bcbby McBrlde 2 Ptobert Lalonde Lue Archambauit MAJOR ATOll R -.ponsored hy Dodd & Souter etomq Ce& TuoernatNov. 21 Whltby 10 Bryden Denyos 3 8 Ktchener 0 Derek Vanegmond kya 2 Scott Young 3fferingBrian Crlly MerlngWayne ichard mers Grant Soutor egmn John ILong amilinnDan Thorne )yd hant kmo Nov. 17 Whltby Il Grlm.by Mke Heffering 2 Mati Jardin 2 Ryan Boyd 2 Sean lînynes VM a amera Andrew Marahai Scotteogan MikeHamilton Nov. 18 Whitby 7 Waterloo Marc Lamera 2 MikreHamilton 2 Ryn Boyd 2 Nov; 18- Whltby 6 Stoney Creek Kyle Crouch 2 MikeHamilton 2 MlkoHeffering Sean Haynes Exhbilom Nov. 20 Belamy'a Whitby5 Scot Beogan 2 Ryan Boyd 2 MIkeamilton Belamy9s Whltby4 Nick Owen 2 Kyle Crouch Andrew MarahIl Nov. 24 whltby 6 Androw Marahail 3 Mike Hamilton Ryan Boyd Mati Jardin MKINOR ATON A Nov. 17 Whtby Dorok Ackfocd Juatin Tonry Nov. 18 Wbltby Nov. 16 Whuty Nov. 17 Whitby Evan Cardwefl Doek Ackford Pîckering Nov. 22 Whit.by 10 Pickering Grant Souter 3 Bryden Denyesa2 Derek Vanegrnond Scott Young Brian Criy John Lang Paul Gray Exh»IbII Nce,. 25 Whltby Scott Young 2 Paul Gray Grant Souter iMINORMw Nov. 20 Whltby P. sanie 2 NOV. 10 Whltby P. Salie 2 D. Hutchingu 2 S. Matthews J. Bobinson KM. Ken Ouhwa AA.A 2 NOV. 13 Whltby S. Matthews S. Austin Pickerng Markham 4 Oah. ILWin" s1 Nov. Il Whltby Jay Harrison 2 Robert Lalonde 2 Richmond HMli0 NOV. 8 Whltby 6 J. Pitzglhbm 3 Jason Peyman 2 Bmad McNaughitoe Nov. 16, Whtby a Jason Peyman 2 Scott Berr Paul Goldsmith Bmad McNaughton JoffChurch Whitby a Ricky Mas Brad McNawffiton Paul Goldsmith -Nov. Il Whltby 129 P. Ooldamulth 3 B. McNaughton 3 m A Jordon Pitzibbon3 Scott Berrey Jason Peyman 1 Woodbridge 6 Mark Unwln MINOR PEEWEE A 7 Pickering 2 E.Gwiilimbury 2 Nov. 9 Whitby Matthews St. Onge Austin NOV. 8 Whltby Shetior Nov. 24 Whltby JIm Brown Sean Glbb NOV. 18 Whitby 4 Markham 0 Whltby Babby McBride 2 Darrl Huret DaM dMorasse2 MAJOR NOVICE R - qmmmsoed bY Bmà.Uln & DnlûttKný Whltby 6 Ajax B. McNaughhtom 2 Scott Borro2 Jamon Peyman MRINOR NOVICE AA 0 Plckorlng 2 - qoroud iiy Clintar Groundakeeping Orlia TearlesuToeeaman 2Céarg mMAOR ATOM Ah -sponsord by Raycan Financla Nov. 20 Witby il Ajax NOV. 9 Whitby 10 LU Archambeuit 2 Boine. Down 2 Jermy Flube Michael Koieczn Babby McBrlde 0Kylo Walle Jay Harrison crimea NOV. 18 -e whltby Miko Lafranlo o ChriisnSkekcho Erie Klrkwood Darryl Hunt stophm COOPor NOV. 19 Chridian kachoe Darryl Hrai 2 Nov. 12 Whitby Jim Brown 8Aurora 3 Etabicoke 5 Plckerint Bowmanvlo e 3 Uxbridge Oah. Black Hawk»0 a Bowmanville 2 2 Pickering 1 2Bdxcaygm 0 1 Oak Edgoa Exhaibtom 0mb. BL Hawks 9 Woodbrldge 1 MarkbamI Whitby 4 Unlonvillo 6 Stephon Coeoe2 Miko Lafrxonor Bric Kirkwood To the. editoer As a grandparent I was present at the councilmeeting and presentation cf medals te the two Ontario champion basebul toura fr-om Whitby. I arn only writing this te make public rny awareness cf the pou-tica perfidy of the ceuncil. First of ail, it's apparent the poeple who put the heurs in woukends, evenings, etc., to train our young athietes were net given an opportunity t give a presentation Yftheïr valuable interest, despite the reason given by councillor Bugelli. The. creation cf parka ta play in was realized because counciilors at one trne understood young people have ta have a place ta play, iad if good at a certain sport have an area ta further their- abiiity. This SEE PAGE 35 NW LAKE ONTARIO STEEL COMPANY HOPKINS ST. S., WHITBY SALES 209 Dundas St. W. & 200,Dundas St. W. 666 u3000 SERVICE 200 Dundas St. W. 430-8100 68&-1642 (AJAX line) AbwD.5*j' h.nE MAJOR NOVICE R -pcnowed by Brooklit & District Kin-mon o IMNOR NOVICE AA - spcnsored by Clintar Groundakoeping MINOR RANAM A -ponsos«e by County Town LtIo Britaia 'Touamnd 2 Markham 0 Ubridge 2 1 USED CAR 1 send-nua 1

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