PAGE 24, WHIBY FREE PRESSI WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1990 Winter driving: Don't- be fooled by the road ahead Winter places extra demande on everyone who drives. It's the time of .year when our apprehension is heightened in anticipation of snow and ice on rmade and highways. And it's a g2od time ta practise the three Cd" of winter driving: courtesy, caution and common sense. Unexpected changes i road and wether conditions can make things difficult for even the most eDxpert of drivera. One of the moet friightening situations is suddenly oSing ail contact with the road due ta lippery conditions. Even in smnall amounts, ice and snow make control of a car more difficuit and less prediètable. Reading the road ahead i winter can often be tricky, even in the beat of conditions. BEWARE 0F BLACK 10E During the winter months, the road wiliusulally h grey-white in color when weather conditions 1 any shock or strut pumhasewthcuo 1240 DUNDAS (westof lluikson),e 668-8392 -A- Speedy you're a somebody.-I CALL US TGDAY. "YO UR C OL LISION EXPERTS IN OSHA WA & A REA" Vans. trucks and commercial vehicles by estimae. RusI repair and bodywork extra. I MAACO Auto Painting and Bodyworlcs are independent franchises al MAACO Enterprises. mnc. are dry and clear. Howèver, sometimes it may appear ta, be black, causing you ta, think that it'ps just damp or wet. But be careful. It may ho covored by a ver~ thin layer of ice called 'black ice., Extreniely slippery ta drive on, black ice is transparent ana formns from condensation or liquid moisture freezing on contact with a cold road surface. It is caused when thore is a quick change in air and ground tomperatures, usually in the oarly morning hours in late falI and early spring. In contrast, regular ice is reflective and lighter in color. It forme when accumulated snow moita from tire action and subsequently ýfreezea on contact with t he cold air. DO NOT PUMP BRAKES Whon you have to stop on a sllippery road, do not pump the brakes. Instead, put the car in neutral and applyý gentle pressure slowly and staiy In general, as you take to the raad this winter, avoed abrupt accleration, brakding or lane changes that can result in your losing control on slippery roada. e Read the road b lookin h ead asfra possiblie. Keep your distance - at least three ta four car lengths behind the car in front of you. e Turn on your headlights in bad weather conditions. Botter yet, ke them on at ail times ta, awyour vehicle more visible -to, other motorists. e Don't rush. Allow extra time to drive wherever you may eng Listen ta the weather forecasta. If the weather is ýbad, sty home. e Finally, slow down. Adjust your speaed to, suit road and weather conditions. Designilated drivers can save lives, says CAA Designated drivers neyer have ta worry about friends who drink and disappear at the end of the night, the Canadian Automobile Association says. That's because people who volunteer ta be designated drivers make sure their friends get home safely after a social occasion, says Pat Curran of OAA Toronto. 'They agree not ta drink alcohol at parties or other social eventa and ta, drive their frienda home a fte rwErAds. "About 42 per cent of a]] traffic fatalities in Ontario are alcohol-relateà ," Curran says. 'rolunteering ta be a designated driver saves lives by keeping people who may ho impaired from getting behind the wheel." Despite the advan1aes, many groups stili do not use designated dri vers. Pick your group's designated driver before arnving at a social event, Curran adviges. The group should also let thoir hast or server know who their designated driver will be. Neyer foce drinkd3 on guests and watch for those who are overindulgi. . Slow down those who are dnnldng too much by enggn them in conversation andencuraging them ta esat. Put away the alcohol early and serve plenrty of tbod, coffée and dessert. Prtein-rich and starchy food helpe miiniize thie IAccessories &Installation IRV. PICK-UPe4 X 4 VAN *VAN INTERIORS * RUNNING BOARDS * BUG SHIELDS * TRUCK CAPS * BOX LINERS Mon.-Thurs. 9-6, Fr1. 9-9, Sat. 10-3 ,1670,,SIMCOE ST H. absorption of alcohol ini the blaodstream, Curran says. "Tlhe best thing a hast can do is organize a carpool or arrange for designated driver " Curran says. It it's needed, oil a cab. But do not let friendai who are impaired try to drive home." How to cope with frozen door locks Don't be left out i the cold because of a fr-ozen door lock this winter, say the Canadian Automobile Asocamon Motorists can prepare against this frustrating situation by using a graphite-based lock lubricant. If gei±ing the car washed when the temperatures plunge, place maskin tape or adhesive tape over the keyhole. Aise take the precaution of drig the weather stripping around doors and trunk frames after a car wash. A frozen lock can be thawed by squirting de-icer into the lock. Another trick, says CAA Toronto, is ta, insert a key heated by a, match or ligbter. To avoid burning jyourILI wear - gloves or' hold the key with pliers. FipeteTroarismT1egn nom