Whitby Free Press, 28 Nov 1990, p. 17

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WIIITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 28,1990, PAGE 17 Wheelchair taxiservice approved By Mke Kowàislki Whitby's handicapped may soon have wheelchair aceibe taxi service. Town council Monday app- yod issuing two wheelchair tx licences in addition te the 29 "ýregular" licences currently issod by the municipality -Council's action wil ahLowi te take advantage of a provincial government grant of up te $5,00 per vohicle te operaters of the service. Des'ite a warning froni coun- cillor Joe Bugelli aol>ut the impli- cations Of. its decision, council approved the recommendation of its operations committee. In onrguig against the eo mendafftion, uglli noted that in orde.t b ranted alicence, the op"erater of the service muet be a Whtby-based tai company. However,.Ithe roquest before council te establish this service in Whitby was mnade by Access Taxi of Oshawa. (A representative froni Access Taxi teld committe hast week the-company has, two vans ready te seý rve Whitby. on a 24-hour basis. The only problem was the residencZrequiirement.) 1uel said thàt Access Taxi, or.,any other operater, wouhd be Lynde Marsh FROM PAGE 1 avoid7 st:e200-page report was pre- sented te Town ,council's' plan- ni14g and development committee lait week. trprepared by Bird and Hale Ltd., the study addresses the potential impact of the socondary p>non -..the are4,,*a"d makes rocommon'dationsà" forte management of major open space lands. ,4Approved by both Whitby and Dûrham Region las t yoar, the plan calls for the developuient of about 700 acres of land. te the east of the marsh. BHousing, parks and schools are phanned for as many as 5,000 residonts..A 185-acre industrial park north of Victeria St. and south of the Canadian National railway tracks is part of the project. Asoincluded is the $150-mil- lion redevelopment of the Whitby Psychiiatric Hospital. But before the plan receives the go-ahead froni the provincial._ govorninent, an enviroumental management plan must be The vid and Hale report will be subect te a public meeting next Januar- and Ridge _pro- mises that his group wilh make a submission. Ridge wiIh also be consulting with three other environniental groups concorned about the m harsh' uture. These groups are the Pickering Naturaliste, Thickson's Woods Heritage Foundation and Second Mars-DefnceàssocA---on. perspective is no dovelopment at ahi, but he conceds this is un- likely.e «e roalize there has te be housinr, people h ave te live somewhere. Ideal>', wo'd ike' less densit>' down there. forced te make a deal with one of Whitby's taxi companies if neither were interested i the service theniselves. 'TMis would give the two operating cab companies a blank cheque" te charg Access whate- ver aniount they chose, said u= L' nte a staff report, the ownersof I and Bowznan Taxi and Circle Taxi want any ýWheel- chair accessible taxi service mn Whitby restricted to disabled persons only But If the specially equippe vehicles are also used by able- bodied persons, the service should be provided through one of the existing taxi brokerages in WhIitby, states the report. This would be done either diroctly by the broker or in- directly by the broker i associa- tion with' the owner of the vehi- dles. «Under the last sconario, Access Taxi could own the vehi- des and enter inte, an agreement with one or both of the two Whitby-based brokerages ., states the report. - Bugelli claimed that this means an «artificial value" will be plaoed on the two wheelchair licences bocause the cornpanies will be able te, dictate the ternis. Bugelli said a third broker should be permitted in Whitby te operate the service, indepen- dently of the other two. Councillor Tom Edwards clid not sup port Bugelli's argment. Mglt now we don't ave any service» said Edwards. '«Theministry says it must be delivered by a company resident ini the municipality ît's to e provided for. We should give the exis tin companies a chance te The granting of licences will be' subject te a nuznber of con- ditions, inchuding: * wheelchair accessible tai dirivers sihall be reqwired to com- plote a driver improvement and sensitivity course pertaininmg to the transportation of isab1ed jpewns prior to getting their * rates are te be the saine as rates charged by the existing tai companies; * wheelchair accessible taxi service shall be provided on a 24-hour basis, with the under- standing that the vehicles may be temporarily out of service for repair work. BAG UP THE BARGAINS Did you ever stop ta think how really in' portant it is ta support your local economny... stop ta think that you actually have a responsibility ta shop at home? Money spent locally turns over severai times and cornes back tô us in improved streets, schools, community services and jobs. The same dollars spent out-of- town help out someone else's streets, schools and services. Community prosperity begins with' that single dollar that goes from your local clothing store ta your local plumber ta fix a drain; your plumber buys a com- pressor iocally and, the dollar goes ta the local hardware store. Eventually that dollar cornes back ta you. Shop at home - your money is in the bag. 3rdl of a series iee part of[he dollrs you sen: [HO WTÂ!1:ii FIRSTI Ronald L. Saisbury, 430-3988 APPUANCU - SAURS & RPAMR M & M Appliances, 107 Dundas St. W., 668-9444 Smali Appliance Repair Service, 220 Ash St., 430-8378 Totten, Sims, Hubicki & Assoc., 1500 Hopkins St., 668-9363 Big Ben's Collision Centre, 3625 Brook St. N., 666-3811 Ken Mcivor Auto Body, 608 Garden St., 668-9822 Centrai Bakery & Delicatessan, 110 Dunlop St. E. 668-6020 The Book Between, il 3B Dundas St. W., 666-2442 CAR & TRUCK RTNnALS Rent-a-Wreck, 1230 Dundas St. E., 666-3361 Computer Learning Centre, 3rd FI., 121 Brook St. N., 668-9713 DDECRM OODOReN Whitby Fonce & Deck, 1380 Hopkins St., 666-1400 Total Reproductions, #16-17, 1751 Wentworth St., 434-5651 Yvonne's Esthetic Boutique, Pearson Lanes, 666-4715 Durham Squash & Fitness Club, 1450 Hopkins St., 668-5866 Devilie's Produce, Hwy 12 , 427-4311 H.AMR STUKO - IMOS & LADURS- Fair Lady and New Men, 116 Brook St. N., 666-4051 ivan's Hair Styiing, 1400 Dundas St. E, 668-4321 Joseph's Hair Styists, 104 Dundas St. W., 668-5691 Strand's Hair Boutique, Pearson Lanes, 666-0550 Gary Bowyer Refrigeration, 668-6661 Familly House Restaurant, 110 Dunlop St. E., 666-1412 Krebs Restaurant, 918 Brock St. N., 668-9369 Leisure Rooms, 605 Brook St. N., 430-8621 TAXS Circle Taxi, 128 Brock St. N., 668-6666 Russell Travel, 126 Brook St. S., 668-5000 HARDWA Brock Generai Hardware, 856 Brook St. N., 6661254 Fenneli Insurance, #214, 185 Brock St. N., 666-2400 Dynes & Lloyd, Pearson Lanes, 668-8042 Yasmena's Fashion Gallery, Pearson Lanes, 666-5526 UMIL ACACUAL WEAR Audrey Jane's Lingerie, Pearson Lanes, 430-0647 LAWN & GADM OPERIT Brooklin Cycle, Marine, Honda, 114 DundasSt.E., 666-1666 C & C Motors - Subaru, 1705 Dundas St. W., 430-6666 Marigold Lincoin Mercury, 1120 Dundas St. E.,.668-5893 Mdway Nissan, 1300 Dundas St.E., 668-6828 Whitby Dodge Chrysier, 209 Dundas St. W., 666-3000 Avis 0f ice Equlpment, 2020 Wentworth 8t., 434-5079 Whitby Optical, 106 Mary St. E., 666-3831 Outdoor Inni, 305 Brook St. N., 668-0474 L TNS message eonsored hy ffw Wlifty bzinesses lified obove. If you support M klec und wWd like yow bminesi ffl on ttis pue pleuse cali Ron Good ütM8.02 I - j

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