WH1TY FE PRESS WEDNESDAY, NOVENMBR7, 1M9, PAGE 23 m BALNBOW THLE Clown lias been busy entertaining children and adtults with magie and comedy to raise money for the United Way. Above Amne Kinsella, campaign director for the United Way, helpo Rainbow count the money raised. Chrle Bovie photo, W.cm!Th it na Recyc ing epo'rie Noemer1925-a w. ecRsog amed be othe rovyin c o OntfioThntarie oua is on Redueu.RcyclngCtrhe Publie io Futureis R'.rThetheefwaa Doriginally soluinfr liby stden who wongReyin WTPser co anteo tylaat yer.rrve During the. week you should se. posters, buttons, pencils, stiekers, and waate réduction dislaysèwithin your area. If any Company wishes to acquire any otese promotional items for their customera and employees, contact Cheryl Ferguson at 480-7317. Tis je the opportunit for schools, businesss, media and organizations to n= in a constructive way to the 3R's message. Cotton iny, the officiai T-Shirt sponsor of Recyching Week '90, has seized the opportunity to brmng an excellent chldren's environninent program te Canada from the United States. The club-basedprga, called Kids for Saving Earth, was developed by ClintnR of Minnesota before cancer claimed bis 1f. at age 11. A 'Kids for Saving Earth' activity poster may b. obtained at Cotton Ginny outiets or by writing te Cotton Ginny Limited at 40 Sanior Road, Toronto, Ontario, M6A 1J6. A guidebook on how te start a local Kids for Saving Earth prgai with suggested activities, will b. availale in early 1991. As a company, tha is the week te acquire a waste audit. Schools will be participating in activities. Media will report awareness. Homemakers can host an environmental tea party where the sharing of ideas and information will stress the. importance of individual action. Yours truly will b. discussing waste reduction and the benefita of home composting at the RougeIll Library on Thursday. Nov. 22 at 7:30. Hopefully, theliaits you establish during Reycng Week '90 will remain with you ... forever. COMJNG EVENTS: Novomber 11-23 Toronto, Harbourfront York Quay Centre, the. AnnualÎ Children's Environmental Festival will b. hosted bçY Public Focus. Workshops, activities and di plays are beingý presented by many environmiental groupe. Due te its growing populanity, school bus trips have already filled the programa during the. week days. However, parents and chldren are welcome during either weekend (noon te 4 pan.). Fr.. admission. November 15, Toronto, "Maldng the 3R's an Effective ParnerlupBetween Industry and Covernment," sponsored by wh arduin sisue iudin muna andindusokta wasitae r ogrami.suter ncuinormtil92-0718.dsti asetgçepronus.Furhe iforaton 92-018 BOB MCKENZIE (right), editor of The Hockey News and TSN regular, was guest speaker at the seventh annual Face-Off Breafast'forthe United Way. Michael Curran (middle) was one of those who attended to se. the media oelebrity. Photo by Chrfa Bovi. The UnMited LWaty More than $1.7 million has been raised so far in this year's United Way campaiIgn for Osh- awa, Whitby and Newcastle. But organizers admit to, being a <'ittIe nervous» as the formai cazrjpaign period winds down. à W.certainlyneed everybody's contributions te make the $3 million," says Anne Kinsella, caemeainoun«tt raised representa 57 per oent of this year's goal and much of, General Moor significant contribution has been made. Kinsella remains optimnistic that this year's goal will b. reached as the. campaign con- tinues into its sixtii week. The campaign «officially" ends later this znonth, but final totals won'tbe in until December at the earliest. IMICHELArLF REID, 4, takes a peak at awa. Proceeds from the sale wiIl go, one of the many books recently, on to the United Way. sale at C.W. -Hay -Book Sèffe? 6rs ' -ý. 'j1 ; .I J ýI.t