VaÙM FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEIMM 70 IM4 PAGE 17 Mo$r TOR , eýY,ý Open dun ,-u CHECK 81DRE LOCAMON FOR SUNDAY OPENINGS à HOURS. PRICES EFFECTIVE SUP40AY* NOV. 4 sAruRDAY Nov. 10, IM. the Nm 110 e rMW. *d(.".l 0 n urn«m Ibroob Tomm AU GRADE 'W Conerete or wood By Trudie Zavadovica Three major areas of town may have concrete ixstead of wooden hydro pales. Tii.e areas are: Dundas St. from Là akeridge Rd. to.the Osh- awa city limita; Brock St. from Hwy. 401 ta Ta#unton Rd.; Bald- win St. from Winchester ]Rd. to Queen St. Ail been slated to have con- crete hydro pales instalied if council approves the recommen- dation pa.ssed by the operations coinmittee Monday night. Although, the cncrete pales are more expnsive, less safe and leas durable than the regular waoden paies, Ontario Hydro has agreed ta instali them if the Townsgorequests. Tii. main attribut. of the con- crete paies lai that they are more estheticaiiy jpleasing and would look better in those areas the Town has identified- as high priority. Aithaugh the Town has contrai over the- type of pÃ"les t. be used for street lighting an regional roade, the pales ta -be us3edaon a mainfhyda i. eocn a regional road fl under regional jurisdic- tion. Althaugh WVhitby Hydra has agreed ta instali the paies, it has set limita due t. their concerna about lengthy delivery tinies for the concret. pales, labor costa, and safety ta miotarista, pedes- trians and property in the event of an accident where a vehicle cailides with a concret. paie.' It has not yet been determnined what the cost of the pales wauld b.. Other areas in Whitby that aiready have the concret. pales are Dundas St. fram Blair S t. t. White Qaka Court, Burns St. from Thickson Rd. ta Oshawa City Limita, Burns St. from Blair St. t. Billinga St., Brock St. froni Hwy. 401 ta' Rassland Rd., and Baldwin St. fram Winchester Rd. t., Qu.en St. FR OM PAGE 5 haul af the officiai plan. «We're going ahead with the officiai plan in, any event. W. hope t. have- it dane befare they're ready ta annaunce a route." 4 Royal Commission on National Passenger Transportation Commission royale sur le transport des voyageurs au Canada PUBLIC N(OTICE The Royal Commission on National Passenger Transportation vuill hc holding public heanings al: the Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 255 Front St. West, on November 13, 1990, from 9 a.m. Ia 9 p.m. and on November 14, 1990, from 9 arn. to 6 p.m. Individuals, groups and organizations mill present their iw on our national passenger transportation system. Everyone is in%,ite(l to> cone and listen to these detiberations. Your presence at -the hearings is an opportunity to learti more about the Conmissions mwrk and to find out how pOu can participate in shaping the coufltry's future passenger transpo)rtation.system. Cnadians can also submit their views by writing to the address hetow or by phoning our dial-a-hrief line at 1-800-465-432 1. For more information onf the public hearings in your community contact: Janet R. Smith, Executive Directoir Royal Co)mmission on National Passenger fransportation P.O. Box 1605, Station "B- Ottawa, Canada KI> 6P8 or calil <ur t<l-free information line at 1-8X)- 267--4389. s * e EVERYTHUNG YOU EVER WANTED TO KNOW ABOUT KTIY UTIER Kitty litter - irs expensive in those litie bags and.onoe Tabbie has a couple of goes at it, it dosen't smell sa good either. Many large industrial users bu y kitty litter by the ton in large 40 lb. bags flot because theyve got a pack of lions out back, but rather because they buy it under the more comnmon industriai name of ail absorbent. They know that ail absorbent (kitty litter) is in fact cia y mined out of open pitsmosti in Georgia, Louisiana and Flonda. Grades o f oul absorbents vary dramaticairdepenclng upon the porosity of the dlay. Somne grades of dlay absorbent will absorb as litie as7% of their own weight in water. Others are extremnely dusty or tumn to mud as soon as they become wet. Swishs Florco oit and water absorbent absorbs up ta 160% of its own weight in water, has the least dust content of any of its competitors and remains in its granular tormn even after use. Our customners who buy.Florco as a kitty ltiler, tell us that ifs flot only a superior produot - but the price is also a lot less! !f unpleasant odeurs in your cat's litter box are a concern, we recommend Swish Odor Sorb deodorant granules. Three tablespoons of Odor Sorb, mixed in with your-cars litter witl mask and absorb undesired odours. Try Florco and Odor Sorb the next time you tend ta your cats litter box. They're PURRR fect. MAINTENANCE LTD. 666-1224 500 HOPKINS ST., WHITBY SEE DETAILS AT STORE.