Ivemer seekls comment s on GST By Drumwid White Durham Centre MW¶ From the Provincial Treasurer>s statement of Oct. 11, Most people becanie aware of the massive deficit that our governnent is now facing. A deficit of $2.47 billion is far different than the slight surplus that the previous governnient had forecast. The previous Treasurer stated during the election campaign that with a New Democractic government, we would face a massive deficit. Mr. Nixon was right. However, 97.7 per cent of the deficit was inherited from bis government or caused by the, current economic recession. Some $70 million dollars of the deficit (2.8 per cent) is indeed ... couised by our new government's refusaI to piggyback the provificial sales tax on top of the proposed federal GST. This would be a tax upon a tax that the previous government was committed te enforcing. Just as surely as spending public money affects aIl of -us as taxpayers, how those monies are raised effeets us as well. Our governinent feels strongly.'that the GST is the "wrong tax on the wrong people at the wrong time." Not only are we refusing te co-operate by taing the GST, we are also preparing to mount acourt challenge te this tax. e Our government represents aIl of us - homeowners, business 4 people and workers. We should feel that we have been part of ~.s the decisions that affect our lives. During the election, I spoke strongly against provincial support for the GST, and our 4>. government bas been criticized in the media for dur stance. As "«b+ your representative, I warit te hear from you. Mte you in MEI .~ .., support of the proposed goods and services tax? At our constiîuency "office, we have received peitions PAUL COX of Whitby recently found a manufactured In Floride. Cox wil regarding the goods and services tax. I would invite you te add sponsor to help obtain a racing chqur. break it 'n durmng an Oct. 28 Varîety your voice or your signature to ours. We can be reaehed at Waily Chiinan of MDK Electriedona- Village meet., 430-1141. Cali or come by 122 Dundas St. W. in Whitby. ted $1,000towards the chair which was Cu.s Bovie photo Y il T Ill W B MM