oeet l 01 980OiO ,yA 8eft4aW 188RUI'IaniwiYoIHwg 8 AqU ¶VUBFREE PIRS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10, <IM9, PAGES, LETE Adersm>on intersection i dngrous$ To $heeditoe: The sa fe ty of this street for both pedestriansand ,drivers a~4c ba beePa ajor concern, fobr te pas he ers ehv bçged.. mipleaded& and have gain4iotf suport fortraffic .CofltrdolsatýBiradleýr and-Anderson. î *thTown and Region councils -,have4éurned a,à blind eye- to the 1.'P!idanigers that face the mnany who must use this intersection dily. To add insuit te injury,, a local ~':Iezs,per fialsely repoted, that the' pedestriai>' crossover at,,Allen St. "ends a long battle'between residents and elected officiais." That crossover has. absolutely nothing te do withthe:problemns at ,BradlUey/Anders'on. Osaa nenaina', PSCI FAIR FreeÃ" Lectures& Demonstrations 3 ASOL It was installed as a reiult -of a regional study which1 showed that provincial warrants' for ýtraffic control were not met at Bradley/Anderson. If- we could believe this study, then perhaps we could accept its, results. Unforturiately,, te say it was inaccurate is aà huge understatement. I. personally addressed regiîonal coundil on. June 27 te let- them know thie failings of their study. Briefly, on both days that the Bradley/Anderson intersection was, studied, the intersection was- completely iacssbete Pringle Creek public . sehool due te construction on, Ribblesdale Dr. On one of those days, ramn poured down until mid-afternoon. How then could this- study reflect' accurate numbers of vehicles and pedestrians using this intersection? The Region's study,,aise stated that there had been no collisions here since April, 1988. This was not true. Durham Regional Police reported te me that there have been at least two collisions. No one attempted te explain te me from where the Region got their facts. Was this study supposed te be' an accurate reflection of conditions at Bradley/Anderson -or was it suppoeed te 'support someone's desirete do, nothing, about this serious situation? -Councillor Marcel Brunelle bhas promised us that the intersection will continue -to be monitored, and if and when w arrnsare met for traffic lights, they w'il be installed. I pointed out te hlm on June 27 that it is unlikely that huge increases ini volume, wil occur, simple because moteriista, in growing numbers, are ýnow avoiding .the ,intersection altogether. Should they hae t do this? Coundillor Brunelle an d others concerneid, if.-you .-don't -believe,- howdaIigerous this Intersection, is, ask Whitby Tfransit and schoodl bus. drivers who must turn, here many times daily. Ask the school children who risk their lives crossng here. You say that it's not bad, enough te meet warrants 'for- provincial funding for lightà ?. Perhaps -if your study 'had, 'been, done coirectly when it iý4*s needed there would have ýýbeen' no. question of mein.these' warrants. Baubm-à a fl _Whitby Vegetarlan ý& Non- Vegetarian Buffet Lunch ALL YOU CAN Q60s.Sa. EAT ONLY J.1:OO >Sunday Lunch, Special. 5QýPU 7-Courses - -OLY *9 T7AXI F1.9 1-lbo at.1 St.p Sun.11-7miln OD~IsSaNw$ Re-d -s-Book I 20X off Fi. 12-1CKRNStALS-1 I Sn.ay -7Fpdm ADISO $4 I 23 Dnday -L EF Whly I 666-3361I LA ~EGUTMINL 125 Tm M HELPGML loin GIO.wio&muffliff. fie WarAmps of Canczc rand how we,. at ROGERS, li ke to serve our Commuit-yl -N - a A SIPÉCIAL TREAT FOR, ALL TRICK OR TREATERS! We would'like to hear from ail our young re aders- about our Special' Safety Program. Teil us in your own word s or drawing what you think Halloween, Halloween Safety and The Rogers Pumpkin Patrol mean to you, and send it to us by Noon on, October 31st. Three s electe&,,- winners wilI1 be published on November 7thin the. Whitby Free Press and wiIl receive 3 months of free service of the Family Channel! Please forward your entries to:. RrOGERSM Cablesystems Rogers'Cable T.V. 301 Marwood Dr. .e Oshawa, 1Ont. LlHIM4 Attention: Paul Coleman ----i F 0 Ã