'i **~r . .~. ~ *"~1r <'r ~ 'f WH1TY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, SPE ER 26, 1990, PAGE il Commuter group reminds Rae of G train promise By Mike Kowall Ontario's incoming New Demo- cratic Party governiment has been reminded of its predeces- sor's pledge to extend GO train service toPeterborough. The. Toronto-Peterborough.. Havelock Line Passenger Asso- ciation has requested a.meeting with P1remier-eiect Bob Rae to discuas the status of the pro- posed GO train expansion through Durhamn Region. The Toronto-Peterborough GO line, announced during the recent provincial election cam- paign, wouid have several stops in Durham including Myrtie and Clareniont. Association president Paul Pagnuelo said his group wants assurance from Rae that the new government wiIl honor a commit- ment made by the outgoing Liherai regimie. (mhe new government will offi- cially take power Oct. 1.) 1 One week prior to the Sept. 6 election, Premhier David Peterson announced that GO train service wouid be extended to Peter- borough and other Ontario centres within the next year. Both morning and evening rush hour service wouid be pro- vided on the Peterborough route gein*in 1991. lheGu service wouid I the ga that has existed since the eera vgoernment cut VIA Rail service on the former Toronto- Peterborough-Havelock route last year. Pagnuelo told The Free Press hee bas flot yet received a reply to bis letter and attributes that te more pressing priorities in Rae's office. However, Pagnuelo is not pre- pared to wait unduiy long for an announcement fromà the new government., «Al-,it takes -is one phone cal te the -minis saying theyr e committed te it, said agnuelo. "We'li give thein until the end of the xnonth to reply. It's fot a big islue te deal with, ail they have f1osaX is that they're stili committed. Pagnuelo said Oct. 4 would b. an appropriate date for an announcement since that is the first anniversary of the federal go ernetsdecision te chop VIA Ril service. Pagiýuelo's letter points out that duning the election cam- Pmai Rae gave a «clear commit- met» to extending GO service te, Peterboough. Whi.je he remains optimistic that Rae stili su pports extended service, Pagnuelo is concerned about recent comments made by some of the newly-elected NDP MPPs who represent areas along the route. Pubiished reports had some MPPs advocating caution in pro- ceeding with the service for fear of attracting unwanted develop- ment te, primarily agricultural areas. «Their message seems te be that if you bring GO trains out to, Peterborough it will attract people like a magnet, agricul- tural land will be developed" said Pagnuelo. "can appreciate their concern about the agricultural issue but the way te deal with that is through effective legisiation and zoning.» Ithough trains were not pro- mised until next year Pagnuelo said there would be little diffli- culty in providing service by Deoember. "There's no reason why they can't do it this year, the track, stations and parking lots are already there. "Granted it wouid have te b. expanded but as an interim step it will do.» He added that commuters wili "put up with cattie cars in win- ter,» te avoid the long drive inte, Toronto. While Pagnuelo believes that some formn of service could be in place this fali, GO Transit spok- esman Tom 1lenry said it is not that simple. "Because we're a government agency we're subject te, the Environmental Assessment Act," explained Henry. <'We have te apply for an exemption, that's t he minimum we have te do.» Henry pointed out that similar exemptions were required for the single-train service te Oshawa this faîl and other Ontario centres. «It doesn't bave te take a whole lot of time but it.must be * .:........... ~ORDER ONE LUNCH AND RCEVEA g ..... .. m SECON From Our Hearty Classics Selection VaIid only with this coupon. Not valid on take outs or other specials. Expires October 3 1/90. CHAMPLAIN AVE.000LE WHITBYN CHMPLAIN J3ENA S GOUN.TR Y81EGANCE , ,AUTUMN STOREWIDIL--- .niini pbV,,cillc FqIR - Ta rot , Numerology ------ - ----- - Clairvoyance - Psychomet 'y Past Life ------------------------------- ------------------------------- ------------------------------- -------------------------------- --------------------------------- etc. ---------------------------------- DATE: TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 25th to Pm 3 0 th SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 30th 2 5th to TIMES: WE DNES [DAY- 11 a m - 7pm THURS.. FRI.. SAT.- 11 am - 9:30pm SUNDAY- 12noon - 5pm lm_ 9 -30pm LAC E: \NOOLC MALL, WHITE3Y