Whitby Free Press, 19 Sep 1990, p. 4

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PAGE 4, WHITBY FREE PREMS WEDNESAY, E'1EB lm9,19 Vegetarlan & Non- Veggtarlan Buffet Lunch ALL YOU CAN $6te-95Tues._sat. EAT.ONLY,. t) 1130-300, Su nday Lunch Speca $ 'l PU 7 Courses -. ONLYéJ.57&.FTAX 600K PRICE ALWAYS A CUSTOUM PAINT COLOUR TO- MARCH YOUR WALLPAFEI Ferkins reputation for f*iness & dependabiliy> now extends to our "niew" lime of soft draperyfabrics featuring 'SandersonMand 71ide of Padý fabrics T-AUNTON POOLS FREE POO0L CLO0SINO ISEMINAR Thursday, Sept. 2Oth at 7:30 p.m Presents John Zimmerman Canada's Foremost Pool Educator -FEATU RING - " Slide Film Presentation " Closing Pools Safely - How to Save Costty Repairs " Learn How to have a worry free winter " Proper Winterizing Procedures " Question Period " Spa Care and Maintenance Panning committeapproves Nor-Arm.sto, rage proposai," By Mike Kéowa1ukI Despite objections from resi- dents and -environmentalists open starage of m;nufacturjjeà g roducts has been recommended or a south Whitby' hidustrial area. ,Town council's planninpg and development committee Mfond ay approved a rezoning application from Nor-Arm Deveiopments I'*c. for its industriai subdivision on William Smith Dr. 11 - . If aprve b on next hazardous, finished.products on site. Items such as scrap. metal, aggregates or chemicais would not be permitted. The site was orignaily zoned restricted industrial which' aiiowed general outside starage of items related te an industrial use, provided the outside starage is restricted ta the rear of t he main building. But. Nor-Arn was granted a change te prestige industrial zoning which did not permit such use. Howevér, since receiving the prestiezoig change last year, Nor-Ama requested that the previous outside storage rights be reinstated. .Joan Guliver.vice-president af By Mike Kowalski *R egion' draft proposais, specifi- Durham Regian'ls future p an- callte growth and direction of mng ~ ~ ~ ~ D prpsi o htyhve Whîtby's future population. been attacked-by Town officiais. (Bot h Durham Region and'the A 42-page- document respond- Town of Whitby are currently ing to draf changes contained in revising their respective officiai Durham Region s officiai plIan plans documents. which specily' review was presented ta Town anduse policies in a mu;nicipa- council's planning and develop- lity. The Regions curentilan ment committee Monday. was adopted in 1976, Whitby'ai Prepared b y Town pianners, 1973). and M9.M. Dillon Ltd., a consuit- 'Aicordingto- the Region's draft ing finm hired ta update Whitby's proposais, Whtby's population is o ifcial plIan, the document dis- projected ta reach 140,000 within agrees with many ýaspects of the 30 years. Y-TOUR POOýL IT'S AS EASY AS 1,Y2,3 WE- GUARANTEE ET!e Included in that figure wiil be a population of 25,000 in Brook- lin, one of three- locations ini Durham t-argetted fobrspca -study as the eite ai future deve- lopment. However, the Wihitby docu&- ment states that the Region has not provided a "s ufficient explanation» of the land required to accommodate the projected population. The document also suggests- that future' growth be directed ta, bath the west and north, includ- ing Brooklin, rather than strictly norîth ai Tauntan Rd.'as reconi- mended by the Region. "Mhe most environrnentaly sensitive lands'we have are in- the north,» said- councillor Joe Druinm, -following the presen- tation. "Their (Regions) thinicin~ on Brooklin will'drive you mad. According ta councillor Boss Batten, committee chairman, the Region has not justified its popu- lation projections, nor the size and location of industrial areas. Hie said Region planners failed ta take inta account the varlous routes of the proposed Highway 407 through north Wihitby and its effect on future development. Batten also termed a recom- mendation te eiiminate the inter- change at Highway 401 and Regional Rd. 23 (Lake Ridge Rd) &«preposterous. 'This would be very damaging tWtb there le no foundation foitaai," said Batten. Batten said many oi the Region's propasals are aof 'great concern7 teWhitby residents and will be deait with ln Whitby's own officiaI plan review. Now you can wintenize your pool water and get protessional re- suits. t's as easy as 1,2,3 and we guarantee ht. For ail residential pools - above or below ground, concrete or vinyl. l's aIl you need for up to 20,000 gallons (80,000 L) of wintenized water. Pick up yourGreat Lake3 Winterizing Pack today. A limited guarantee is included with every kit. (Copy available upan request.) DU RHAM'S LARGEST SHOWROOM- 1êI33 - J Taunton Rd., W. 571-01l 89 A k our dccrating consultant tohbeip you co-ordintcyour A home ith the ran hoicesOf wapaper paneras availe. Chooe from great looks such, as Vi'ctorian,. RDnantic, Frenchi or -Enghhountry Neo Clasicor Ecclectie. We art here to help youI. Whitby officiais criticize Durham Re-g-ILoIM-plan Iw~i DELHI PALACE finest east indian restaurant WALLPAPER A E 's-rARYS SEPTEMBEER 24-rH OFF SUGG WE] the Thickson's Point, Resiclents' out the knowledge of Townoffi- Assoiatin tod comitte, Iherciais.- Asso 1tion, old commtteeNlor BeMreferred to the acciden- grouP issle iopose taNr-tal isco of .PCBs (polych- ~irmrequst.lorinated biphenyls ) an- Lasco Duriig a public meeting last praperty during a fire in 1988 May, residents copained that Planning' director Bob Short the rezonigwoudh ave a detri- replied that the eventual bylaw mental afet on bth their com- approving the rezoning would munity and nearby Thickson's not permit storage of hazardousJ Woods, items. «Our concerns are stili the «It will be iimited te finished same, this' shouid remain pres- or containerized products with tige industrial, as -nxuch as pos- no affect on the- envrnment» sible," said Gulliver.- said Short. "If approvai is given to one Councillor. Dennis -Fox told section we--could be here in six committee he had «mixed feel- months with- Nor-Arm trying for ingson the proposai. four other lots.» 9he. area is zoned, industrial, Resident Anthony Gilbert ref- the request is not unreasonable erred ta- a staff, report which but the concerns' expressed about indicated that the property in is pollution,-are reasonable oness» next te land owned b. Lake said-Fox. Ontario Steel Co. Ltd. (LACO). The committee acce ted an "It seems ta me 'that since it axnendment from Fox that open abut IàSCOproelthe atti trg of chemicals be adddto tude is «oh wees have the list af items not permitted on another duxnp down there',, said site. Gilbert.. Nor-Arm spokesman Vrege "We need clean, prestige in- Aroyan said his campany has dustrial we dont need another already spent $150t000 for a Dà9ô ennis e ,s ema frlafldscapeU berni separating ,Denis, eMspok8manfortheir property from Lascîos.. Thickson's Woods Heritage However, a bylaw will not be Foundation, demanded te know passed until. Nor-Arm has pre- what guarantees-were in place te pared a satisfactor bermin and prevent potentially dangerous landscaping plan fronting Thick- material from ben stored with- son Rd. ýýi;ajvýe

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