s' worker is "We'vebecomea ýreal force or changwe in.thi province., Our messag go ut to the peple in their bckards, at théir cot- aK-të said that hi 1987 ;the Iberals received undeserved cre- .dit ýfor. tii. NDP-Lâilber a aord wýhh brought the lte~t power follqwing the 1985 elec-l «ive -as g the Liberals came 'to 'power with .our agenda andi'8-7thepeopleofOntario thotght the. agenda .was theirs, and riewardedý-them,,With a mas-. sé# iVemjority, said White.< Rowever the .Ià «èealgovern- -ment "was -ilke a new*'bouse, he" Althe igiits are on but nobody's home.' F oiow ng R~GVANSQ« (2),,G ryaiJ(2)ture the Manà n Cu hmP.osipli d au Gt 19 flowg eden Ga iH e oo paié orDetroit t ne trend ,udyoe anovrt a-in îthenewpro indoor laà cro seleagùe. By Mike Kowalsld Votera i Durham Centre foi- lowed. the yýrovinial trend asat week and e1ecte New Democrat Drummond White as the. ridinga nitMPP. A 39-yearol social worker and ls-ie cadidate, White defeated Liberal incumbent Allan. Furlong by more.. than 2,000 votes i Thuirsday's lprovin- cial elietoi. -ý. White t6ok 12,593 viotes -te, Furlng's1246 hle Progresý sive onservativeJimFlaherty, SEE PAGEili Another cup fo edmen -By, Chrie Bove If Vancouver, had iforgotten about Paul .Gait, hywr qiuckly remindeid as i'ýi. Brki Reomn walked over Vancouver Burrard four gaines stùaigit te capture the. Mann Cup. Foýr RPedmen, it -was their fourth and penhaps easiestMWann Cup campionshuin thé past sxyears. Afte inghl ncheck: thé first game, Paul and ,- twin. brother Gary Grait dôminated the scoring for tii.remaide o ti series. Paul scfred 16 goals and addèd 13assista :in nlkY 1 fourgalnes. Gary finished -with 14 goals,,'25 pjoints, intii series. Brooi;ki coach Peter'.Wipond.. shedsome. ight on why the. duo were relatiely quie t -nthe opener.,"The9 wvaited ' toc> late te -book a fligiit and hadLtô diive< down frmSyracuse and' ot here "'But the two ut strà lide ini the second. gaine and neéver -loolced back. Posibl lndfllsite lcations sonto "be,ýannounced -Posslibleloainfo-aDr iiam Regi*on-onlyIandfihl site -will.' b. ýannounced Sept. 25. Macaron Egineers,hrd y otio ns te make u a 'master« for iiandlinguiia gr 2016. i. pro fo>197t Locations conisidered as "candi- date'landfill sites" will b. first announced' te affected 'land- owners, Sept. 20 te 24, before the, public announcmentï. Sinall public meetings byin vitation only, will b.efd Sept. 25- te 28 by the. master plan NEW D EMOCBAT Drununond White celebrates, as theý new MPP, for, Durham Centre, after 1"stThursday's. election. - gtrTjblnpht punblic liaison- tcommittee for affected -landowners locateïd near tiie candidate 'sites and' within ti. 500-metre 'potential 1in- fluence zone.'" The committée plans te iiold a -.neral public meeting-on Oct. -3 location and tipi. yet te b announced. Macjaren- is studyingtiree posbealternative Strategies for Duniialmgarbae: an îlonlj, landfll couCpled witii. a .sià nali waterocessne.y -froùi- wwast WZÊ faclitini- *mal landfill. cou pled, witii amid- >It .appeared Vancouver. would b. foridable'in the series based. on their Ile play ii the. opening gaine. But Redmen,' sparked- by the. sports finest players, took con- - SEE PAGE 14 '1<~' GO disctised SSePag.8 Èast's new MPP Seepage 13 -I A- *f~4 i Y THE'HERITAGnE EDITION a centre pull-euùt'su]plement- .3 ý ýojû'k