Whitby Free Press, 5 Sep 1990, p. 8

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PAGE 8,Wa BFEPpS EDEDY ~ 519 w hm t by.kpbusiness+i 1.___________________________7_______________- Ee rgeen: Keps çothe &evrnentdan By Greg'MacNeil Mickey Walia is taking every <,ep he camto make his busness Ifwe were gcimg to open up a cleener, it. had te b.e enviroementally friendly,".saYsý Waiwio took over Evergreen. Clmeon?. threelocations 1,in 'WWitbyrin lteJune,-anïd bas mnce added two newone.. 1 Soaad s oft.ners used 'in EvergieenSlwdry cleenng -prosm are > iiëmicâl-fre ,'and biodgradàble. In'.addition, advrtiemetscouonsandeven, iâvices arÈe prmte don.,eicycled PEveigreen aloencouragies its *customers to return liangers un the. plestic bige t'at cover he cotbln-g wiien-it leaves thiest>e Walia says tihanhgers cenbè., iisM.'igin and again, while la compycrea by to pick uFthe plasti for recig. M-1 Waiays h. became tunîed in ithe ii.environmenit ý-and the. mess ities currently hin hile, workig for Cuig an, a well-onwater otee-an& wàater fitier COMpany. :Woring thei're reallyade me aware -cf the - evironment, ' ys, Wala. As a rsitI waay on top of environmoïntal isses." He soon realized- that, Mi general ceanngcompanies wer., paying li$tde attention t the epvirorn.et.He. then bicae de=mie1 to change that. Ev n keeps in i elose tou'!h witii Erniment ,Canada t -learni abot any n.w techniques thycoul employ to make tthe cleaning. dustry, well, mocre dlean. 'Walia iý even plannin to son donate m4ney,'for environinental efforts siých as tree-plan1 n program& Other areas, inm *hicii Evergreen, tries to exceli 'are" in quality an4 service. - fi Walia dciedteiprovetis two .npqrtant featuires --while -spending year m înaging .tbree Nstoresf~a well-kiownýdiy cleainl L nteretedinbuyig a- hs ëould,.doaàmucii'better jal>- r ànig isown cQmpqayt whsre "Mfer ~got, thràughiookig At the siçe land quOalty, I rfu to buy crie. of their facie. "oigpeople do'tnind" paying aIav ut more; h. issues, the challenge, *Let thé people -ded on the. quality and the.service w. provde ,as oppasedto our competition." People seem to hd accepting Evergreen's -concepts 'with open 1 ars.'Walia says bis customers appreciate the. efforts heing made. Marl peçle h aye told hlm 'they becauga. ot -its stand.on-,ii "Peple. rall docare these In addition to dir cleaning, Evergreen ofers af4I lrange go tf sèeiesicld< aerto. Iivisible mendinÈ, and are ah. handleleather and suede. -Evergreen Ceaners bave, tire loiosini<wm a mWinl as two iný Ajax t :h 'hby lôcatios are at' Rouland Iand Gardenra, Thicksan and, Roàaàd, sund On Brock St. in'thI.IGA.Plaze-' Bods retCoomotal on prable fuiture I Grog MacNdl Lee Badgly e h.came up withtii. -idea fer bis prOductý bcueh. didn't 1k. to me snow on outdoorfurniture. Tii. rTestat was, a ligiitweight but durable chair made out cf - cdar that can ýb. used aetdors and in, a nd -cenn héb folded up for easy starageor btrg -portation. wI decided rdHke tohbave itfod up," says Badgle, .wiio plyed ~aroumd with théo concept for about, tiire weeks. Noting flihat nmrefoin furniture t.nded toh umeha leus ai"r cm W""b&" adle mDei oit c oi p witi di~tM.wouJ1d change that. wsno. coenfoteleit bas received thi ndeenq"IM t ttcf a in, Is garage.But .i m,. 1 9btrade, 'opned biis oam machine'- siop . i'... eltl l'h ne fciltygive-hlmù mose room -to buid ti.Body BLt 'It got te tti. point wiiere it wýa. ahobiby anymore"ho An components cd'the.Body Rest a»e made at -the. shop, incluing 'thé. brackets sud hardware. "I make everything mymlf n0 I guarantee it,"gays B ey- sethe. Body Rest direcly t, thé. public. H. bas distriluted rnany flyers sud ads extolling thé. vibes 0f us product, but admit., "It' bard te, get a market. As' with moot great ides., it ofsn takes time to get thieword aut. lb Bacgiey's redit. tiioe who, have puwçha"édaBody -Rest Badeydaated one of bis Bod- Bt 'chaire te Whitbyps Fairview Lixdge earlier this ypar, and h. ay" residetso1' t Badgley notes-tii. r et iM for1 everyoe, but bas obvious bnefta -for the. elderly or pMçple wM bu& kfplsM lb.he Bodly, Reet-carnes as a aingle chair, or- as a double, chair witi> a, table in between, ail *Idéble. lIaddition Badgley says b.s ur.pL w n na cofapablepicic abl wth a Ti. Bodyj Reet meUs for $134. Tii double chair with table model is $274 .For an additional, coi*,. a matrhing .footreM - i. avmabws LEE -BADGLEY -designr and builder relaxes in e of bis douÙble, chairs Of >the Bage oyleut chair, Aut syposumliigéa Set.12 A t0" sypsium or- urb aut "eaers iwil .-bheld at Cullen Trade show at Heydenshore Whitby residents ore invit.d te a tredeà show at Heydensiioe Pavilion -on Sept 12. Sonsre by the. Whitby -Chemb-of Com- merce, 'Business After Hours wfil feature 40 local bsns -gesnting information about, efcompanies., Th. event runs fr-om 6 to 9 P-1». Admission i.s. Gardens on Wednesday,,Sept 12., 4 to &p.m. There will h. discussion -f the. future shortege of, skilld labor in the. auto servce Industry, sud introduction of the. echool work- plae apreticesupprograms sud humean resources vailable. in »Sendary schools. Among thie-akeswiil b. Dùnha regonalchairman Gary Herrema sud, BillNurse, pre- sident of.tiie Toroanto Auto Dea- lers' Association (TADA). Herrema will. discus future eonomic growtii in Durham Région. Nurse î:wil dicus,,thei. future ekiis, shortege mi the auto' service indùstry. John Beatty s-ad Serkis Kay of~ the Durham Board of.EdCation will~ ~ là iroueteinterated apniosadp I-;ADnand the. Ontario Auto Dealers'Associa-ý tion are co-sponsors of the. sym- posiumn. Who atted trade, shows The Durhiam Region economic development departinent- is co- sponsorof a ýseminar on .rade Show Partcipation'to ho held at Durham ,.Collège on Thiursday; Oct 4. Speaker at théi. day-Iongsemi- nar, for- Durham, Reion .manu- facturers, wl h. Barry Sislcind. Cail 668-8000 for more- infor- mation. (ilm ----------- ---I ~ ~ - - ~ ~. ~ A b ~ ~ ~*&~ h . * *'~~ .SG~~U EVERYTHING YOU EVER WANTED TO KN'OW ABOUT KITTY LTTER Ktt lirer - irs expensive in those littie bags and once Tabbie has a couple 0f gces at itlit daesn't smell so good -eltier. Many large industrial users buy kitty litter by the ton in large 401b. bags - flot because they'vs got a pack of lions out back, but rather because they buy it under the more cammoninclustrial name of oul absorbent They know that ail absorbent (kitty»lhUer) is in fact, day mined out af open pits, mostly in Georgia, Louisiana and Florida. Grades of ail absorbents vary drapmatically dependlng upon the. porosity of thee day. . Some grades ai ail absorbent will absorb as litile as 70% ai their awni weight in water. Others are extremely dusty or ium ta mud as saan as they became wet. Sws É lorca ail and water asorbent absorbs up ta. 160% ai its own weight in water, has the. leasi dust content of any of its competitors and remains in its granular form even aiter use. Our cusiamers who buy Florca as a kitty litter, tell us that it's fot only a superiar praduct - but the. price is also a lot lessl -.-if unpleasant odaurs in your cat's litter box are a concern, we recommend Swish Odar Sorb deodarant granules. Three tablespoons of Odor Sarb, mixed in with your cat's kitty liter will mask and absorbi undesirable odours. Try Flarco and Odor Sarb the nexitime you tend ta your cat's litter box. Te'ePURR RRiectat -MAINTENAN'CE LTD. 500 HOPKINS ST., WMITBY 666-1224 CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY 1990 FINALTAXNOTICE- nTei.fowth kistmuOtof taxes f« or UGO ta jad payiisSeptenube 14, 1M0.Ifpaynt ot re osvodbytiw dtheÇe ,.pondy u added on tdm drut day of cbfut maidmth tiet da aofea cde month s1ln0 a n payme nntoiifU55 et the ifta9f11l4% per month orpttiesf If you have not recoived a tax bEl aid you ame esonli oeimt. pisas ontct tdie Tex Depoetmt ai 66858zQ3to obXdthe i moceasay bh*nutt>ft -Taxes May b. e de i hty m iio*be Allec.t cw esorgtii e p Oié.55RosoedRmt, Whtbyv, Lynn Pike, Speviso ofbRvenue - TOWN*0F VWHIIBY

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