Whitby Free Press, 5 Sep 1990, p. 19

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WITBY fREE PIE8SWEDNE8AYP 5SE1890,PAGm e.. dampbasement .Are you bothcred wilî eaks, or scepage Ibrougli your basemlent watt or loors? If' 50. both problcmis cail lie solved. I-,>wcver. thley are not the Casiesi jobs in Ile wortd and solfie- timies tiuîding Ithe solution cati lie a long and 1'rultraithing po <ccss. Ite The th ious peâblem k outsiie Ithe leaking watt and sece if there is anl, obvious reason l'or Ilile lcak. Does a sidlewatik or drivcway stope, (towul îoward theïhouse watt? ts Ithere a.downspout inIllte immiiediaite areai ,that.i kcha,îîeting Wal-ier îoM'ard fihe tca.kiing spot? Is ihere ai stope bo the back yard thal hinv ites waler to rest .agail tule hotfse?. ' " . - <.1 ý The.se are ait situattionts Ihaî can caîuse water to ind ils wi noyu basernent. IincidlentealIy,,. waîîer* hais .a strainge waîy oifi' igan oei someltinies yirds a&waiy ,Irýii i.vhaiit woutd .seeiuli Ï c, thê-dtllîrprobIini spot. inz other'wÏords., if. the walk stlopes in towafflyouti luse àl yards up, fro. yur aseentdo iotdiscount thlat as theCau.se ni the prtobtrn'. The f"irst sîtep'is Io ctosety ýiIsPeC the exterior'of the hou-.e àand -,crccýt al of -the above-4iint ioned sitù'al ions wien itheyappeair. Another thlink 10 took f*or is exterior wterprooln nheba1,iement watts. This btack,ý tar-like. coating should exlen d Up the Walli ývtt above groulid tevet. Il this k fslot lite case. waîter cauî seep intho the concrete or'liock and seep down ta ceter the house ai ai tower level. This niateriait is îot cx- penisive ani is easy 10 apply but te tough part is ho dtg aîway Ilite soit front the bouse watt iii order to atpply a neW' coahing. If ait the exterior probteiîîs seem to be f'kedl- you cati 'look inside. Thîis nlay"be the mlosi dilficull probteim ta fix.- You mnaîy wanlta re-c over 4fie basement watts. Thtierèt-iýr ifiiny cement-tike v/7alItcoatinîgs on <I 1 narkt mals rduî wiipreveuit ninor seepaîge but wutt bc otf* no itu if there arc cracks or holes ini your basement watts. Often ibese cracks do flot appear untit seveail.years Ilte h ouse is built and are usuatly due 10 setling. of the surface rather tan Poolr Wnrlc- nanship il. yo u have ai latge craîck in the waî Iltle lirsî hting hto do is 10 en'- large il. 'haî,t*s riglit entarge il! >Undercut tlice eges oh the craîck %o tait the patctiiug cotiipouuid you use vitl haive sotncîhling Io0 ding Io. There arc ninany eipoxy -and latex cernecnt products oithe niarket <bail are excellent for ttîis l-ob. Your toal hairdwairc deaier wtblc *ale, to .idvise, yoti.oiwih--hprodtuc w-ill besi fiIt the bllil'or your problei. Once allIllte hotes and cracks, have been filledin iluis mamnier you 1m11Y wanit to apply otie of* tllc "waterproof- ing- 1painî tdui arc now avatitaîbe ini a1 wicte. ranIge of' cotors. malny are avitabte iii dry bioi anid have b lbc ni i xc(I w iîlî wate r belère ippt ie.at ioni wtlic o(thiers ire applied dircctty iroiî thle clin. The oie area inside a house ilosl coînmonlly ini need of cautkimîg -k around the bathtub. or wastî basin. Every lim1e the tub or basin is -filIlcd wittî water, il settt'dls a ltte. This causes a minor separalion of thie tub or basin - roin .the watt, ý Sptashed water cat i then work bctwcen« hie tub or basin and thie watt. starling lte process of rot. For baîhroomi projccts,. a srnatt handheld tube of tub and ItUe caulk- Working.w.ith copper pipe, Mosihouses lbuitd loday use, flexible or 'rigid copper pipe l'or Ille hiot asnd cotd wattetsuptly îirougblct lit tnus. tîotdyoLu waîuîto10 niove a lixture or ilistaîlta new laucet or sink you witl haîve I0 learin 10ceut a nd'soider copper pipe 10 uîîake * eak-lree. tliglittjoints. Witih Ie %vide *range of fiîîings and adapîors aivaitable aiuyone cati do a ajob iiait used to irequie thie expensive services on pituiber', *Cuttittgco)pper pipe Copper: ipe is ecisity cu..The f'astest aind casiest way is ho use a pipe or îubing cuiter. Thés is a deVice Iliat you tiglîtenolo a pipe. Il rotales anud a cutiing whcel culs'siraight îtîrough the -pipe with vcry litile plîysicat pow er requiredi. Thîis device is avait- aible for a snîaîl cosi tlirougli your localt hardware dealter. Wheni he cul is ccîuîpleelie hurr ihat is teli inside' the pipe stîould be rcrnoved using hIe, reailier that is buiit iuto mnost cutters. Or you can use a hall-rounld fle.* .If you arc jusi doiîig aismatil job anîd da&'t wamit Io iîtvest ini a lubing cutter an oid-ishiiosied lîacksaw wil do an excettent job. Wtîenl usinig ci ther tool be sure ho- remnove Itle burrs and use - pipe vise or soinC oller hîotdinîg dev ice. AtIways rettîcutber iat otd craifs'mali's 1rute e: nci.ýLurcwice and cul once. Coppe'r» 'pipe* is . mntcuîeaip and you.dont.want 10 watslt. Soldering Sotdering copper ' *ipe i a difficûltiprocessanîd danlie quickly lcarned. Tthc mols You 'requirc are ai protiailie <rCit. 50/50) solder. flux. fiec sanudpaîper. cuîîery Cloiti. or steet woot.- Tile tatter iîcnîis are evcry bit ais inipuirtail .ask ltepropaine îorcih becatuse tic mosi inîiorinlt thuig< wlîemî soldering a jou it is Cleaiiiiness. Att traces of*(iri.- grease or. oxidai- lion inusiliec rciiioved aind the area ho bc sotdered 'iusl gicaîti with <the l'rcsi Copper exposeci. Thîis nîicalltsnot oily te îutsidc of the pipe but tlle imside of'thlit iiug. Thle onty- waiy soider can flow aînd adbcre to lile copp er is to Jhave il dlean. Aniother 'iuus" is ici iave the areai dry, lilypu arc working on exisl- iîîg-ptunîbing be sur-.:Ilhal il is drained. dry. Aller you lhave tîhoroughlly'cteaned thie pipe aitc litlîing bath surfaces are coaîtcd witb flux. The pipe anîd rittiiig are liei assciled and the heat is applied Io the itting. Wlien the area lias rcaîctîed a suffucient 'tenîiperature hIle solder is aippJicd 10 lite' joint, be-. lween the fiîîimîg aînd Ilite pipe., il witt mli aind bK-drawn imtothie joint by capillairy action. 'even'lrom the towerj<iuilupward. Use wilh care CAUI'ON... Use your propane îorch withi caîre. Tiiere arec many lires sî.artcd evcry ycair llroLIghI heir care- tess use. Aiso uever.use! avid care solder for plui nibing wrk is olid core solder ontly.-t ing is usually sufficient. To replace cautkîng, dean, out the old caulking Witil a Screwdriver or puîty kiie. being careful not '10 scratch the tub, basin *or-sui-rousidl- ing, wallttle. Cul theeup 'ofthie nozzle l'or a inioderate-siié bcad (or rer-nove the cap. if, so:cquippied) a nd. whcn the area is completety dry. push lte sent ant aroiund thic edge in oe onm <mtîns file. Once the caulk is in place, you can wet, your linger 10 smooîh out the cauik. Iý t is vcry important that all areas to bec autked be fre of any soalp and grease deposits or dirt. If not,. the cautk won't properly adhcre.< .When ýcaîîtking a tub, it's a good- idlea 10, fiii h *with water.-so the caulk cani penetrale the gap between the tub and watt., GENERAL HAIRDWAR .1 r'; ~499 DUJRACE14BATTERISI SPECIAl-le We dol àaksto scroens&gas 856 BrookSte.N*ý. WhitbY 666-124 SEPTEM R BER STOREWIDE CLEAANCENSALE Tips <on'caulking inside ,your.bath A > TAME 'T-HE CORD. MONSTER 7WI ? oerds5O.;150- M> Portable - mncludesextra wal ionoit for outdooe atahont OL m

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