Whitby Free Press, 5 Sep 1990, p. 18

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(NC)-The 1987 m'ovie, The Money Pit, portrayed a happy Young couple moving into their dream lieuse only to wýatch it begin to self-dcstruct, piece by piece, moments alter they crossed the Use a checkIist to rate your-house Whilie tic movie was a comedy, tc reality of living in a poorly construced hbuse can be fiianialy and emotion- alIy tragic. If you know what ta look for and where to go for advice, assessing the ia.ity of a dwelling is not difficult and wdil worth theceffort, Canada Mortgage and. Housing rportion ias publshd 'an inpec- la checklist £0 hepl,,potential home ers detemne thc qeri quality of lome. CMHC staff m'embers are also ai-versed in Uice techaical require- ~ns of sound constru ction.. While you don't have tobe aniexpert to notice lhings like danipnes, mecling and cracked paint, and uneven foor, there may bc some questions best putt the professionals. pt( In the case of ane whome, find out if the builder is, rcgiitered with a provin- cial New,-Home Warranty Prograin.,I so, bp what extent are you covered against defects? In Ontario, ail residential builders are required to bc rcgistered iunder the Program.- In other provinces member- ship 15 voluntary. Ini general, the following items should be examined closcly. Be sure to take your, ine and -checkýeveiyfeuture of everyromi. Tboobtain a' CMHC inspection checkis, write to, CMHC, 682 Mon- ftral Roa4. Ottawa, ýOntario KXA 0P7. Carefulcleaning prolongs c arpet lite- protect your investment Wyhen you make anly invesîmient, you 1wanî 10 proîcci il, and *a home furnfishings investiment is-no di fférent. Yod should take care ini selecfing items for your home. Siîice you will be ùsing themf every day. it's impor- tant to you.that they continue 10 look good and last. C arpeting is a miajor investiment and one of the most visible design elements in the home. The best way 10 protecti the appearance and prolong the lufe of your carpet is to clean il regularly., Wlien' diii particles arc tranmpled deep into carpet pile. îhey tear, the fibres and ruin the look. Vacuuiing on a regular ba sis is the miost impor- tant thing you can do Io protect your carpet. Carpet care Carpel- should be liglully vacuunied (Iwo passes with the machine) twicc a week and receive a thorougli vacuumn- ing (four passes) once a week. Don*t worry about vacuumning too much - il will ilot harmn your carpeti. In fact. it's best ifthe vacuum lias a beater bar to agitate Ilic pile and bring the dirt up Io Ille surface for easy remioval. If your carpes- staris 1<) look dulI. it's probably lime for a major cleani- ing. Most carpets need shamipooling every oile 1<) îhree years. If you are a do-it-youîsel fer. producîset and equip- irent, fori-h)rcngh- cleanling can be ,bought or 'rçuîled. There are four basic mcîhlods Uf alI--over carpet cleaning: stcani dean- ing. wet sham11pooing. aero.sol formi sprays and powder sprays. - ~YjIl ISUJ YjjEY I M Ai ±N E I* DUE TO THE OVERWHELMINQ RESPONSE,' WE'VE EXTENDED THE FREE MM CONDITIONINOM - ONE FINAL WEEK 1 BUY A HIGH EFFI NCY FURNACE AND REDUCE VOUR OIAS BILL BY CARRIER UP TO 41%,. HIGH EFFICIENCY FURNACES That's right! Buy and instail a CARRIER HGH EFFCIENCY FURN4ACE toda<3nd ecive a CARRIER 77CB, 24.000BTU TT AIR CONDMTONERî, MM-Eof charge, subject to certain I niidmor conditions.I Mwt b. ntdsand pod forbV SeptO, 19O00Cite gaadan a77C924.OCOBTU CENTRAL AIR CONDONER Sonl nutailnbta 1id uni tsize chau ams 89ga Corne v4sit us in aur showioo. HEATING & AIR CONDITIONINC Lid- A i AUTHORIZED -CONSUMERS GAS DEALER 668e8111n 111 INDUSTRIAL DRIV E, UNIT 239 WHITBVj1 .Steam cleaning Sîeam cleaning is tlhe do-it-yourself method closest 10 a professional job. The process enmploys a high-presýsure Jet sprayer thlat disîributes hiot deter- gent solution deep ini he carpet pile. then imnmediately sucks up tlle dirt and water. These machines- can be rented at nmany large supermiarkets. Sîeamn. cleaning is espec'ially good fr deep piles because it doesn't crush the carpel fibres. Hlowever. it's a slower process thanl other miethods. and the equipmenî costs more 10 relit. Shampoo Wiîh weî shampooing Ille carpel îs weîted down wth' liquid detergent, then brushed in with a. rotar-y' brush machine (also easily rented). This methlod involves more work, however, and i s more prone 1<) pro- blemns than steami cleaninig.,. 1f the watcr-deîeretslto is zallowe( Ito.sIay'on i le carpet too Iléf)g. it cahn cause'ilidew, damge iî he backinig. and.,lamage 10 the Toors For lightly soile'd'èar p'tiS lni aerosol foam spray or a powder spray will do the JOb. Both are applied -Io the carpet, sponged or bruslhed fil, allowed ta dry and vacuuîned. Sta in remfoval If you have a spot.stain on your carpe., il should be rei.iived before general cleaning. Attend lu stafins as soon afier îhey appear, as possible.. The faster you treal. stains. the beter chance you 'have. of gelling.-rid of themn. Différent stafins require -different treatimnt s, but the f'irst sîep jis always 10 blot or sciape up as nluch of the spill as possible before treating-the smain. If it's anl oil-ba sed stain. 1ike.', asphal, butter, crayon. loîion;or ink. apply a commercial spot temiov er (folio,» direction,% on label carefully). blot,ý wash with detergent and rinse willi cle arwater. Always ýblot excess miloîsture before 'allowing the spot. ta Forideèp.4lains. like blood. ketchp chocolate or egg, first. use 'a delergçnt and then aiîMopia., Nextî; -apply -more -dee-r'g'enit. rm se with clear water a¶lc Need a clemer. Detergenlt and viinegar will remove stains, fromn beer, coff'e, 'bernres, candy (sugar) and fruit juic, Ifyuhave. a slain that you can't remnove yoÛurself, or if you decide your carpet needs a, professional cleaning. check *with, your friends to find a repuable cleaner who is .up-to-date, on- hie lalest procedures and chieinicals.. Gelra' few estimates *before you make a final decision. If yolîr carpeîing ean be moved, itîs best to0 have it cleaned aI the. plant., It'will dry' much faster tIhere, lessening damage la the.backing. If your carpet is wall-tô-wall, you*ll probably have 'it cleaned in YOU rho ' ne . Professional cleaners use the steamn-cléaning :or wet. shampoo methods, Isimii1nrio the do-itý-ypürseif ,nethods. M Custom Closet DesignI M Bn in your closet or storage aiea measuiomenits, or use M your'1neets and Ve Se ice <egi M 15% OFF M on ait material used ln your i staon; hlgh qualityste shelvîng. Melammine by'Systeon Budd, basket systemns by Ela &more., (discount does not apply to installation or sale items) M r<,~ Gift MeeW a 2Mn-' etii * (SACE.AGE- SHELVING) WE MAKE HOUSE CALLS 1*355< * , ThickpWb.,(b.t'>.(416), 430-1636 :4 l i, A' à* z 1 "'IlpuiILdy Wda.s lwiI6msThn Iyfldfm~p.Stwdvm p r M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M

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