PAGE 8, WHITY FE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 2p, 1990 Manufacturers network group bi!ts Durham By Trudie Zavadovicu CAPC, an organization dedi- cated to the professionalization of the production and inventoxy control fiel~ is starting a chapter in Durham Rtegion. The Canadien Association of Production and Inventory Con- trol has been in Canada, (Toronto) for the peet 20 years and is a Canadien cousin of the American Production end Inven- tory Control Society which is 50,000 strong and has chapters throughout meny parts of the world. "We saw a need for a Durham chapter,» says Edmund Paty president of the newly formýed chapter. Paty has worked for the past three years with the chapter mn Toronto. qIts a brand new branch for this area,» says Paty. "Presently, there are 30 members. We hope to build it up once we get a charter.! Through the association, courses will b. offered to help .ichieve certification in produc- tion and inventory control >n aament (CIgIMY- which is ecogniz2ýed by diost manufac- týurers. uWe've been teaching courses at Durham College for the past three years,» says Paty. "As well we've s;et Up a whole lin. oJ speahe, dinner meetipgs ok shops, and plant tours through- out tl e fali and winter. «urobjectives are to promote awarèness of the production/mn- ventoeýy management field;~ to share common problems; pro- blenm solve; and learn how to get edu4ated within the area.» «We not a higli-profile type asoiation,» says Paty. uWe go at things on more personal leve1]. here's a lot of new com- putèkized systems around. It's og1e way for lope to get t4ehe 7ndwrktut problems.» Patys aysthere e more than 200 mauaturngSmpanies in the reion wi ;h over 50 B ChU BUSINE SS 1 Getting ready. for the GST Planning is the key to ready youw business for the GS'. EHere are nmre areas that you cen start tackling today. COIMRCIAL LEASES The rule of thumb is that if you signed alease priortol1991 and i effect after that date, it is subject to the GST as of January, 1991. If you have a montlily lease o the adjustment will be more. streightforward than i the case cf prepid leases. How; much of this increase you will actually pay iï.s stil unclear. "Because of the many grey areas it *ie rise to, it will require a rad education push on the Mar of both brokers and tenants, says Trudy Moon, vice-president, office leasing, commercial division, Peter Mason L. Limited. The gond news is that you cen dlaim bock this tax as a tex input credit éither on a monthly, quarterly or annuel basis. DiVENTORY To keep or not tokeep tax-paid inventoey? Revenue Canada bas come up with a tai rebate incentive in the fem cf tax fectors you will use to multiply your tex-paid inventory. Ii mmi obtained will bu your refimd. Keep in mind, however, that the. 13.5 per oent FST refund applies only to taxable finished goode you have purchesed. This is you true 13.5 per cent inventoiy. With refunda axpacted to bu lower than 13.5 per cent, winding down inventoey might bu warranted for sinail business. "Business bas to start looking at demend analysis bacause the market balance will change and consumers will look for price reduction," says Eric Owen, directoe of Taxation, Canadien Manufacturers Association. "Ini attempting to be price sensitive to demend, manufac- turers willhave to know who their customers are, whether or not they (the customers) can recover the GST and monitor competition to see if it is reducing its prioes." CASH REGISTERS There are ýme .450,000 éectrènic cash reg1sers in sma]1 and medium-sized ýbusinesses a4.os Canada, with only a handfiil of suppliers, including Sharp' Sweda, Tek and NCR, te accon4nodate the change by 1991, explais ,Catherine Swift, vice-p"ksdent, research and chief econongîst, Canadien Federation ofhIndépandent Buiness. "Chances are cash registers Iass then tan years old cen bu upgraded for the GST, but the problem may bu te get trained service professionals te do the joib," adds Swift. Finaly, businesss intarested in buying a new cash register shouldtae nota that for Ontario corporate icome tex purposes,, an immediate deduction will bu provided for purcheses . of cash registers and other electromic point of sale equipment. PRlOGRumMJG COMPUTER ACCOUNTING SYSTEMS Most accounting systems dil have te, supply users with GST upgrade but few systams cen bandle the change. One oonto software firm, Q.W. Page Assiates ic., bas developed NewViews which cen custonuze systamsaend add GST tracking. If you're using or intending te, buy a U.S. package, a word of eaution. 'ULS. devaelopers might not think that the bunefit is great enouà h to provide GST trackingle says Mary Smythe, director o f marketing et Q.W. Page Assocatesinc. Don't forget you cen opt out as a GST collactor if your business generates sales under $30,000. Il E~à Â~t~S715 "lt's time we started planning for the G.S.T. and 1 was wondering who 10 Dive the lob of sorting Il: ail out. Guess who's the lucky one?" IF YOU WANT TO PA Y LESS TAX IN 1991 AND/OR YOU WNT MORE GROWTH IN VOUR RRSP, THIS SEMINAR IS A MUSTI!______ Ground-Floor Limited Partnership Opportunities Paul Linden, renowned financial consultant and Alan Duffy local Real Estate expert " Tax Planning, The Tax Squeeze - What's left to write-off?2 " Retirement planning in the 90's. RRSP'WRRIF's/Annufties. " Uimfted Partnership Tax Shelters. " Investing in mortgages " lnvesting in Prime Rentai Condo and Commercial Real Est ate " Special Stide Show 1 IAR LOCATO 1 OSHAWA PUBLIC LIBRA4RY AUDITORIUM THURSDA Y SEPT. 131990 1:3OPM & 7:OOPM Two Sepninars For Your Thurs. Oct il 1990 Thurs. Nov. 15 1990 Thurs. Dec. 6 1990 DoW . A.. A*& ASATE Fianil dvsrsInRtiem n Ad a Panig Sevce atrn oTeC srv ieIvsor Looking for more customers?I The answer is right in front of you The lV(hitby Free Press reaches more homes in Whitby than any other retail advertising medium. Our circulation is 235500. On a weekly average, we reach 98.5% of the households in Whitby. Let those customers you've neyer met know about your business! Calil668-6112 SFor Resevations CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN OF WHITBY 1990 FINAL TAX NOTICE The foiwth instiment of taxes for MO9018due nid payable September 14, 1990. If payment l iso eived by 1d. due claie, pnlywIb added on the first day of clfaitid the first day of ee oaia month so long as non-paymont continuer% et the rate of 1 14% per month or part thereof. If you have not recaïved etax bi ad you me responsible for payment, please contact the Tex Depoetmertae 668-5803 to obtain the necessary informtion. Taxes may be peid et uiy Whitby baà dc uthutbeol collection charges, or ai the Mu&nicipal OfftI. 575 Rossloeid Ful Eat, Whtby, Ontario. *Lynn ike, Supervisor of Revenue, TOWN 0FWHrrBY ICALL 571-07