Whitby Free Press, 29 Aug 1990, p. 3

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Tory1eadr Ihifts ttck »to NDP B yMeK aIi The - _AK _fghtee, brought. his message te Whitby Isat week.' Only this tfime Ontario NDP leader Bob Rue recoived a Major portion of- the attack usuàlly reserved for Premier David Petorson. Self-procluimed taxflghtrs Progressive Conservative leader Mike Harris, slammed both Rue sud Pèerson d . a lnho meeting of the ly Chamber of Commzuerce held at Heyden- shore Pavilion. Claiming Ontario cannot affomrd another f ive <jears of Liberal rule, Harris said su NDP goenentwoldeworse.. «Whn tisélection capn began, I thought that ne on. m Ontarioe ecept David Peterson would think that taies are tee low » said Harris. 'Imýagine my surprise thon, whon two day. ugo, another per- son i Ontario joined Mr. Peter- son in ealling for yet more taxes!' (The previous Sunday, Rue outlined a package cf spending propoais costing $4.2 billon -m theflrst two yoar. But projected new revenue cf $2.4 billion would make the actual cost $1.8 billion, naid the NDP.) Harris naid that under Rue' p an, Ontue esdents would be bit with aneta 4 billion i new taies sud debt. In addition, NDP pro-election promises will coet a further $14 -bilien in gasoline, nom au "corporatetaxes, suid Harris. Thswill result i igher e --for- consumer.suad laf k wcrkrswhen bsnse close bocauso taxes makeit n longer sooial esbete -,operaesadHuari. C " Davidotérsonis un Olympie- duas. taxer who ha kiflod tons of thoussuda cf job,' suid Harris. m- HARRIS «Bob Rue thinks the NDP can rais. tqum even higherkilg oven1' Mr os by cub Lng is pâlitica rheoric ilanguage about sôCale dfairness' Huari said Rue criticizes the government for rufising taxes but now wsuts te increuse ,taxe further. "Ho cails for more taxation sud that dosen't surpris me.Aftor aIl, Bob Rue sud David Peterson went te the samo sehool cf taxa- tion.?o Huarrsthon reminded bis audience that from 1986 te 1987 the Liberals goerned Ontario, with the support cf the NDP after signing an unprecedentod agreement. (Ini return for net calling an election fer twc years, the Liberals receivod the support of the NDP on most mAjor piecos cf legislation.) "Bob Ruàe will want you te forgot that during thoso two years, the NDP votod for ne cf DvdPeterson'. 33 tai in- creuses,»'nid Harri.. Turning bis fire on the govern- mont, Harris said taxes have Green Party enters Durham Centre race By Mike Kewalski« Concorn for the environment hapromptod David Hubbell te enter bis second election cam- paigin les» than a month. H BqI, 3 is the Green Party cf Ontario candidate for-Durham. Contre riding in the Sept. 6 proincial eleion.' He wus aIse -a candidato in last, month's federal byelecticn .m Oshawa te "plce EBroadbent us that city's Member of Parlia- ment. «I felt the. other candidates weren't covering the essential isewbich is the environmont. Sewen ne other Green candi- date came forwurd I decided te run,' maya Hubbell. -An omployoe cf General Motors cf Canada, the Oshawa rosident feels that despite the prmseof the other parties,, env'netal issues are not bein« properly addressed, in tbis élection campaïon, DAVMIr]UBBELL «I don't think enough attention isbigpaid te the quality cf life, air and water. Developmont gos on unimnpeded;" says Hub- However, Hubbeil is quick te point. eut that ho i. net tetally, against dovlopment. 'Tm net anti-free ente rise but business should think through some cf the thinge it does. They don't take inte account the ful impact of what thoy're doing te the environ- mont.» In order te fight this attitude, Hubbell, says tho Green Purt supports a-"green tai" on non- renowable, non-recyclable pro- ducta. Tbis *wculd drive home the fuet te both business sud consumer. that the coot cf cleuning up tho onvironment is enormous. says Hubboll. '7he froee ride is just about over, if people wsut a dlean environmont* thoy have te bo pr~pedtu pay for it!'» flieGreen Party i. aguinat further expansion cf nuclear power in Onitarie sud ultimately wants ail rucloar planta closed, ~iale 'that upen completien SEE PAGE 5 The oendid-11à fur Dlkumm Centre more' than doubled i n Ontario during the past five years, yet vital proggramu and services are underfimded. He said the quality of educa- tien i. suffering as more of the financial burden -i. laced on sceiool boards and ocaIt- ers. And there ha been a ~t loe. of 2,000 hospital beds a'4Ce the Liberale took power, saidHarris. TItL's been five wasted years. Itbeen awaste of $20 billin in new tax dollars, year after year after yea-r!' The only solution, ucording to Harris, is a tai freeze. "That will force the politicians." in power of whatever stripe. to hanidletfie money they aleady haemore 1 isl t'sthat sim- ple is tat't *1. flÀarris said responsiblo spend- mng, rather than lugher taxes and moesenig is req=*ired. Whle criticism cf Lberal fiscal poiçy haben the main focus of e cries'capaigni, Harris' cri- ticism cf Rae markod a dopar- ture from his usual st le. He all but admitted as mch to reporters following hiespeeh. 9!wo day. ugo the NDP came, out of the closet. Now that Bob> Rue wants te tie himself te hi ospei we have te peint it ursaiHarris. %~ey're sayinq thoy cun spend fauter than David Poterson and that's what our campuign i. al about wero saying eniough is enoudh! EDUCATIONAT ISSUE Outoido Heydonshore Pavilion, Harris chatted briefly with a few members cf the Ontario Second- lIt: le i if ou're f.d up with h»txe, hh bu hs Thanks in part te, NDP-supported tax grabs, Ontario is new tho highest taxod jurlsdlction in North' Amorica. That's costing us jobs as industry movos te, more competitivo climatos afld shoppers head for the border. Worso, the NDP wage, pollcy, f adoptod, would cost small and modium-sizod businossoes an additional $1 .8 billion and rosuft ln the Iess of 100,000 jobs. NDP govemments Just don't work ln an economny 1k ours. In every provInce whem Ithe NDP have talen pow, Uey have mlsed taxes substllfy. Even In Ontario, where the NDP have nover formed a government, they votod for 10 ef the 33 Peterson tax grabs. NDP-supparted taxes have: Incroased provincial income tax; raised the cost of single famlly homes; added te the price ef wlne and beer; and, hiked Up the cost of drlvlng a car. With a 132% increase ln aur taxes and a Peterson governmont spending at almost double the rate ef inflation, the peopleofe Ontario have ne alternative. They have te change the govornment. And, the NDP lisn't the answer. The NDP stands f«r.. hlgher taxe%~ fewer jobs and blg govnmmsnt. When you thlnk about It, them Us9 only ONE ahbemv. -e7 O-n-- -- ,F e m -F t4';-th - ,tFvote~~ LM @1.dm 'IM LABURDAY WEKEmD WHITBY FREEPRS WLL BECLOSED oonndy opobr3 DudIInsti av sknmd Comlng EvÇet WBlbeFrlday à4 Pm il t - 1 1 r Sé eh ol 'eâ' Fod raio A former toucher hmel Hur- ris wars eIted with bro- chures, 77àbumper Oticker and visor beuring thefede-, ration'. election slogan.A ..i Hur.is ad ho agrd w hthe. toucherds'iloanthat <~nder- funding Seh ole s i hild, Ne4 troud cf your alog n d proud te ussociato mysé1 with yoad Harris fter rqcso in OSF spkesaVite Bar- buto, a Peterbrough te0her, sai bi ogunization d oe~nt intend te, lot éducation sue romain dormant during the sum- mer campaign. "The Liboral government can't mako education promises !sad thon shift the fundaing forthese te, local taxpayers,»-suid He said that during the 1987 eélection campaign,, Peterson pro- mised the proine' share cf education coesa would be rostored te its traditional 60 per cent share. But the figure i. now slightly loe than 41 .per cent, çlaimmd Barbuto. 'That forces school boarda'inte double-di4oet'tai incrousos. They cant wiiWdraw the programs se they have te make it up rm local taies!ý' from .Barbute said, Ontario ha: the lowest. per capita spending rate on education in Canada sud trails 19, Americun states around the Great Laakes. Barbute suid'tho OSSTF ha presentod its case te the premhier. "Hie suid they woro domng their best, that tIer. are othor perori-~ ties au well." Barbute suid the. qovernment's9 «rheterie on education ion; «Iýgh" but ita performance islow.,* "They do ail sorts cf sa<lies but when the reports a for iincreased lfunding levéls taW whon-it falîs short!' Barbute said thé OSSTF net supprting any payin the ept. 6 eection but wil prep4roa report card on each partyfruse by its3 members.

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