Duha Cenre, candiaes pl opnhes By Mike Kowalshi They ail gave it their- bout shots, but whether anyone deli- veteil the knockout bloWwïwll nots be known until neit week. Provincial electio candidates in Durham Centre rid geng- ged ini a lively débate beforel1-5 croplein he owncouncil cham- .A variety of topica were dis cusseil during the two-hour ses sien andail candidates apae te score points with the , adone. However the animiosîtrwbich bas been Aâeveloping duiigthe campaign botwoen LiU r i- cumbent Allan Furlong fd Pro- gresive Conservative candidate "imFlaherty threaten ed te break wido open at the qtng. At one point during die teon the ppoogode ad rvces tai (GST)", faort cb4lon g e d Forlong to put biasseat on the line, if re-4electeil Sept. 6. Furlong bail stated tbat the provincial sales tai wrnuld not be applied to items that -are cur- rently exempt from tbe tai, regardieus if thoso same items are bit by the GST. Flaherty doubted Furlong's words and issued bis challenge, but Furlong offéeoi no reply. Candidatie speeches and tho question periodl toucheil on a niumber of issues including health care, taxes, rent review, p blic referendums, affordable housing and pay equity FuPrlong was the firt candi- date to speak at the Whitby Jayceos sponsored event. liodofended bis record since being elected as the riding's frst MPP in 1987. «During tbe past throe years New se hools to soon open By TrudlieZaadvis lted, and trucks wiil then Two separate elementary brngfriue etescol t scbools wiil open theïr doors te Mattoews fa locateil on Wiilow- students in Seiptembor, wbllo Fr. brook Dr., north of Rosland, Là eo J. Austin Secondary School west of Garden St. shoulil be ready in Octoer. Construction on Fr. lao J. Grant Andrews, superinten- Austin was dolayed by the seven- dent of business for the Durham week plumbers? strike, forcing separate board, teld school board res3choduh*ng of the complotion trustees on Aug. 20 that teachers date to January, 1991. School were alroady moving into St. board staff beliove that the main Bernard's ioë on *htby and sections of the school will open to are busily pro aring classroomns. students Oct. 10, and that the St. Brnard' salocated neit to sbops will bo comploted wsmo- the new Catholic high achool, timo in Novembor. north of Dryden Blvd, between Grade 9 studonts wbo are to Gardon and Andorson attend the now scbool wil ho FInisbing touches on a newly temporarily aoeommodated in St. naved pa1lt for St. mat-, John's 2à hotl,and grade 10 andl 01ol jatbe o. -11 atudète~ll renià lnt thé p restig industrial complex on McEwenRdM i Wbitbhy until the new school in rey. "If it weren't for the plumbors' striko, we would have bai l al the achools mi Whitby ready for Sept. 4," said Andrews. "'Ihe bilding contractors have been very op erativ . eplumbor's strike wau just too much te overcome.ý miy officebas deait with over. 2,&00Oindivdual cases," said Fur- 1&efougbt for GO train ser- vice to Whity and Mlfgt fer it to make its schedulod ar-rivaîl in Oshawa and points est.' During bis term of office, Fur- long said 883 assisted nousin uiswero allocateil to Whtb and Oshawa as'woil a dd- tional funding to hospitaliim both municipa Les. On a broader- scalo, Furlong said the government bas spent more than $350 million on the blue box recycling program and created 700,000 new jobs. Respoding to bis opponents' romairs on the governmont's taxation plicy, long said, «Sure wee raised taxes, but .thoro's a roason for that. "Wo inhoritoil a $2.6-billion deficit i 1985, tbat was a Tory deficit." Furlong said bis gîernment brought iii tougber onvirjonmen- tal laws and again roforred to the former Consorvative regime. "Thoir solution to the environ- mental problem was 'If you dil- lute, go abead and pollute.' Thatsa a fact." Frong added that it is easy fropponents to criticize because their pate are not in tbe posi- tion, of havng to find practical souins toOnta rJio' rlems. NDP candidate Drmond. .White was not buying.ftrlong's message. He said the NDP fa comritted te a "fondamental change"ri Ontario's tai s"stem. "No responsible govornmont would tolerate a system whero 9,000 corporationis with profits in tho bilions of dollars would pay.no tai." SEE PAGE 33 tÂ~s ~ua* aa 'igà s.,<. £ ~ à &% £ à ô4 4 k 4 t&ea "à à 4 & 4 b %*(I4F i54".'.à 4.. à *4* , .f à Âà . »& ILte44 e m lit là , 44& A 4 ~* $ * 44..Â, 4...* 4 % 4.6 .4 fO s OYf4j Two new cMaddaes in Durham Centre See pages 3&4 Eduaion centre upcommng See page 121 1 è i * ! -T-M l ý # v v v m - -