Whitby Free Press, 29 Aug 1990, p. 12

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PAGE 42, WI[TY FM REEPIES, EDEAY, ÀUGUàP 29, 1M Tutes. answ r$5mfllion -questio Sept. 10 ByTa'udeZavadovios' The Durham Board of Educa- tion trustées will soon decide wbether or flot to'spend $25.8 million- on a -new. . éducation centre. Tfrustees have until.Sept. 10 to eaiéa propo sai for. a new adinistration centre that would accmmoate departments now Iocated i Oshawa, Whitby, and Pickering. Thepr~e site is on Taun- tonRd . near Hwy. 12 in Wýhitby, and is adjacent te, the Sinclair office and the new Whitby secondair school schédu- The 'site was purchased i early 1990 and ail zoning changesand officiai plan'amend-» ménts have beén bmae.- -Thé three-story, 150 000 sq. ft. education centre wou1ià be desig- néd so a fourth floor totaing 50,000 could bé added at a later date when necessary. An analysis pf the report says that the board décision must be based on séveral factors, includ- ing the contribution of an educa- tion centre te the éffectiveness of the system; the relationship of education construction te other board construction, and thé financiaifeasibility. The report answers thé issu e of system efféctiveness by saying that the éducation, centre would* reduce. the physicai and psycho- logical barriers te effective com- munication and sound manage- ment, and provide excellent opportunities te enact policies and values on a region-wide basis. On the issue of board construc- tion, thé report points out that the minist yrovides funding only for puplaces, not for se accommo%.dWbation The advantages of -combining the proposed éducation centre with te new tbhgh school (scheduled for Sept. 94 would be shared facilities and cost sav- inL.naniali imp licationso h propose cntr are estimatet a maximum yearly cost> over a 20-year paymient period of lésa than one-third. of the' annual or e of »$6.14 Financial savinga would corne in termis of rent reductions sud'a significant réduction, in terms of time and monéy of business- rélated travel from site te site. Revenues from sélling eisting buiding would also go into piy- mor the faclt3. Proposed financing of thé centre would be a debénture <spread ovér 20 yéars. That way the annua.1 cost would be fixed and predictable. Supérintendent of- business and- treasurer, Brian Cain, told trustées that if they recéived $12 million from the sale of the six sites go intea nstry eqity fund. ~e fund could not be uséd for proposed centre but the realning $7 mil- lion could go teward thé cost. M.jax trustée Darrel Berry askéd' Cain if, the- debénturé méthod- meant the board can't afford the centre. Cai tld him that debentur- igwschosen against other aiternaies bécause it was -thé most cost-éfféctive way of, paying for the centre. Whitby truseePatt Bowman asked how long the proposed area of 150,000 sq. feét m expec- ted te lest. ý She was teld- that it, depénded on the growth of the région,'but that. it .was expectd telep between five and ten years., The. eventuai addition' of a fourth floor woufld méet growth needs. «I havq prblémsapprovinga. 2-erdebenture for a builing that wil only last 10 years,"saMd Bowman. It was pointed out that even if the centre. was approvéd Sept. 10, there is much te do before it, is flnalized and that any mnag in the process.could hait the bulld- inxgofthe centre. '<7hbis déision ins-a veiy diffi- Cuit onNt, said,.chairman Ianù Brown. m 'I i mry importan trustées have a. thorough know-. clearly eléctod e ifmake tou h déiin.baséd on, knowIé<dg& Some of our prédéceusorïopte not te -meke a déisin on ti building.'* hIbqo.up is proepaMe te M=k a décUisinone wiay or another. Truste depts oon ntrverialnt ByTrudie Zavadovios Uxbridgé trustée Heather Beveridge en ded her ll-year terni with the Durham Board. of Education in a bleze of contro- versy by recommending that staff investigate the impl5emen- tation of the werd sse for truste représentation in Dur- hem Région. Trustees- are now élected at large. The ward system would garante équal representation fo pecifc ereas, and each trus- tewould be, résponsible for cer- tain sehools in théeir own wards. Many trustées ,wvere vée- mently opposed te the motion. "I uretrustées, te défeat it,' said Whitby trustée Patty Bow- man. «We have unique represen- tation in Whitbhy, with a great emphasis on téamwork snd camaraderie. It works very well. 'I find this elmost mischiev- oua" said Oshawa-trustée Ruth Le0arpLa "Itfs a controversiai i8ý rOshawa 'te drop on us at this time. It stirs u a lot Of animosity that we don t née at this time. "If's not a décision we néed a staff report on. I perêonally r t absolutély no. consultation. Wedo, in fact, have a tyeOf ward systém (i Oshawa). Cer- tain trustées attend and repre- sent spécifc sehools. I willcer-, tainly b voting against it (Beveridjge motion)." qI don't think itrs appropriaté,» agreed Oshawa trustée Gary Kit- chén. "I don't appréciaté thé way it hes béen brought forward. 1. will bu voting agains it." Some trustées, however, sup- po«téd th e .mo;tion.' "T)rustée Beveridge, in raising this. mattér- shows some of the spirit sé a s rogt te the board,W said Ajaxtrsé Duncan Read. "I wili miss hér présence at'-this table. This issue may feul tenight, but as long as rmn on the boarëd, it will not nîe." « i. suppor thé intent of this motion, te intent te get infor- mation aot thé ward systém,» mmid Oshawa trustée Audrey Macean, Beveridge said she was not suggésting that Whitby or Osh- awa trustees failed tedo a good job. She seid she just wants thé is brought forward for infor- mation. Thé motion was déféatéd by a récordéd vote of 12 te 8. Al threé Whitby trustées voted ageinst thé motion. 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