WEW BFREPRES% ,WEI)NESDAy, AUGUSF 29,199. PAGE il 2Oth cmaniversary of Whitby es. Statit1on .-G cle ry FROMPAGE 10 says Eberle.. "I served on vani- oua conmmittees. On. of the activities in which Eberle. waa involved was tih. developing of a cookbook for fun- draising purposes. It is a collec- tion of *manuy of the volunteers favorite recipes and is still on sale at the gallery today. "It was a group effort that relied heavily on members of tiie gallery. W. generated a bit of money. Eberlee says when e was involved with tii. gallery, «se was a person whojsit-goes down and looks at the pragmatic aide and keeps things afloat. It was a non-creative but very necessary part of the gallery.» Sh. says that today tii. gallery serves as a selling feature -t. those int.rest.d ii a move t. Whitby. nites frpope int.rest.d in a amaller gaeyWhere children can take advantage of the. many functions of the. gallery. It also offsets tii. sports and adds balance t. what Whitby has t. offer. It serves a very useful pur-, jpose. It doesn't att.mpt t. be on a same focus as tii. McLaughlin GalIe.y. It doesn't pretend t. b. aqnything otherM than geared t. .~hnEbél.. was involved witii the.gallery, eh. ýworked with about 40 violunteers."Sh. was aise involved in bringing Lainda Paulocik in as fuil-time -difct.iir of the. gallery in 1974. In 1974, the. gallery wènt from a six-hour-a-week operation t. full.tintie excéept Mondas «We w.nted t. mû..Btii. gal-_ ler moe accessible t. the. pub- lic, says PaulocUlk "It was quit. apparent the comniywau gomng t. expand. «W. continue t. involve a lot of Casting for 'Berayail Dunham Shoestring Perfarmers will hold an open casting on ,Wednesday, Sept. 5 at the arts resource cen tre, Oshawa City Hall complex, starting at 7:30 p.m. Harold Pint.r's ' Betrayal,'a drama best described by Martin Esslin as ... a complex -web of betrayals and: lies in the. relationehip of three people wiio are passionately attached-t. eacii other," has thrermajor noIes - two maies, on. female, ranging in age from 30 t. 50. There is also on.eniinor role fer a maie aduit 0f any age. Director David Millar will also cast several non-sp.aldng noies. for adulte. These mieés will prvde excellent opportunity for bt newcomers ta thei. stage and mare area arùt t which in a sfrong point ofthe galleiy. Pauloclk says there ha been a lot of «quiet support» from cor- porâte and piv-ate members of the community. '"lMh Town i. provinc to have such a good wforkingrelationship." It is funded by the Town of Whithby the Mimistry of Culture and éommunications, the Ontario Arts Council, Employ- ment and Immigration Canada, and a sustaining ,fund campalgn which Rta underay every faiL Pau][oek is h0.onyfùu-time staff membe.She ana- numbeh r of volunteers keep the place hop- pingwith a variety of activities. We change shows every month, publish booklets, have evening studio, programs a the gallery, Sauda& studio pro- eram for children, lectures, hae s'ocial eventa, concerts, and conduet tours. «Over the past 20 years,. 1 think the organizationhaubn quit. blessed with the. type of' peo ie who have been mviolved this institution," says Pau- Iocik. ' They have a genuine interest in the allery andl that it should *b. an'mprtant part of the. community.,Weve tried to keep it a placeB that is comfor- tabe for anybody to came . n, from kids to o)ut-of-town viaitors. And the artists al seem t. feel quit. comfortable."- Marion ODornelI of Whitby is on. porson who feels comfortable tiiere.. 'Tve always been int.rested in the arts although Fin not an artiet,» says ODonnelI. "My fani- ily was instrumental in getting tiie station moved. ive seen every show in the gallery. I think it's a very good opportunity for Peole tostuyart and terrific- thatiesavaiabl totii people."' Pauloclk says that the twen- tieth anniversary show will b. a ice blend of activities. MOVING Wbitby 1inta Statioeî, Feb. 10, 1970 WhUI ArihvS phao .Y. s Sta & Sie S V OPENING DINNER SPECIALS THE GILLER RIB COIBO EVERT 8 oz.NswYoà ktud OR wlthmwdmdR wihJub im ft Bmutnp ês ONLY $12.95 jI;pe Includes -CWIS 09potatoo«rdc & ommei. wings, toppnd it în, fn n great tunesIt' hs Salyurs for 1ht a wing!' IRS SATUTRDAY NIGHT! From 5:O'0 pm wçhile quaLntities'last. Not a'alable on take-out. 1600 cHAMP4LAIN AVE., Wl"IIBY 'i